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Created May 30, 2016 12:23
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(ns narjure.general-inference.concept-selector
[co.paralleluniverse.pulsar.actors :refer [self ! whereis cast! Server gen-server register! shutdown! unregister! set-state! state]]
[ :refer [defactor]]
[narjure.memory-management.concept-manager :refer [c-bag]]
[narjure.bag :as b]
[clojure.math.numeric-tower :as math]
[taoensso.timbre :refer [debug info]]
[narjure.debug-util :refer :all])
(:refer-clojure :exclude [promise await]))
(def aname :concept-selector)
(def inference-pairs 200)
(def selection-parameter 3)
(defn selection-fn
(* (math/expt (rand) selection-parameter) (b/count-elements @c-bag)))
(def display (atom '()))
(defn inference-tick-handler
"Select n concepts for inference and post
inference-request-message to each selected
[from [msg]]
; (dotimes [n (min (b/count-elements @c-bag) 1)]
;one concept for inference is enough for now ^^
(when (> (b/count-elements @c-bag) 0)
(let [selected (first (b/get-by-index @c-bag (selection-fn)))]
(debuglogger display (str "Concept selected: " [:id (:id selected) :priority (:priority selected)]))))
#_(debug aname "process-inference-tick-msg"))
(defn shutdown-handler
"Processes :shutdown-msg and shuts down actor"
[from msg]
(defn initialise
"Initialises actor:
registers actor and sets actor state"
[aname actor-ref]
(register! aname actor-ref)
(set-state! {:state 0}))
(defn msg-handler
"Identifies message type and selects the correct message handler.
if there is no match it generates a log message for the unhandled message "
[from [type :as message]]
;(debuglogger display message) since tick is uninteresting we use what is selected
(case type
:inference-tick-msg (inference-tick-handler from message)
:shutdown (shutdown-handler from message)
(debug aname (str "unhandled msg: " type))))
(defn concept-selector []
(reify Server
(init [_] (initialise aname @self))
(terminate [_ cause] #_(info (str aname " terminated.")))
(handle-cast [_ from id message] (msg-handler from message)))))
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