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Created February 27, 2010 21:42
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example cucumber for online store
Feature: Online (D)irect (T)o (C)ustomer store
In order sell Halo products online to direct customer
As an administrator
I want to provide a public online store to direct customers
Given I am guest
And the product catalog exists
When I go to the online store
Scenario: Direct to customer online store visible to public
Then page content should have "myHalo Complete, myHalo Clip, Pick a product, Billing and Shipping"
Scenario: Same as shipping copies shipping data to billing
When I fill the shipping details for online store
And I fill the credit card details for online store
And I check "Same as shipping"
And I press "Continue"
And I press "Place Order"
Then page content should have "Thank you"
Scenario: Not same as shipping has separate shipping and billing data
When I fill the shipping details for online store
And I fill the billing details for online store
And I fill the credit card details for online store
And I uncheck "Same as shipping"
And I press "Continue"
And I press "Place Order"
Then I should see "Thank you"
Scenario Outline: Success and Failure for credit cards
When I fill the shipping details for online store
And I fill the billing details for online store
And I fill in "<csc>" for "CSC"
And I fill in "Card number" with "<card>"
And I select "<type>" from "order_card_type"
And I select "January" from "order_card_expiry_2i"
And I select "2015" from "order_card_expiry_1i"
And I press "Continue"
And I press "Place Order"
Then I should see "<result>"
Examples: pass and failed cards
| card | csc | type | result |
| 4222222222222 | 111 | VISA | Failure |
| 1234567812345678 | 111 | VISA | Failure |
| 4111111111111111 | 111 | VISA | Success |
| 4012888888881881 | 111 | VISA | Success |
| 4007000000027 | 111 | VISA | Success |
| 4012888818888 | 111 | VISA | Success |
| 370000000000002 | 1111 | American Express | Success |
| 378282246310005 | 1111 | American Express | Success |
| 371449635398431 | 1111 | American Express | Success |
| 6011000000000012 | 111 | Discover | Success |
| 6011111111111117 | 111 | Discover | Success |
| 6011000990139424 | 111 | Discover | Success |
| 5424000000000015 | 111 | MasterCard | Success |
| 5555555555554444 | 111 | MasterCard | Success |
| 5105105105105100 | 111 | MasterCard | Success |
| 4222222222222 | 123 | VISA | Failure |
| 1234567812345678 | 123 | VISA | Failure |
| 4111111111111111 | 123 | VISA | Success |
| 4012888888881881 | 123 | VISA | Success |
| 4007000000027 | 123 | VISA | Success |
| 4012888818888 | 123 | VISA | Success |
| 370000000000002 | 1234 | American Express | Success |
| 378282246310005 | 1234 | American Express | Success |
| 371449635398431 | 1234 | American Express | Success |
| 6011000000000012 | 123 | Discover | Success |
| 6011111111111117 | 123 | Discover | Success |
| 6011000990139424 | 123 | Discover | Success |
| 5424000000000015 | 123 | MasterCard | Success |
| 5555555555554444 | 123 | MasterCard | Success |
| 5105105105105100 | 123 | MasterCard | Success |
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