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Created October 28, 2014 10:17
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DBUtils for Perl
package DBUtils;
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
use strict;
use lib "..", "../..";
use Defs;
use DBI;
use Devel::StackTrace;
use Singleton;
use Data::Dumper;
use Log;
use Log::Log4perl;
sub clean_sql {
my ( $sql ) = @_;
(WARN "empty SQL: $sql" and return '') if (not $sql or $sql =~ /^\s*$/ );
$sql =~ s/^\s+//;
$sql =~ s/\s+$//;
$sql =~ s/\t/ /g;
return "\n\n$sql\n";
sub prepare_stat {
shift if (@_ > 0 and ref($_[0]));
my ( $sql ) = @_;
DEBUG '[', caller, "] prepare SQL: $sql";
return get_dbh()->prepare($sql);
# sample: exec_sql(qq[INSERT/UPDATE...], 1, 2, 3)
# return: dbi statement
sub exec_sql {
shift if (@_ > 0 and ref($_[0]));
my ( $sql, @data ) = @_;
my @sql_list = split(';', $sql);
my $sth;
for my $sql (@sql_list) {
$sql ||= '';
$sql = clean_sql($sql);
next if $sql eq '';
DEBUG '[', caller, "] SQL $sql \nwith data: ", list_to_str(\@data);
$sth = get_dbh()->prepare($sql);
my $result = $sth->execute(@data);
if ($result) {
DEBUG "last inserted id: ", $sth->{mysql_insertid} if $sql =~ /insert /i;
DEBUG "-"x60;
return $sth;
# sample: $sth=prepare_stat(SQL); exec_stat($sth, 1, 2, 3)
# return: dbi statement
sub exec_stat {
my ( $sth, @data ) = @_;
DEBUG '[', caller, "] SQL with data: ", list_to_str(\@data);
my $result = $sth->execute(@data);
if ($result) {
DEBUG "last inserted id: ", $sth->{mysql_insertid};
else {
ERROR "execute statement error: ", $sth->errstr;
DEBUG "-"x60;
return $sth;
# sample: $sth=prepare_stat(SQL); $rows=$query_stat($sth, 1, 2, 3);
# return: multiple rows of query result, list reference of hashrefs
sub query_stat {
shift if (@_ > 0 and ref($_[0]));
my ( $sql, @data ) = @_;
$sql = clean_sql($sql);
return undef if $sql eq '';
DEBUG '[', caller, "] SQL $sql \nwith data: ", list_to_str(\@data);
my $sth = get_dbh()->prepare($sql);
$sth->execute(@data) or ERROR "execute SQL: $sql, error: ", $sth->errstr;
DEBUG "last inserted id: ", $sth->{mysql_insertid} if ( $sql =~ /INSERT/i );
DEBUG "result count: ", $sth->rows;
DEBUG "-"x60;
return $sth;
# sample: $rows = query_data(SQL, 1, 2, 3);
# return: multiple rows of query result, list reference of hashrefs
sub query_data {
shift if (@_ > 0 and ref($_[0]));
my ( $sql, @data ) = @_;
$sql = clean_sql($sql);
return [] if $sql eq '';
DEBUG '[', caller, "] SQL $sql \nwith data: ", list_to_str(\@data);
my $sth = get_dbh()->prepare($sql);
$sth->execute(@data) or ERROR "execute SQL: $sql, error: ", $sth->errstr;
my @result = ();
while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
push @result, $row;
DEBUG "result count: ", scalar @result;
DEBUG "-"x60;
return \@result;
# sample: $row = query_one(SQL, 1, 2, 3);
# return: first row of query result, a hashref
sub query_one {
shift if (@_ > 0 and ref($_[0]));
my ( $sql, @data ) = @_;
$sql = clean_sql($sql);
return {} if $sql eq '';
DEBUG '[', caller, "] SQL $sql \nwith data: ", list_to_str(\@data);
my $sth = get_dbh()->prepare($sql);
$sth->execute(@data) or ERROR "execute SQL: $sql, error: ", $sth->errstr;
my $result = $sth->fetchrow_hashref();
#DEBUG "result: ", Dumper($result);
DEBUG "-"x60;
return $result;
