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Created July 21, 2009 08:20
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if (!args) {
println "Usage: <path_to_directory>"
println "And: <existance of extensions.txt comma separated values file with file extensions to convert>"
Convert c = new Convert()
class Convert {
Set extensions = new HashSet()
public void convert(String path) {
println "extensions to convert: ${extensions}"
File f = new File(path)
private void convertDir(File f) {
def sum = 0
def filesFound = 0
def filesVisited = 0
f.eachFileRecurse{File file ->
filesVisited = filesVisited + 1
if (shouldConvert(file)) {
filesFound = filesFound + 1
if (filesFound % 100 == 0) {
println "Files checked: ${filesFound}"
if (replaceLines(file)) {
sum = sum + 1
if (sum % 10 == 0)
println "Replaced eol in files: " + sum
println "Files converted: ${sum}"
println "Files checked: ${filesFound}"
println "Files visited: ${filesVisited}"
private boolean shouldConvert(File f) {
return extensions.contains(extension(f))
private String extension(File f) {
int idx = f.getName().lastIndexOf('.')
if (idx != -1) {
String result = f.getName().substring(idx + 1)
return result
} else {
return null
def replaceLines = {File f ->
String text = f.text
if (text.contains('\r\n') || text.contains('\r')) {
text = text.replaceAll('\r\n', '\n')
text = text.replaceAll('\r', '\n')
return true
return false
private void extensions() {
File f = new File("extensions.txt")
String content = f.text
String[] str = content.split(",")
Set extensions = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(str))
it = it.replaceAll('\r\n','')
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