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Last active June 22, 2021 16:06
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A simple implementation of logistic regression using iterative re-weighted least-squares. Not performance optimized, solely meant for demonstration. Largely based on
logit <- function(X, y, beta_0=NULL, tau=1e-9, max_iter=10000) {
if(!all(X[,1]==1)) {
X <- cbind(1,X)
p <- ncol(X)
n <- nrow(X)
# Initialization: ----
if (is.null(beta_0)) {
beta_latest <- matrix(rep(0, p)) # naive first guess
W <- diag(n)
can_still_improve <- T
iter <- 1
# Iterative reweighted least-squares (IRLS):
while(can_still_improve & iter < max_iter) {
y_hat <- X %*% beta_latest
p_y <- exp(y_hat)/(1+exp(y_hat))
df_latest <- crossprod(X,y-p_y) # gradient
diag(W) <- p_y*(1-p_y)
Z <- X %*% beta_latest + qr.solve(W) %*% (y-p_y)
beta_latest <- qr.solve(crossprod(X,W%*%X),crossprod(X,W%*%Z))
can_still_improve <- mean(abs(df_latest))>tau # convergence reached?
iter <- iter + 1
fitted = p_y,
coeff = beta_latest
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