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Last active February 6, 2024 14:30
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Extract Gyro / Accelerometer Data from Samsung Gear 360 2017 (SM-R210) MP4 files
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import io
import logging
import os
import struct
import sys
import csv
from typing import BinaryIO
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def main():
action = sys.argv[1]
file = sys.argv[2]
(acgy, vrot, framerate) = parseFile(file)
acgyData = parseAcgy(acgy)
vrotData = parseVrot(vrot, framerate)
if action == "plot":
plot(acgyData, vrotData)
elif action == "csv":
toCSV(acgyData, vrotData, file)
def parseFile(name: str):
acgy = None
vrot = None
mvhd = None
stts = None
with open(name, "rb") as f:
root = getBoxes(f, 0, None)
if not root or root[0].type != b"ftyp":
logging.error("invalid file")
return (None, None, None)
for rootChild in root:
if rootChild.type == b"moov":
for moovChild in rootChild.children:
if moovChild.type == b"udta":
for udtaBox in moovChild.children:
if udtaBox.type == b"acgy":
acgy = getBoxData(f, udtaBox)
if udtaBox.type == b"vrot":
vrot = getBoxData(f, udtaBox)
if moovChild.type == b"mvhd":
mvhd = getBoxData(f, moovChild)
if moovChild.type == b"trak" and trakIsVideo(f, moovChild):
for trakChild in moovChild.children:
if trakChild.type == b"mdia":
for mdiaChild in trakChild.children:
if mdiaChild.type == b"minf":
for minfChild in mdiaChild.children:
if minfChild.type == b"stbl":
for stblChild in minfChild.children:
if stblChild.type == b"stts":
stts = getBoxData(f, stblChild)
frameRate = None
if mvhd and stts:
frameRate = getMvhdTimeScale(mvhd) / getSttsSampleDuration(stts)
return (acgy, vrot, frameRate)
class Box:
def __init__(self, offset: int, length: int, type: bytes):
self.offset = offset
self.length = length
self.type = type
self.children: list[Box] = []
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"\n{self.offset}, {self.length}, {self.type}, {self.children}\n"
def trakIsVideo(data: BinaryIO, trak: Box):
for trakChild in trak.children:
if trakChild.type == b"mdia":
for mdiaChild in trakChild.children:
if mdiaChild.type == b"hdlr":
boxData = getBoxData(data, mdiaChild)
(compType, compSubType) = struct.unpack("> x 3x 4s 4s", boxData[0:12])
if compSubType == b"vide":
return True
return False
def getMvhdTimeScale(boxData: bytes) -> int:
(version, timeScale, timeDuration) = struct.unpack("> c 3x 4x 4x I I", boxData[0:20])
if version != b"\0":
raise Exception("unhandled mvhd version")
return timeScale
def getSttsSampleDuration(boxData: bytes) -> int:
(version, numEntries, sampleCount, sampleDuration) = struct.unpack("> c 3x I I I", boxData[0:16])
if version != b"\0":
raise Exception("unhandled stts version")
if numEntries != 1:
raise Exception("stts table should only have one entry")
return sampleDuration
def getBoxes(data: BinaryIO, offset: int, length: int|None) -> list[Box]:
boxes = []
end = offset + length if length is not None else None, os.SEEK_SET)
while end is None or offset < end:
header =
if not header:
(boxLength, boxType) = struct.unpack("> I 4s", header)
box = Box(offset, boxLength, boxType)
if box.type in [b"moov", b"udta", b"trak", b"mdia", b"minf", b"stbl"]:
box.children = getBoxes(data, offset + 8, boxLength - 8)
offset += boxLength, os.SEEK_SET)
return boxes
def getBoxData(data: BinaryIO, box: Box) -> bytes: + 8, os.SEEK_SET)
return - 8)
def parseAcgy(acgy: bytes) -> list[tuple]:
acgyData = []
with io.BytesIO(acgy) as file:
while msg :=
if len(msg) < 20:
[ts, x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw] = struct.unpack(">qhhhhhh", msg)
# from LSM6DS3 datasheet
accelFactor = 0.122 / 1000
gyroFactor = 70 / 1000
scaledX = x * accelFactor
scaledY = y * accelFactor
scaledZ = z * accelFactor
scaledRoll = roll * gyroFactor
scaledPitch = pitch * gyroFactor
scaledYaw = yaw * gyroFactor
acgyData.append((ts / 1e6, scaledX, scaledY, scaledZ, scaledRoll, scaledPitch, scaledYaw))
return acgyData
def parseVrot(vrot: bytes, framerate: float) -> list[tuple]:
rotData = []
with io.BytesIO(vrot) as f:
i = 0
while msg :=
if len(msg) < 24:
[a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2] = struct.unpack(">iiiiii", msg)
r = (a1 / a2) - 360 if (a1 / a2) > 180 else (a1 / a2)
p = c1 / c2
y = b1 / b2
rotData.append((i / framerate, r, p, y))
return rotData
def plot(acgyData: list[tuple], rotData: list[tuple]):
(figure, (accelPlot, gyroPlot, rotdataPlot)) = plt.subplots(3, sharex=True)
accelPlot.plot([x[0] for x in acgyData], [x[1] for x in acgyData], label="acgydata_x")
accelPlot.plot([x[0] for x in acgyData], [x[2] for x in acgyData], label="acgydata_y")
accelPlot.plot([x[0] for x in acgyData], [x[3] for x in acgyData], label="acgydata_z")
gyroPlot.plot([x[0] for x in acgyData], [x[4] for x in acgyData], label="acgydata_roll")
gyroPlot.plot([x[0] for x in acgyData], [x[5] for x in acgyData], label="acgydata_pitch")
gyroPlot.plot([x[0] for x in acgyData], [x[6] for x in acgyData], label="acgydata_yaw")
rotdataPlot.plot([x[0] for x in rotData], [x[1] for x in rotData], label="rotdata_roll")
rotdataPlot.plot([x[0] for x in rotData], [x[2] for x in rotData], label="rotdata_pitch")
rotdataPlot.plot([x[0] for x in rotData], [x[3] for x in rotData], label="rotdata_yaw")
def toCSV(acgyData: list[tuple]|None, rotData: list[tuple]|None, inputFile: str):
if acgyData:
with open(inputFile+".acgydata.csv", "w", newline="") as f:
writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=";")
writer.writerow(["timestamp", "x", "y", "z", "roll", "pitch", "yaw"])
if rotData:
with open(inputFile+".rotdata.csv", "w", newline="") as f:
writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=";")
writer.writerow(["timestamp", "roll", "pitch", "yaw"])
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Had a look at the sample video, it doesn't seem to contain the accelerometer/gyro data in the metadata (it's in moov->udta->acgy/vrot), you can view all the metadata with something like

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