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Last active December 18, 2015 20:39
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Brainfuck を LLVM にコンパイルするやつ


$ ghc BrainfuckCompiler.hs
$ ./BrainfuckCompiler -e '+++++++++[>++++++++>+++++++++++>+++++<<<-]>.>++.+++++++..+++.>-.------------.<++++++++.--------.+++.------.--------.>+.' > hello.ll
$ llc -filetype=obj -o hello.o hello.ll
$ gcc hello.o


$ opt -S -mem2reg hello.ll -o hello_reg.ll
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Lens
import Data.List
import System.Environment
type Instr = Char
type Code = [Instr]
type LLAsm = String
type Local = Int
type Label = Int
type Var = String
infixr 5 +!+
x +!+ y = x ++ "\n" ++ y
compile :: Code -> LLAsm
compile code = prefix +!+ runState compile' (code, 0, 0, "")^._2._4 +!+ suffix
-- (current-code, local-variable-number, bracket-count, result-assembly)
compile' :: Monad m => StateT (Code, Local, Label, LLAsm) m LLAsm
compile' = do
code <- use _1
forM code $ \instr -> do
r <- compileInstr instr
_4 %= (+!+ r)
use _4
compileInstr :: Monad m => Instr -> StateT (Code, Local, Label, LLAsm) m LLAsm
compileInstr '[' = do
_3 += 1
label <- use _3
ptr <- newLocalVar
val <- newLocalVar
i <- newLocalVar
j <- newLocalVar
return $ getVal ptr val i +!+ isZero i j +!+ jumpIf j label +!+ concat ["while", show label, ".beg:"]
compileInstr ']' = do
label <- use _3
ptr <- newLocalVar
val <- newLocalVar
i <- newLocalVar
j <- newLocalVar
return $ getVal ptr val i +!+ isZero i j +!+ jumpIf j label +!+ concat ["while", show label, ".end:"]
compileInstr '>' = do
ptr <- newLocalVar
x <- newLocalVar
return $ concat
[ ptr, " = load i32* %ptr\n"
, x, " = add i32 ", ptr, ", 1\n", "store i32 ", x, ", i32* ", "%ptr"
compileInstr '<' = do
ptr <- newLocalVar
x <- newLocalVar
return $ concat
[ ptr, " = load i32* %ptr\n"
, x, " = sub i32 ", ptr, ", 1\n", "store i32 ", x, ", i32* ", "%ptr"
compileInstr '+' = do
a <- newLocalVar
b <- newLocalVar
x <- newLocalVar
y <- newLocalVar
c <- newLocalVar
d <- newLocalVar
return $ getVal a b x +!+ concat [y, " = add i8 ", x, ", 1"] +!+ setVal c d y
compileInstr '-' = do
a <- newLocalVar
b <- newLocalVar
x <- newLocalVar
y <- newLocalVar
c <- newLocalVar
d <- newLocalVar
return $ getVal a b x +!+ concat [y, " = sub i8 ", x, ", 1"] +!+ setVal c d y
compileInstr '.' = do
a <- newLocalVar
b <- newLocalVar
x <- newLocalVar
c <- newLocalVar
return $ getVal a b x +!+ concat [c, " = call i32 (i8, ...)* @putchar(i8 ", x , " )"]
compileInstr ',' = do
x <- newLocalVar
a <- newLocalVar
b <- newLocalVar
c <- newLocalVar
return $ concat [x, " = call i32 (...)* @getchar()"] +!+ concat [a, " = trunc i32 ", x, " to i8"] +!+ setVal b c a
compileInstr _ = return ""
newLocalVar :: Monad m => StateT (Code, Local, Label, LLAsm) m Var
newLocalVar = do
_2 += 1
uses _2 (("%" ++) . show)
getVal :: Var -> Var -> Var -> LLAsm
getVal ptr val v = concat
[ ptr, " = load i32* %ptr\n"
, val, " = getelementptr inbounds i8* %memory, i32 ", ptr, "\n"
, v, " = load i8* ", val ]
setVal :: Var -> Var -> Var -> LLAsm
setVal ptr val v = concat
[ ptr, " = load i32* %ptr\n"
, val, " = getelementptr inbounds i8* %memory, i32 ", ptr, "\n"
, "store i8 ", v, ", i8* ", val ]
isZero :: Var -> Var -> LLAsm
isZero ptr v = concat [v, " = icmp eq i8 ", ptr, ", 0"]
jumpIf :: Var -> Label -> LLAsm
jumpIf cond label = concat ["br i1 ", cond, ", label %while", show label, ".end, label %while", show label, ".beg\n"]
main = getArgs >>= \case
("-e" : code : []) -> putStr $ compile code
args -> error ("unrecognised arguments: " ++ joinArgs args) where
joinArgs = concat . intersperse " "
prefix = concat
[ "define i32 @main() {\n"
, "%memory = alloca i8, i8 30000\n"
, "%ptr = alloca i32, align 4\n"
, "store i32 0, i32* %ptr"
suffix = concat
[ "ret i32 0\n"
, "}\n"
, "\n"
, "declare i32 @putchar(i8, ...)\n"
, "declare i32 @getchar(...)\n"
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