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Last active July 7, 2018 23:15
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CloudKey Update Certificates
# renew a TLS cert and configure unifi cloudkey using Cloudflare
# DNS verification for ACME
# To use this script, make sure you have lego (
# on the machine. You'll need to do the first run on your own so you can agree
# to TOS and such.
# CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL: Email address for your cloudflare account
# CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY: The API key for your account
# CERTNAME: The common name of the cert you want to generate
# LEGOPATH: The path to the lego binary.
export LEGOPATH=/usr/local/sbin/lego
# LEGOHOME: Directory that keys and such are stored in
export LEGOHOME=/root/.lego
##### End of configurables
# Renew cert
--path=$LEGOHOME --dns="cloudflare" renew
if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
cp $LEGOHOME/certificates/ /etc/ssl/private/cloudkey.crt
cp $LEGOHOME/certificates/ /etc/ssl/private/cloudkey.key
# Form into PKCS12 file for keytool
/usr/bin/openssl pkcs12 -export \
-in $LEGOHOME/certificates/$CERTNAME.crt \
-inkey $LEGOHOME/certificates/$CERTNAME.key \
-out /tmp/unifi.p12 -name unifi -password pass:aircontrolenterprise
# Remove old TLS keystore
/bin/rm /etc/ssl/private/unifi.keystore.jks
# Make new keystore
/usr/bin/keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore /tmp/unifi.p12 \
-srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass aircontrolenterprise \
-destkeystore /etc/ssl/private/unifi.keystore.jks \
-storepass aircontrolenterprise
# Clean up and restart
/bin/rm /tmp/unifi.p12
/bin/rm /etc/ssl/private/cert.tar
# recreate cert.tar
cd /etc/ssl/private
tar -cf cert.tar cloudkey.crt cloudkey.key unifi.keystore.jks
/bin/systemctl restart nginx
/bin/systemctl restart unifi
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