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Created January 24, 2018 19:42
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port module Main exposing (..)
import Html exposing (program, div, button, text, Html, Attribute)
import Html.Events as Events
import Html.Attributes as Attributes
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Json.Decode as Json
baseUrl =
type alias Model =
Dict Int AudioClip
type Status
= Loading
| Ready
| Playing
type alias AudioClip =
{ label : String
, filename : String
, status : Status
initialModel =
[ ( "audio1", AudioClip "A cazzo di cane" "01.mp3" Loading )
, ( "audio2", AudioClip "Cagna maledetta" "02.mp3" Loading )
, ( "audio3", AudioClip "Genio" "03.mp3" Loading )
, ( "audio4", AudioClip "Non me frega..." "04.mp3" Loading )
, ( "audio5", AudioClip "Qua-li-tà" "05.mp3" Loading )
, ( "audio6", AudioClip "Graaande" "06.mp3" Loading )
type Msg
= Play String AudioClip
| Loaded String AudioClip
| Ended String AudioClip
Event sent when media's metadata has finished loading; all attributes
now contain as much useful information as they're going to.
This is good tradeoff to make it work o desktop browser and mobile ones,
since the latter do not even try to preload media.
onLoaded : Msg -> Attribute Msg
onLoaded message =
Events.on "loadedmetadata" (Json.succeed message)
Sent when playback completes.
onEnded : Msg -> Attribute Msg
onEnded message =
Events.on "ended" (Json.succeed message)
view model =
viewEntry id ({ label, filename, status } as audioClip) =
className =
case status of
Ready ->
Loading ->
Playing ->
[ button
[ Attributes.class className
, Events.onClick (Play id audioClip)
[ text label ]
, audioNode id audioClip
in viewEntry model
|> Dict.values
|> List.concat
|> div [ Attributes.class "container" ]
audioNode : String -> AudioClip -> Html Msg
audioNode id ({ filename } as audioClip) =
[ id
, Attributes.src (baseUrl ++ filename)
, Attributes.preload "metadata"
--, Attributes.controls True
, onLoaded (Loaded id audioClip)
, onEnded (Ended id audioClip)
update msg model =
case msg of
Loaded id audioClip ->
( Dict.insert id { audioClip | status = Ready } model, Cmd.none )
Play id audioClip ->
if audioClip.status == Playing then
( model, Cmd.none )
( Dict.insert id { audioClip | status = Playing } model, playAudio id )
Ended id audioClip ->
( Dict.insert id { audioClip | status = Ready } model, Cmd.none )
port playAudio : String -> Cmd msg
main =
{ init = ( initialModel, Cmd.none )
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
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