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Created January 2, 2019 22:53
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Reporting for SSIS Errors
--Note that this uses a DB Mail Profile named "Default".
CREATE PROC dbo.pr_SendSSISErrors
@FolderName sysname = NULL,
@ProjectName sysname = NULL,
@PackageName sysname = NULL,
@ToAddress NVARCHAR(500)
BEGIN --Proc
--Query for SSIS Errors:
Created by Kevin Hill, Dallas DBAs LLC, 12/28/2018
Inspired by work from Jules Behrens
This queries multiple SSISDB tables to return a clear path from Top to bottom
related to errors in an Integration Services Catalog based SSIS package.
It has not yet been tied back to job execution, nor is it set to email info out.
Use this as a backup to your normal job failure checks to tie it all together
instead of spending a full cup of coffee clicking and drilling into the cumbersome
All Executions report.
Free to use and modify, please leave this header as a courtesy.
DECLARE @EmailSubject nvarchar(255)
--Errors by Folder
IF @FolderName IS NOT NULL
SELECT @EmailSubject = 'SSIS Errors for Folder: ' + @FolderName
----Errors by Project
IF @ProjectName IS NOT NULL
SELECT @EmailSubject = 'SSIS Errors for Project: ' + @ProjectName
----Errors by Package
IF @PackageName IS NOT NULL
SELECT @EmailSubject = 'SSIS Errors for Package: ' + @PackageName
SET @tableHTML =
N'<H1>SSIS Error Messages</H1>' +
N'<table border="1">' +
N'<tr><th>Folder Name</th><th>Project Name</th><th>Package Name</th>' +
N'<th>Message Source</th><th>Message</th><th>Message Time</th></tr>' +
CAST ( ( SELECT td = fold.[name], '',
td = proj.[name], '',
td = pack.[name], '',
td = mess.[message_source_name], '',
td = mess.[message], '',
td = mess.[message_time], ''
--,mess.[execution_path] -- this is a pretty long path if you are pasting into an email or Excel
FROM [catalog].[projects] proj
JOIN [catalog].[packages] pack
ON proj.project_id = pack.project_id
JOIN [catalog].[folders] fold
ON fold.folder_id = proj.folder_id
JOIN [catalog].[executions] execs
ON execs.folder_name = fold.[name]
AND execs.project_name = proj.[name]
AND execs.package_name = pack.[name]
JOIN [catalog].[operations] ops
ON execs.execution_id = ops.operation_id
JOIN [catalog].[event_messages] mess
ON ops.[operation_id] = mess.[operation_id]
WHERE mess.message_type IN ( 120 ) -- errors only
--and mess.message_type in (120,130) -- errors and warnings
AND mess.message_time > GETDATE() - 1 -- adjust as necessary
AND ( = @FolderName -- errors by folder
OR = @ProjectName -- errors by project
OR = @PackageName
) -- errors by package
N'</table>' ;
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@profile_name = 'Default' ,
@recipients = @ToAddress,
@subject = @EmailSubject,
@body = @tableHTML,
@body_format = 'HTML' ;
END --Proc
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