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Last active February 15, 2024 16:27
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Save paslandau/37bf787eab1b84fc7ae679d1823cf401 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Helper command to export data for an arbitrary mysql query into a CSV file.
#!/usr/bin/env php
$intro = <<<TEXT
Helper command to export data for an arbitrary mysql query into a CSV file.
Especially helpful if the use of "SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE" is not an option, e.g.
because the mysql server is running on a remote host.
Usage example:
./mysql2csv --file="/tmp/result.csv" --query='SELECT 1 as foo, 2 as bar;' --user="username" --password="password"
cat /tmp/result.csv
$opts = [
"query" => ["q", "query", ":", null, "The query string to extract data from mysql.", true],
"host" => ["h", "host", ":", "", "The hostname of the mysql server.", false],
"database" => ["D", "database", ":", null, "The default database.", false],
"port" => ["P", "port", ":", "3306", "The port of the mysql server.", false],
"user" => ["u", "user", ":", null, "The username to connect to the mysql server.", false],
"password" => ["p", "password", ":", null, "The password to connect to the mysql server.", false],
"file" => ["F", "file", ":", "php://stdout", "The filename to export the query result to ('php://stdout' prints to console).", false],
"delimiter" => ["L", "delimiter", ":", ",", "The CSV delimiter.", false],
"enclosure" => ["C", "enclosure", ":", "\"", "The CSV enclosure (that is used to enclose values that contain special characters).", false],
"escape" => ["E", "escape", ":", "\\", "The CSV escape character.", false],
"null" => ["N", "null", ":", "\\N", "The value that is used to replace NULL values in the CSV file.", false],
"header" => ["H", "header", ":", 1, "If '0', the resulting CSV file does not contain headers.", false],
"help" => ["", "help", "", null, "Prints the help for this command.", false],
$options = "";
$longopts = [];
foreach ($opts as list($option, $longopt, $modifier)) {
$options .= $option . $modifier;
$longopts[] = $longopt . $modifier;
// resolve command line options
$actualOptions = getopt($options, $longopts);
$printHelp = function($intro, $opts){
$str = [];
foreach ($opts as list($option, $longopt, $modifier, $default, $description,$required)){
$requiredStr = "";
$requiredStr = "[required] ";
$s = [];
if(trim($option) !== ""){
$s[] = "-$option";
if(trim($longopt) !== ""){
$longoptStr = "--{$longopt}";
if($modifier == ":"){
$longoptStr .= "=name";
elseif($modifier == "::"){
$longoptStr .= "[=name]";
$s[] = $longoptStr;
$s = implode(",",$s);
$defaultStr = "";
if(trim($default) !== ""){
$defaultStr = "(Default: $default) ";
$str[] = "\t$s\t{$requiredStr}\n\t\t{$defaultStr}{$description}";
$helpString = $intro."\n\nOptions:\n".implode("\n",$str);
return $helpString;
* Get the actual value of the given $optionKey based on the defined
* short option / long option. Short is preferred over long.
* @param $optionKey
* @return string|null
$resolveOption = function ($optionKey) use ($actualOptions, $opts) {
list($option, $longopt, $_, $default) = $opts[$optionKey];
$actualOption = $actualOptions[$option] ?? $actualOptions[$longopt] ?? $default;
return $actualOption;
* Resolve the DSN string for the mysql PDO connection
* @see
* @return string
$resolveDsn = function () use ($resolveOption) {
$availableDsnArgs = [
"host" => "host",
"port" => "port",
"dbname" => "database",
$actualArgs = [];
foreach ($availableDsnArgs as $arg => $optionKey) {
$actualOption = $resolveOption($optionKey);
if ($actualOption !== null) {
$actualArgs[] = $arg . "=" . $actualOption;
$dsn = "mysql:" . implode(";", $actualArgs);
return $dsn;
// resolve the given arguments / options
$help = $resolveOption("help") !== null;
die($printHelp($intro, $opts)."\n");
$dsn = $resolveDsn();
$user = $resolveOption("user");
$passwd = $resolveOption("password");
$query = $resolveOption("query");
$file = $resolveOption("file");
$delimiter = $resolveOption("delimiter");
$enclosure = $resolveOption("enclosure");
$escape_char = $resolveOption("escape");
$null = $resolveOption("null");
$hasHeader = $resolveOption("header") == 1;
// validate input
if (trim($query) === "") {
list($option, $longopt) = $opts["query"];
die("Query (-$option, --$longopt) must not be empty!\n");
if (trim($file) === "") {
list($option, $longopt) = $opts["file"];
die("File (-$option, --$longopt) must not be empty!\n");
// get data from mysql
$db = new PDO ($dsn, $user, $passwd,[
$stmt = $db->prepare($query);
}catch(\Exception $e){
die("Error: ".$e->getMessage()."\n");
// write to CSV file
// @see
$headers = null;
$file = new SplFileObject($file, 'w');
* @var array|bool $row
while (($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) !== false) {
if ($hasHeader && $headers === null) {
$headers = array_keys($row);
$file->fputcsv($headers, $delimiter, $enclosure, $escape_char);
if ($null !== null) {
// replace NULL values
foreach ($row as $k => $v) {
if ($v === null) {
$v = $null;
$row[$k] = $v;
$file->fputcsv($row, $delimiter, $enclosure, $escape_char);
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honir commented Oct 8, 2021

PHP 7 is required because of line 81:

    $actualOption = $actualOptions[$option] ?? $actualOptions[$longopt] ?? $default;

You can recode this statement old-school for PHP <7

$actualOption = ( isset($actualOptions[$option]) ? $actualOptions[$option] : ( isset($actualOptions[$longopt]) ? $actualOptions[$longopt] : $default ) );

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In the case of an exception, returning a non-zero error code would be very helpful. For example, using echo() with exit(1) instead of die() when catching PDO exceptions, like

echo("Error: ".$e->getMessage()."\n");

would allow error checking in a script context like,

if [[ $(mysql2csv ...) ]]
    <ring the bell>

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Iv4nS commented Feb 15, 2024

Thanks @paslandau for sharing.
Watch out when pulling large datasets. If the script is running out of memory, set the following flag in the PDO constructor, after line 140:


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