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Peter Schott paschott

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jborean93 / Get-SqlServerTlsCertificate.ps1
Last active May 20, 2024 19:27
Gets the certificate used by a MS SQL Server
# Copyright: (c) 2023, Jordan Borean (@jborean93) <>
# MIT License (see LICENSE or
Function Get-SqlServerTlsCertificate {
Gets the MS SQL X509 Certificate.
Gets the X509 Certificate that is being used by a remote MS SQL Server.
chadbaldwin / .gitignore
Last active January 31, 2024 21:09
My personal PowerShell profile file
EitanBlumin / sp_DBPermissions.sql
Last active August 20, 2021 17:51 — forked from sqlstudent144/sp_DBPermissions.sql
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#sp_DBPermissions') IS NOT NULL DROP PROCEDURE #sp_DBPermissions
sp_DBPermissions V6.1
Kenneth Fisher
This stored procedure returns 3 data sets. The first dataset is the list of database
chenbojian / UserRights.psm1
Created September 1, 2020 08:45
<# -- UserRights.psm1 --
The latest version of this script is available at
1.0 2015-03-10 Tony Pombo
- Initial Release
1.1 2015-03-11 Tony Pombo
- Added enum Rights, and configured functions to use it
paschott / InstallApps.ps1
Last active May 6, 2024 18:15
Use Chocolatey to install some common apsp for MS SQL work and related
#Note - will want to install "Chocolatey" first in order to use this file to install software.
# Open a command prompt (cmd) and run the following:
# @"%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -NoProfile -InputFormat None -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))" && SET "PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin"
# ..
# or open a PowerShell Admin prompt and run:
# Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
# After Chocolatey is installed, open a PS prompt in Administrator mode,
jborean93 / Invoke-WithImpersonation.ps1
Last active October 3, 2024 14:21
Invoke a scriptblock in powershell with impersonation
# Copyright: (c) 2020, Jordan Borean (@jborean93) <>
# MIT License (see LICENSE or
Function Invoke-WithImpersonation {
Invoke a scriptblock as another user.
Invoke a scriptblock and run it in the context of another user as supplied by -Credential.
paschott / ChangeSSISProtectionLevel.ps1
Created March 9, 2020 19:17
Changes SSIS Protection Level for all packages and project
#PowerShell script
########## PARAMETERS ##########
$projectFolder = "C:\SSIS\myProject\myProject"
$dtutilPath = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\130\DTS\Binn\dtutil.exe"
# The number changes per SQL Server version
# 130=2016, 120=2014, 110=2012
# Also check the drive where SQL Server is
# installed
scheffler /
Last active September 11, 2024 13:17
How to backup a SQL database to an Azure URL using Ola Hallengren's stored procedures


How to backup a SQL database to an AZURE storage account using the Ola Hallengren scripts.

Requires the stored procedures from:

Create an azure storage account

First, create an azure storage account with block blob support (v2 will suffice) and then create a blob container within that. For this example we'll call it sqlbackup.

bertwagner / RSSFeeds.opml
Created July 15, 2019 19:33
The OPML file of all of the SQL Server (and some other) RSS feeds I subscribe to as of 2019-07-01.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<opml version="1.0">
<title>Bert's mostly SQL subscriptions in feedly Cloud</title>
<outline text="Marketing" title="Marketing">
<outline type="rss" text="Signal v. Noise" title="Signal v. Noise" xmlUrl="" htmlUrl=""/>
<outline type="rss" text="Austin Kleon" title="Austin Kleon" xmlUrl="" htmlUrl=""/>
SQLvariant / Mmmm_Chocolatey.ps1
Last active September 9, 2023 12:15
Install SQL / Data Developer Desktop Tools from Chocolatey
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
choco install chocolatey -y
choco install sql-server-management-studio -y
choco install azure-data-studio -y
choco install azuredatastudio-powershell -y
choco install git.install -y
choco install vscode -y
choco install vscode-powershell -y
choco install powerbi -y