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Last active May 3, 2021 08:28
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Linear classification using stochastic gradient descent. Sharing as Gist to embed in Medium article.
#' Stochastic gradient descent
#' @param X Feature matrix.
#' @param y Vector containing training labels.
#' @param eta Learning rate.
#' @param n_iter Maximum number of iterations.
#' @param w_init Initial parameter values.
#' @param save_steps Boolean checking if coefficients should be saved at each step.
#' @return
#' @export
#' @author Patrick Altmeyer
linear_classifier <- function(X,y,eta=0.001,n_iter=1000,w_init=NULL,save_steps=FALSE) {
# Initialization: ----
n <- nrow(X) # number of observations
d <- ncol(X) # number of dimensions
if (is.null(w_init)) {
w <- matrix(rep(0,d)) # initialize coefficients as zero...
} else {
w <- matrix(w_init) # ...unless initial values have been provided.
w_avg <- 1/n_iter * w # initialize average coefficients
iter <- 1 # iteration count
if (save_steps) {
steps <- data.table(iter=0, w=c(w), d=1:d) # if desired, save coefficient at each step
} else {
steps <- NA
feasible_w <- TRUE # to check if coefficients are finite, non-nan, ...
# Surrogate loss:
l <- function(X,y,w) {
x <- (-1) * crossprod(X,w) * y
pmax(0,1 + x) # Hinge loss
grad <- function(X,y,w) {
X %*% ifelse(crossprod(X,w) * y<=1,-y,0) # Gradient of Hinge loss
# Stochastic gradient descent: ----
while (feasible_w & iter<n_iter) {
t <- sample(1:n,1) # random draw
X_t <- matrix(X[t,])
y_t <- matrix(y[t])
v_t <- grad(X_t,y_t,w) # compute estimate of gradient
# Update:
w <- w - eta * v_t # update coefficient vector
feasible_w <- all(sapply(w, function(i) ! & is.finite(i))) # check if feasible
if (feasible_w) {
w_avg <- w_avg + 1/n_iter * w # update average
if (save_steps) {
steps <- rbind(steps, data.table(iter=iter, w=c(w), d=1:d))
iter <- iter + 1 # increase counter
# Output: ----
output <- list(
X = X,
y = matrix(y),
coefficients = w_avg,
eta = eta,
n_iter = n_iter,
steps = steps
class(output) <- "classifier" # assign S3 class
# Methods: ----
print.classifier <- function(classifier) {
print <- function(classifier) {
predict.classifier <- function(classifier, newdata=NULL, discrete=TRUE) {
if (!is.null(newdata)) {
fitted <- newdata %*% classifier$coefficients # out-of-sampple prediction
} else {
fitted <- classifier$X %*% classifier$coefficients # in-sample fit
if (discrete) {
fitted <- sign(fitted) # map to {-1,1}
predict <- function(classifier, newdata=NULL, discrete=TRUE) {
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