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Last active August 9, 2022 15:58
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Validate GSA unique entity identifier (UEI)
from functools import reduce
from itertools import starmap
import re
from typing import Iterable
def checksum(uei: str) -> bool:
"""Gets a checksum of a UEI"""
def reducer(chars: Iterable[int]) -> int:
return reduce(
lambda x, y: x+y,
lambda index, char: (char * index) % 10,
enumerate(chars, 1),
assert len(uei) == 12
chars = map(ord, uei[:-1])
sum_ = reducer(chars)
while sum_ > 9:
sum_ = reducer(tuple(int(d) for d in str(sum_)))
return sum_ == int(uei[-1])
def uei_is_plausible(uei: str) -> bool:
"""Returns `True` if a UEI is a plausible UEI, else `False`.
After running this method, an API should be called
to check whether the UEI actually exists.
A GSA unique entity identifier (UEI) has the following characteristics:
- The Unique Entity ID is a 12-character, alphanumeric value.
- The letters “O” and “I” are not used to avoid confusion with zero and one.
- The first character is not zero to avoid cutting off digits that can occur
during data imports, for example, when importing data into spreadsheet
- Nine-digit sequences are not used in the identifier to avoid collision
with the nine-digit DUNS Number or Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).
- The first five characters are structured to avoid collision with the
Commercial and Government Entity code formatting or CAGE code.
- The Unique Entity ID is not case sensitive.
- The final character is a checksum of the first 11 characters.
Checksums are used to detect errors within data.
uei_is_plausible('VN1AJFAD19J9') # Valid
uei_is_plausible('99999999f995') # Valid
uei_is_plausible('ABCDEF12345') # Invalid: too few characters
uei_is_plausible('io10io10io19') # Invalid: contains 'I' and/or 'O'
uei_is_plausible('123456789FF4') # Invalid: too many consecutive digits
uei_is_plausible('1A2B3C4D5F6G') # Invalid: incorrect checksum
See also: GSA implementation at
# The Unique Entity ID is not case sensitive
uei = str(uei).upper()
valid = True
# The Unique Entity ID is a 12-character, alphanumeric value
if len(uei) != 12 or not (uei.isalnum() and uei.isascii()):
valid = False
# The letters “O” and “I” are not included
elif ('O' in uei) or ('I' in uei):
valid = False
# The first character is not zero
elif uei[0] == '0':
valid = False
# Nine-digit sequences are not used
elif re.match(r'\d{9}', uei):
valid = False
# The final character is a checksum of the first 11 characters
elif not uei[-1].isdigit() or not checksum(uei):
valid = False
return valid
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