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Last active August 3, 2023 13:01
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ONA-like procedure learning for Hyperon in MeTTa (FIXED) (simplified POC to get used to MeTTa)
// Term registration whether it is an operation or not
(= (isop opleft) True)
(= (isop opright) True)
(= (isop opnop) True)
(= (isop ballleft) False)
(= (isop ballhit) False)
(= (isop ballright) False)
// induce implications from event stream
(= (induce $Memory Nil) $Memory)
(= (induce $Memory (Cons $Event Nil)) $Memory)
(= (induce $Memory (Cons $Event (Cons $Op Nil))) $Memory)
(= (induce $Memory (Cons $Event (Cons $Op (Cons $LastEvent $FIFO))))
(if (and (and (not (isop $Event)) (not (isop $LastEvent))) (isop $Op))
(induce (Cons (Sentence (Implication $LastEvent $Op $Event) (Truth 1 0)) $Memory) (Cons $LastEvent $FIFO))
(induce $Memory (Cons $LastEvent $FIFO))))
// evidence from anticipation failure
(= (reviseNeg (Sentence $Implication $Truth) Nil) $Truth)
(= (reviseNeg (Sentence $Implication $Truth) (Cons $Event Nil)) $Truth)
(= (reviseNeg (Sentence $Implication $Truth) (Cons $Event (Cons $Op Nil))) $Truth)
(= (reviseNeg (Sentence (Implication $S $A $P) (Truth $WP $WN)) (Cons $Event (Cons $Op (Cons $LastEvent $FIFO))))
(if (and (and (not (== $P $Event)) (== $S $LastEvent)) (== $A $Op))
(reviseNeg (Sentence (Implication $S $Op $P) (Truth $WP (+ 1 $WN))) (Cons $LastEvent $FIFO))
(reviseNeg (Sentence (Implication $S $Op $P) (Truth $WP $WN)) (Cons $LastEvent $FIFO))))
// revise all items when existing multiple times
(= (revisePos $SearchTerm $Truth Nil) $Truth)
(= (revisePos $SearchTerm (Truth $WP $WN) (Cons (Sentence $Term $Truth) $MemoryTail))
(if (== $SearchTerm $Term)
(revisePos $SearchTerm (Truth (+ 1 $WP) $WN) $MemoryTail)
(revisePos $SearchTerm (Truth $WP $WN) $MemoryTail)))
// Whether the term is included in the list of terms (should be a hashmap lookup ideally)
(= (included $SearchTerm Nil) False)
(= (included $SearchTerm (Cons $Term $TermListTail))
(if (== $SearchTerm $Term)
(included $SearchTerm $TermListTail)))
// Revise the procedureal implications
(= (revise $FIFO $AlreadyHAndledTerms Nil) Nil)
(= (revise $FIFO $AlreadyHAndledTerms (Cons (Sentence $Term $Truth) $MemoryTail))
(if (included $Term $AlreadyHAndledTerms)
(revise $FIFO (Cons $Term $AlreadyHAndledTerms) $MemoryTail)
(Cons (Sentence $Term (revisePos $Term (reviseNeg (Sentence $Term $Truth) $FIFO) $MemoryTail)) (revise $FIFO (Cons $Term $AlreadyHAndledTerms) $MemoryTail))))
// process events by doing induction + revision on the events
(= (processEvents $FIFO) (revise $FIFO Nil (induce Nil $FIFO)))
!(processEvents (Cons ballhit (Cons opleft (Cons ballleft (Cons opleft (Cons ballleft (Cons opnop (Cons ballhit (Cons opleft (Cons ballleft Nil))))))))))
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