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Created December 7, 2015 20:01
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SAP HANA XS Adanced (XS2) CLI Commands
login, l Log user in
logout Log user out
target, t Set or view the targeted org or space
api Set or view target api url
apps, a List all apps in the target space
app Display the status and information about an app
push, p Push a new app or sync changes to an existing app
scale Change or view the instance count, disk space limit, and memory limit for an app
delete, d Delete an app
rename Rename an app
start, st Start an app
stop, sp Stop an app
restart, rs Restart an app
restage, rg Restage an app
events Show recent app events
files, f Print out a list of files in a directory or the contents of a specific file
logs Tail or show recent logs for an app
set-logging-level, sll Set the logging level for an app
unset-logging-level, ull Reset the logging level for the given component to its default
list-logging-levels, lll List the manually configured logging levels for an app
env, e Show all env variables for an app
set-env, se Set an env variable for an app
unset-env Remove a variable from the environment of an app
marketplace, m List available offerings in the marketplace
services, s List all services in the target space
create-service, cs Create a service instance
delete-service, ds Delete a service instance
bind-service, bs Bind a service instance to an app
unbind-service, us Unbind a service instance from an app
service-brokers List service brokers
create-service-broker Create a service broker
update-service-broker Update a service broker
delete-service-broker Delete a service broker
rename-service-broker Rename a service broker
create-user-provided-service, cups Make a user-provided service instance available to apps
update-user-provided-service, uups Update user-provided service instance name value pairs
register-service-url Register a service name with a URL
unregister-service-url Unregister a service URL
orgs, o List all orgs
create-org, co Create an org
delete-org Delete an org
rename-org Rename an org
spaces List all spaces in an org
create-space Create a space
delete-space Delete a space
rename-space Rename a space
update-space Update settings of an existing space
domains List all domains
create-domain Create a domain
delete-domain Delete a domain
set-certificate Sets the SSL certificate used for a domain.
delete-certificate Deletes the SSL certificate used for a domain.
routes, r List all routes in current space
create-route Create a url route in a space for later use
map-route Assign or change the route for an app
unmap-route Remove a url route from an app
delete-route Delete a route
buildpacks List all buildpacks
create-buildpack Create a new buildpack
update-buildpack Update a buildpack
rename-buildpack Rename a buildpack
delete-buildpack Delete a buildpack
runtimes List all runtimes
runtime Display information about a runtime component
create-runtime Create a new runtime component
update-runtime Update properties of a runtime
delete-runtime Delete a runtime component
search-runtime Searches for a runtime which best fits a query
pinned-runtimes List all pinned runtime components for an application
pin-runtime Pin a runtime component to an application
unpin-runtime Unpin a runtime component from an application
users List all users
purge-users Removes all users from Controller which are not known to UAA [-f]
space-users Show space users by role
set-space-role Assign a space role to a user
unset-space-role Revoke a space role from a user
org-users Show org users by role
set-org-role Assign a org role to a user
unset-org-role Revoke a org role from a user
traces List all available tracing components
enable-trace Enable tracing components
disable-trace Disable tracing components
running-environment-variable-group, revg Retrieve the contents of the running environment variable group
set-running-environment-variable-group, srevg Pass parameters as JSON to create a running environment variable group
staging-environment-variable-group, sevg Retrieve the contents of the staging environment variable group
set-staging-environment-variable-group, ssevg Pass parameters as JSON to create a staging environment variable group
blob-store-info Show information about the blob store.
blob-set-list Lists all blob sets in the blob store.
blob-list Lists all blobs in the blob set.
blob-set-download Downloads the content of a blob set as a zip file.
blob-store-gc Triggers a garbage collection of the blob store.
version Show server version information.
help, h Show help
system-info Show information about the system infrastructure.
oauth-token Retrieve and display the OAuth token for the current session
deploy Deploy a new multi-target app or sync changes to an existing one
undeploy Undeploy a multi-target app
mta-ops List all active multi-target app operations
download-mta-op-logs, dmol Download logs of multi-target app operation
mtas List all multi-target apps
mta Display information about a multi-target app
target-platforms, tps List all target platforms for deployment of multi-target apps
target-platform, tp Display information about a target platform for deployment of multi-target apps
create-target-platform, ctp Create a target platform for deployment of multi-target apps
update-target-platform, utp Update a target platform for deployment of multi-target apps
delete-target-platform, dtp Delete a target platform for deployment of multi-target apps
install, ins Install software component version
list-components, lc List all installed software component versions
display-installation-logs, dil Display Product Installer log
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