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Last active June 11, 2024 16:45
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AWS WorkSpaces Installfest

AWS WorkSpaces Installfest

What is this?

A set of steps to get you up and running with AWS WorkSpaces and the tools you'll need for the course.


Connecting workspace to GIT using SSH


If you haven't set up your Github SSH key yet in your workspace, follow the guides provided by GitHub for generating an SSH key, adding it to your local SSH agent, and then adding your SSH key to your GA GitHub account. Refer to the following two resources: Creating an ssh key on linux and Adding your SSH key to github using the browser

We'll first need to create an SSH key on our workspaces.

Open a new terminal in your workspace and execute the following commands.

  • Let's create a new SSH key using key-keygen tool.


Be sure to change the email with the email associated with your GA GitHub enterprise account.

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""


The terminal will ask you a series of questions about how you'll like to create your key. Use all available defaults and simply hit enter until your new key has been created. DO NOT add a passphrase, simply hit enter to create a key without a passphrase.

  • Add your new key to your ssh-agent using the following terminal commands. We'll need to first start the ssh-agent and then we'll add the key using the default file path, ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.

  • Start ssh-agent:

    eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
  • Then add your new key to the agent:

    ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
  • We will now fetch the public key for our new SSH key and then copy and paste that key into our GA github account.

  • We'll first need to get our public key using the following command:

    [!NOTE] We are using the id_ed25519**.pub** file as this is our public key. Do not use the private key named id_ed25519 (without the .pub). Ensure you are using the file with the .pub extension.

    cat ~/.ssh/
  • Copy this key to your clipboard and then navigate to the GA github

  • Navigate to your GitHub settings and add a new SSH key. This process is detailed in Github's documentation for adding an SSH key to your account.

  • Once your key has been added you should be able to pull down repos from the GA github organization we'll be using in this class.

Configure Git

Git requires you to set a username and email. Let's do this now.

Run from the terminal:

git config --global "<YOUR_FULL_NAME>"
git config --global "<THE_EMAIL_YOU_USE_FOR_GITHUB@EMAIL.COM>"

Verify the settings by doing a git config -l. You should see your name and email.

Configure global .gitignore

There are a few files that we don't want Git to track. We can specifically ignore them by adding the files to a global .gitignore file.

echo "/public/uploads/\nnode_modules/\nbower_components/" >> ~/.gitignore_global
git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global


We are using NVM (Node Version Manager) to manage our Node.js versions. This will allow us to easily switch between different versions of Node.js.

AWS WorkSpaces come pre-installed with NVM. To verify that NVM is installed, run the following command:

which nvm

This version of AWS WorkSpaces comes with Node.js v14.17.0. To install a different version of Node.js, run the following command:

nvm install 16
nvm alias default 16


Prettier is a code formatter that will help you keep your code clean and consistent. We will be using Prettier in this course.

  • To install Prettier, run the following command:
npm install -g prettier
  • Let define some rules for prettier, create .prettierrc.json file
code ~/.prettierrc
  • Copy and paste the following configuration into the .prettierrc.json file:
  "trailingComma": "all",
  "tabWidth": 2,
  "semi": true,
  "singleQuote": true,
  "endOfLine": "lf"
  • Save file command + S.


VSCode is a popular code editor that we will be using in this course. We will use some extensions to make our development process easier.

Install the following extensions:

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