# sample: $row = query_value(SQL, 1, 2, 3);
# return: first field of first row of query result, a scalar value
sub query_value {
shift if (@_ > 0 and ref($_[0]));
my ( $sql, @data ) = @_;
$sql = clean_sql($sql);
return undef if $sql eq '';
DEBUG '[', caller, "] SQL $sql \nwith data: ", list_to_str(\@data);
my $sth = get_dbh()->prepare($sql);
$sth->execute(@data) or ERROR "execute SQL: $sql, error: ", $sth->errstr;
my @ary = $sth->fetchrow_array;
my $result = (scalar @ary > 0) ? $ary[0] : undef;
DEBUG "Result: $result "."-"x40;
return $result;
# sample: $json = query_json_data(SQL, 1, 2, 3)
# return: json format of query_data result
sub query_json_data {
shift if (@_ > 0 and ref($_[0]));
my ( $sql, @data ) = @_;
my $result = query_data( $sql, @data );
return JSON::to_json( $result );
sub print_stack_trace {
my $trace = Devel::StackTrace->new;
return $trace->as_string; # like carp
# a generic method to save a hashref record to database
# and return key field
# input: a data row in hashref, save it to db
# if key_field has value, then use update, otherwise use insert
# options: the key_field must be an auto-increasement field
# sample;
# # insert a new data
# my $row = {};
# $row->{'strName'} = 'abc';
# $row->{'strValue'} = 123;
# my $id = db_save_data('a_table', $row, id=>{'intID'});
# $row = query_one(SQL, $id);
# # clone this row
# $row->{"intID"} = undef;
# db_save_data("a_table", $row, {id=>"intID"});
# # update this row
# $row->{"some_field"} = 123;
# db_save_data("a_table", $row, {id=>"intID"});
sub db_save_data {
my ($tablename, $data, $extra) = @_;
my $key_field = $extra->{'key'} || '';
my @fields = keys %$data;
# filter out the key field from field list
if ($key_field) {
@fields = grep { $_ ne $key_field } @fields;
# bind params for SQL
my @values = @$data{@fields};
if ($key_field and $data->{$key_field}) {
# update data
my $field_placeholders = join(', ', map {"$_ = ?"} @fields);
my $SQL = qq[
UPDATE $tablename
SET $field_placeholders
WHERE $key_field = ?
push @values, $data->{$key_field};
DEBUG '[', caller, "] saving data", Dumper($data), "\nby $SQL \nwith data: ", list_to_str(\@values);
if ($extra->{'sql_only'}) {
return get_plain_sql($SQL, @values) . ";\n";
else {
my $sth = get_dbh()->prepare($SQL);
$sth->execute(@values) or ERROR $sth->errstr;
return $key_field ? $data->{$key_field} : 0;
else {
# insert data
my $field_list = join(', ', @fields);
my $value_placeholders = '?,'x@values;
my $SQL = qq[
INSERT INTO $tablename ( $field_list )
VALUES ( $value_placeholders )
DEBUG '[', caller, "] saving data", Dumper($data), "\nby $SQL \nwith data: ", list_to_str(\@values);
if ($extra->{'sql_only'}) {
return get_plain_sql($SQL, @values) . ";\n";
else {
my $sth = get_dbh()->prepare($SQL);
$sth->execute(@values) or ERROR $sth->errstr;
my $new_id = $sth->{mysql_insertid};
return $new_id;
sub get_plain_sql {
my ($sql, @params) = @_;
my @qmarks = $sql =~ /(\?)/g;
if (scalar @qmarks != scalar @params) {
ERROR "numbers of question marks and params are inconsequent";
return undef;
else {
for my $p (@params) {
$p =~ s/'/\\'/g;
$p =~ s/\?/ /g;
$sql =~ s/\?/'$p'/;
return $sql;
sub list_to_str {
my ($data) = @_;
no warnings 'uninitialized';
my $result = join(', ', map { qq['$_'] } @$data);
return "($result)";
# vim: set et sw=4 ts=4:
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