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Last active August 17, 2017 19:27
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Similar words by frequency - phillydev #daily_programmer
(ns daily.similar-frequencies
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[ :as io]))
(def word-file "resources/google-10000-english-no-swears.txt")
;; A vector containing all words in the dataset
(def words
(with-open [rdr (io/reader word-file)]
(->> rdr
(mapv string/trim))))
;; A hashmap of letters to the number of times they occur in the dataset
(def histogram
(->> words
(mapcat identity)
;; A vector of letters in the dataset, ordered by frequency
(def ranks
(->> histogram
(sort-by val >)
(mapv first)))
(defn score-by-count [word]
"Given word, counts the frequencies of each letter and returns a vector
(ordered by the frequencies of each letter. Vectors can be compared
element by element to impose an ordering."
(let [freqs (frequencies word)]
(mapv #(get freqs %) ranks)))
;; Comparator combinators!
(defn reverse-comparator [c]
"Given a comparator c, returns a new comparator that reverses c's ordering."
(fn [x y]
(* -1 (c x y))))
(defn chain-comparators [& comparators]
"Given any number of comparators, returns a new comparator that chains them
together; if the result of applying the first comparator to its arguments
x and y is 0, it compares using the second comparator, and so on."
(fn [x y]
(loop [[c & cs] comparators]
(if c
(let [result (c x y)]
(if (zero? result)
(recur cs)
(defn key-comparator [key-fn c]
"Given a comparator c and a function key-fn, returns a new comparator that
applies key-fn to its arguments x and y before using c to perform the
(fn [x y]
(c (key-fn x) (key-fn y))))
;; Now, the logic to stitch the weighting functions into comparators for sorting
(def order-by-count
;; Word with most instances of most frequent letter in dataset comes first
(reverse-comparator (key-comparator score-by-count compare))
;; If tied, word that comes earlier in alphabetical order wins
(defn get-similar-words-by [cmp word]
"Given a comparator cmp and a word, returns words from the dataset that
are of 'similar' length, sorted using cmp."
(->> words
(filter #(or (= (count %) (count word))
(= (count %) (inc (count word)))))
(sort cmp)))
(def get-similar-words-by-count
^{:doc "Given a word as an argument, returns words of 'similar' length
from the dataset, ordered by the number of times the most
frequent letters appear in the word."}
(partial get-similar-words-by order-by-count))
;; Given the parameterization, it's easy to swap out the scoring function:
(defn score-by-weight [word]
"Given word, computes a weight value by scoring each letter and summing the
scores. A letter's score is equal to the number of times it appears in
the dataset."
(->> word
(map histogram)
(reduce +)))
(def order-by-weight
;; Order words by computing their weights
(reverse-comparator (key-comparator score-by-weight compare))
;; If tied, word that comes earlier in the alphabetical order wins
(def get-similar-words-by-weight
(partial get-similar-words-by order-by-weight))
;; daily.similar-frequencies> (take 10 (get-similar-words-by-count "foo"))
;; ("ieee" "ease" "sees" "seen" "else" "seed" "seem" "eyes" "fees" "seek")
;; daily.similar-frequencies> (take 10 (get-similar-words-by-weight "foo"))
;; ("ieee" "ease" "sees" "seen" "tree" "teen" "else" "reel" "area" "seas")
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