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Last active June 14, 2019 07:14
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Angular v8 // Serve CPU Usage

Angular v8 // High CPU Usage

The v8 update of Angular needs at least Node.js version v12+ but the library fsevents which will be hoisted in version v1.2.4 from the cli isn't compatible with v12+ yet.

$ yarn why fsevents
yarn why v1.16.0
[1/4] 🤔  Why do we have the module "fsevents"...?
[2/4] 🚚  Initialising dependency graph...
[3/4] 🔍  Finding dependency...
[4/4] 🚡  Calculating file sizes...
=> Found "fsevents@1.2.7"
info Has been hoisted to "fsevents"
info Reasons this module exists
   - Hoisted from "@angular#compiler-cli#chokidar#fsevents"
   - Hoisted from "@angular-devkit#build-angular#webpack-dev-server#chokidar#fsevents"
=> Found "chokidar#fsevents@1.2.4"
info This module exists because "chokidar" depends on it.
✨  Done in 0.55s.

The solution to this is to specify a explicit version resolution in your package.json file to v1.2.9 which is compatible with Node.js v12+ and the Angular CLI. Afterwards yarn will now always resolve to fsevents@1.2.9.

  "resolutions": {
    "fsevents": "1.2.9"

Note: npm does not natively support resolutions but this package aims to solve this.

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