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Created August 25, 2017 16:30
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Find alliterations - PhillyDev #daily_programmer 2017-08-25
(ns daily.alliteration
(:require [clojure.string :as string]))
(def stopwords #{"i" "a" "about" "an" "and" "are" "as"
"at" "be" "by" "com" "for" "from" "how"
"in" "is" "it" "of" "on" "or" "that"
"the" "this" "to" "was" "what" "when"
"where" "who" "will" "with"})
(defn alliterations
"Returns a lazy seq of alliterative word sequences in s. Words are
defined as continuous substrings of Unicode letter characters, and
two words are deemed alliterative if they are adjacent in s and
their first letters (disregarding capitalization and after English
stopwords are remove) are identical. Punctuation is removed from the
returned words, which are returned as a space-separated string, but
capitalization is preserved."
(->> (string/split s #"\P{L}+")
(remove stopwords)
(partition-by #(-> % string/lower-case first))
(filter #(> (count %) 1))
(map #(string/join " " %))))
;; English
(def samples
{:stopwords "For the sky and the sea, and the sea and the sky"
:capitalization "But a better butter makes a batter better."
:punctuation (str "Three grey geese in a green field grazing, "
"Grey were the geese and green was the grazing.")
:russian "Жук жужжит над абажуром, Жужжит жужелица, Жужжит, кружится."
:hindi "समझ समझ के समझ को समझो, समझ समझना भी एक समझ है
समझ समझ के जो ना समझे मेरी समझ में वो ना समझ है"
" سمجھ سمجھ کے سمجھ کو سمجھو
سمجھ سمجھنا بھی اک سمجھ ہے
سمجھ سمجھ کے بھی جو نہ سمجھے
میری سمجھ میں وہ ناسمجھ ہے"})
(defn demo [m]
(doseq [[k v] m]
(println (name k) ":")
(println v)
(print "=> ")
(clojure.pprint/pprint (alliterations v))
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