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Created November 24, 2020 00:56
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#include <Arduino.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266HTTPClient.h>
// Credentials to connect to the wifi network
const char *ssid = "YOUR_SSID";
const char *password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";
The ip or server address. If you are on localhost, put your computer's IP (for example
If the server is online, put the server's domain for example
const String SERVER_ADDRESS = "";
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize serial communications with the PC. Just for debug
while (!Serial)
// Connect to wifi
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
void loop()
if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
Serial.println("Wifi is unavailable");
// Make request each 5 seconds
HTTPClient http;
WiFiClient client;
// This value can come from a sensor
String value = "Hello. This is a post request";
String another_value = "Hello world! :)";
String full_url = SERVER_ADDRESS + "/save_data_post.php";
http.begin(client, full_url);
// Make request
Serial.println("Making request to " + full_url);
// We send the data in JSON format. Something like:
int httpCode = http.POST(
"{\"value\":\"" + value + "\"" +
",\"another_value\":\"" +
another_value + "\"" +
if (httpCode > 0)
if (httpCode == HTTP_CODE_OK)
String payload = http.getString(); //Get the request response payload
Serial.println("Request is OK! The server says: ");
Serial.println("Error: httpCode was " + http.errorToString(httpCode));
Serial.println("Request failed: " + http.errorToString(httpCode));
http.end(); //Close connection
// And wait 5 seconds
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