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Created March 16, 2020 13:09
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Python program to convert number from decimal fraction to binary
def decToBin(number, base, precision):
number = str(number)
integerPart = int( number[ : number.index(".") ] )
fractionalPart = float( number[ number.index(".") : ] )
output = ""
while integerPart != 0:
output = str( integerPart % base ) + output
integerPart //= base
if fractionalPart == 0:
return output
output += "."
while fractionalPart != 0 and precision != 0 :
fractionalPart *= base
fractionalPartString = str(fractionalPart)
output += fractionalPartString[ : fractionalPartString.index(".") ]
fractionalPart = float( fractionalPartString[ fractionalPartString.index(".") : ] )
precision -= 1
return output
number = float( input("Enter the number \n") )
print( decToBin(number, 2, 10) )
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