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Created April 8, 2024 10:59
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% LaTeX Curriculum Vitae Template
% Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Jason Blevins <>
% You may use use this document as a template to create your own CV
% and you may redistribute the source code freely. No attribution is
% required in any resulting documents. I do ask that you please leave
% this notice and the above URL in the source code if you choose to
% redistribute this file.
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% Set your name here
\def\name{Mihaela Šuvak}
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% Place name at left
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% Alternatively, print name centered and bold:
% \centerline{\huge \bf \name}
Address: & Barčićeva 9/2, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia \\
Telephone: & +385 98 197 14 83 \\
E-mail: & \href{}{\tt} \\
Date of birth: & 13/9/1990 \\
% \section*{\scshape{Obrazovanje}}
% \begin{itemize}
% \item 2009--2012 \vspace{0.17cm} \\ \hspace*{0.4cm} Preddiplomski sveučilišni studij povijesti \vspace{0.27cm} \\ \hspace*{0.4cm} Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
% \vspace{0.2cm}
% \item 2012--2016 \vspace{0.17cm} \\ \hspace*{0.4cm} Diplomski sveučilišni studij povijesti \vspace{0.17cm} \\ \hspace*{0.4cm} Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
% \end{itemize}
\item 2005--2009
\item Gymnasium Bjelovar
\item 2009--2012
\item The Bachelor of Arts Degree in History
\item Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb
\item 2012--2017
\item The Master of Arts Degree in History
\item Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb
\item July 2013.
\item \textit{Croatian -- American School of Archeology}
\item \ \ \ \ excavations on archeological site Viničica
\item October 2013.
\item \textit{International Camp of Archeology Colentum -- Murter}
\item \ \ \ \ excavations on archeological site Colentum
\section*{\scshape{Work experience}}
\item September--October 2017.
\item \textit{Croatia is Croatia}
\item \ \ \ \ curator at the exhibition in the Grič Tunnel
\item 2012--2015
\item \textit{Electrical Engineering Student's Club} (KSET)
\item \ \ \ \ participation in organizing events (music, culture, ...) and various educational content
\item 2015--2016
\item \textit{Croatian Quiz Association}
\item \ \ \ \ help with organizing and maintaining quiz competitions
\item 2016--2017
\item \textit{Noah's Ark - Croatian Animal Protection Association}
\item \ \ \ \ tendance and care of abandoned dogs
\item \large Languages \normalsize
\item {Croatian} \vspace{0cm}
\item \ \ \ \ \small native speaker \normalsize \vspace{0.2cm}
\item {English} \vspace{0cm}
\item \ \ \ \ \small proficient user \normalsize \vspace{0.2cm}
\item {Spanish, Italian, German} \vspace{0cm}
\item \ \ \ \ \small basic user \normalsize
\item \large Computer skills \normalsize
\item {Advanced and active internet usage} \vspace{0.2cm}
\item \textit{MS Office} (\textit{Word}, \textit{Excel} i \textit{PowerPoint}) \vspace{0.2cm}
\item \textit{Adobe Photoshop} \vspace{0cm}
\item \large Drivers licence \normalsize
\item {B category}
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