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Created May 3, 2021 08:29
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A version of the REVISE algorithm (Joshi et al., 2019). Published as Gist to embed in Medium article.
#' REVISE algoritm - a simplified version
#' @param classifier The fitted classifier.
#' @param x_star Attributes of individual seeking individual recourse.
#' @param eta Learning rate.
#' @param lambda Regularization parameter.
#' @param n_iter Maximum number of operations.
#' @param save_steps Boolean indicating if intermediate steps should be saved.
#' @return
#' @export
#' @author Patrick Altmeyer
revise.classifier <- function(classifier,x_star,eta=1,lambda=0.01,n_iter=1000,save_steps=FALSE) {
# Initialization: ----
d <- length(x_star) # number of dimensions
if (!is.null(names(x_star))) {
d_names <- names(x_star) # names of attributes, if provided
} else {
d_names <- sprintf("X%i", 1:d)
w <- classifier$coefficients # coefficient vector
x <- x_star # initialization of revised attributes
distance <- 0 # initial distance from starting point
converged <- predict(classifier, newdata = x)[1,1]==1 # positive outcome?
iter <- 1 # counter
if (save_steps) {
steps <- data.table(iter=1, x=x, d=d_names) # save intermediate steps, if desired
} else {
steps <- NA
# Gradients:
grad <- function(x,y,w) {
w %*% ifelse(crossprod(x,w) * y<=1,-y,0) # gradient of Hinge loss with respect to X
grad_dist <- function(x,x_star) {
d <- length(x_star)
distance <- dist(matrix(cbind(x_star,x),nrow=d,byrow = T))
matrix((x-x_star) / distance) # gradient of Euclidean distance with respect to X
# Gradient descent: ----
while(!converged & iter<n_iter) {
if (distance!=0) {
x <- c(x - eta * (grad(x=matrix(x),y=1,w) + lambda * grad_dist(x,x_star))) # gradient descent step
} else {
x <- c(x - eta * grad(x=matrix(x),y=1,w)) # gradient with respect to distance not defined at zero
converged <- predict(classifier, newdata = x)[1,1]==1 # positive outcome?
iter <- iter + 1 # update counter
if (save_steps) {
steps <- rbind(steps, data.table(iter=iter, x=x, d=d_names))
distance <- dist(matrix(cbind(x_star,x),nrow=d,byrow = T)) # update distance
# Output: ----
if (converged) {
revise <- x - x_star
} else {
revise <- NA
output <- list(
x_star = x_star,
revise = revise,
classifier = classifier,
steps = steps,
lambda = lambda,
distance = distance,
mean_distance = mean(abs(revise))
revise <- function(classifier,x_star,eta=1,lambda=0.01,n_iter=1000,save_steps=FALSE) {
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