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Last active September 5, 2017 19:29
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PhillyDev Slack #daily_programmer 2017-09-05 - Testing word alphabetization
(ns daily.ordering
;; Include [org.clojure/core.match "0.3.0-alpha5"] in project deps
(:require [clojure.core.match :refer [match]]
[clojure.string :as string])
(:import java.text.Normalizer))
(defn ordered?
(ordered? compare coll))
([^java.util.Comparator cmp coll]
(every? #(<= (apply cmp %) 0) (partition 2 1 (seq coll)))))
(def ascending? ordered?)
(def descending? (partial ordered? (comp - compare)))
(defn ordering [coll]
(if-let [s (seq coll)]
(match [(ascending? s) (descending? s)]
[false false] :unordered
[false true] :descending
[true false] :ascending
[true true] :both)
;; Taken from
(defn strip-accents
"Strip all accents (diacritical marks) from s.
Et ça sera sa moitié => Et ca sera sa moitie"
^String [^String s]
{:pre [(string? s)]
:post [(string? %)]}
(-> s
(Normalizer/normalize java.text.Normalizer$Form/NFD)
(.replaceAll "\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}+" "")))
(defn strip-apostrophes [^String s]
(.replaceAll s "'" ""))
(defn normalize-word [s]
"If s is a word, translate it to a form consisting of only the unaccented,
lower-case version of its letters, with all acccents and apostrophes removed;
if s contains spaces or any characters than cannot be identified as letters,
returns nil."
(some->> s
(re-matches #"[a-z]+")))
(defn categorize [s]
(if (normalize-word s)
(ordering s)
(defn describe [s]
(str "'" s "' "
(if-let [n (normalize-word s)]
(case (ordering n)
:ascending "is in alphabetical order"
:descending "is in reverse alphabetical order"
:both "is in both alphabetical and reverse alphabetical order"
"is not in alphabetical order")
"is not a word composed of the letters 'a' to 'z'.")))
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