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Last active August 5, 2023 13:29
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video-merge.ps1 - Merge multiple media files into a single or a group of files using ffmpeg
# Quick script to merge video files #
Concatenates a list of video files into one or multiple video files.
This application allows you to feed it a list of all video files to be combined and combines them to another media files with every file containing 'max' original files.
SUPPORTED INPUT FILE FORMATS: .mkv, .vob, .mp4, .ts
List of comma separated files that need to be combined. Default action is to get all media files in the current folder.
.PARAMETER output_name
Prefix of the final output files. Defaults to "output"
This integer represents the limit of how many of the original files can be combined to a output file. Default value is 0.
Provides usage and command to display this help text.
.PARAMETER default
Run the script using the default provided values.
Suppress ffmpeg output
./vide-merge.ps1 -mnum 3
This command will take in all the video files in the current directory and combine them in 3s to provide the output files. For instance, 7 input files will generate 3 output files combining every 3 clips into one clip
./video-merge.ps1 -files ./test.mkv,./hello.mkv,./test2.mkv
This command will combine all the input files into a single output file, "output-1.mkv", since mnum is 0 meaning there is no limit to how many clips a single output file can have.
./video-merge.ps1 -files ./test.mkv,./hello.mp4,./tt.vob,./test2.mkv -mnum 2 -output_name test_output
This command will generate two files with the names, "test_output-1.mkv", "test_output-2.mkv".
# Check for commandline arguments
[string[]]$files = $(Get-ChildItem -Name *.mkv, *.vob, *.mp4, *.ts),
[string]$output_name = "output",
[int]$max = 0,
# Check if help text needs to be printed or no unique input flag was passed.
if($help -or $PSBoundParameters.Count -eq 0)
echo "Audio and Video Merger using ffmpeg"
echo "Usage: video-merge.ps1 [-help] [-default] [-files <list>] [-output_name <name>] [-max <value>]"
echo "`t To run using the default settings, run 'video-merge.ps1 -default'"
echo "`n"
Write-Host "Use -h to get full help or, even better, run 'man video-merge.ps1' or 'get-help video-merge.ps1 -detailed'." -ForegroundColor Yellow
echo "video-merger.ps1 version 1.0.0."
echo "Audio and Video Merger using ffmpeg"
echo "`n"
# Generate media mpeg transport stream to convert all compressions to the same compression format
$inc = 0
$cmd = ""
$fileArray = @()
ForEach($item in $files)
$cmd += "ffmpeg -i `"$item`" -f mpegts -c copy file-$inc.mpeg.ts;"
$fileArray += "file-$inc.mpeg.ts"
# Check if input files need to be grouped based on max number of files per output file
$inc = 0
if($max -ge 1)
# Group files based on max value provided per output file
$files = @()
for($i = 0;$i -lt $fileArray.Length;$i++)
$files += $fileArray[$i]
if(($i+1) % $mnum -eq 0)
$cmd += "ffmpeg -i `"concat:$($files -join '|')`" -f matroska -c copy '$output_name-$(++$i).mkv';"
$files = @()
if($files.Length -ne 0)
$cmd += "ffmpeg -i `"concat:$($files -join '|')`" -f matroska -c copy '$output_name-$(++$i).mkv';"
$cmd += "ffmpeg -i `"concat:$($fileArray -join '|')`" -f matroska -c copy '$output_name.mkv';"
# Run all the commands
Invoke-Expression $cmd
# Cleanup temp streams
if($LastExitCode -eq 0)
Remove-Item $fileArray
echo "`n"
Write-Host "Process Completed." -ForegroundColor Green
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made a change that uses PowerShell 7 Parallel feature, it makes the conversion that much faster,

$cmd = ""
$fileArray = @()
$files | ForEach-object -parallel{
$cmd = "C:\PROGRA~1\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg -i $_ -f mpegts -c copy file-$_"
Invoke-Expression $cmd
#$fileArray = $files
} -throttlelimit 100
$fileArray = $(Get-ChildItem -Name file-*)
$cmd = ""

Also consider adding a flag for HW acceleration on ffmpeg & a convert to h265 mp4 flag, reduced my files from 20Gb to 1Gb

C:\PROGRA~1\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg -threads 16 -hwaccel cuda -i -preset fast -c:v libx265

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