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Created December 12, 2012 04:15
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Trying to get Photon to output height and width attributes, to help with page rendering
* Module Name: Photon
* Module Description: Give your site a boost by loading images from the content delivery network.
* Sort Order: 15
* First Introduced: 2.0
class Jetpack_Photon {
* Class variables
// Oh look, a singleton
private static $__instance = null;
// Allowed extensions must match
protected $extensions = array(
// Don't access this directly. Instead, use this::image_sizes() so it's actually populated with something.
protected static $image_sizes = null;
* Singleton implementation
* @return object
public static function instance() {
if ( ! is_a( self::$__instance, 'Jetpack_Photon' ) )
self::$__instance = new Jetpack_Photon;
return self::$__instance;
* Register actions and filters, but only if basic Photon functions are available.
* The basic functions are found in ./functions.photon.php.
* @uses add_action, add_filter
* @return null
private function __construct() {
// Display warning if site is private
add_action( 'jetpack_activate_module_photon', array( $this, 'action_jetpack_activate_module_photon' ) );
if ( ! function_exists( 'jetpack_photon_url' ) )
// Images in post content
add_filter( 'the_content', array( $this, 'filter_the_content' ), 999999 );
// Featured images aka post thumbnails
add_action( 'begin_fetch_post_thumbnail_html', array( $this, 'action_begin_fetch_post_thumbnail_html' ) );
add_action( 'end_fetch_post_thumbnail_html', array( $this, 'action_end_fetch_post_thumbnail_html' ) );
// og:image URL
add_filter( 'jetpack_open_graph_tags', array( $this, 'filter_open_graph_tags' ), 10, 2 );
* Check if site is private and warn user if it is
* @uses Jetpack::check_privacy
* @action jetpack_activate_module_photon
* @return null
public function action_jetpack_activate_module_photon() {
Jetpack::check_privacy( __FILE__ );
* Identify images in post content, and if images are local (uploaded to the current site), pass through Photon.
* @param string $content
* @uses this::validate_image_url, apply_filters, jetpack_photon_url, esc_url
* @filter the_content
* @return string
public function filter_the_content( $content ) {
if ( false != preg_match_all( '#(<a.+?href=["|\'](.+?)["|\'].+?>\s*)?(<img.+?src=["|\'](.+?)["|\'].+?/?>){1}(\s*</a>)?#i', $content, $images ) ) {
global $content_width;
foreach ( $images[0] as $index => $tag ) {
// Default to resize, though fit may be used in certain cases where a dimension cannot be ascertained
$transform = 'resize';
// Identify image source
$src = $src_orig = $images[4][ $index ];
// Support Automattic's Lazy Load plugin
// Can't modify $tag yet as we need unadulterated version later
if ( false != preg_match( '#data-lazy-src=["|\'](.+?)["|\']#i', $images[3][ $index ], $lazy_load_src ) ) {
$placeholder_src = $placeholder_src_orig = $src;
$src = $src_orig = $lazy_load_src[1];
// Check if image URL should be used with Photon
if ( ! $this->validate_image_url( $src ) )
// Find the width and height attributes
$width = $height = false;
// First, check the image tag
if ( preg_match( '#width=["|\']?(\d+)["|\']?#i', $images[3][ $index ], $width_string ) )
$width = (int) $width_string[1];
if ( preg_match( '#height=["|\']?(\d+)["|\']?#i', $images[3][ $index ], $height_string ) )
$height = (int) $height_string[1];
// If image tag lacks width and height arguments, try to determine from strings WP appends to resized image filenames.
if ( false === $width && false === $height && false != preg_match( '#(-\d+x\d+)\.(' . implode('|', $this->extensions ) . '){1}$#i', $src, $width_height_string ) ) {
$width = (int) $width_height_string[1];
$height = (int) $width_height_string[2];
// If width is available, constrain to $content_width
if ( false !== $width && is_numeric( $content_width ) ) {
if ( $width > $content_width && false !== $height ) {
$height = round( ( $content_width * $height ) / $width );
$width = $content_width;
elseif ( $width > $content_width ) {
$width = $content_width;
// Set a width if none is found and $content_width is available
// If width is set in this manner and height is available, use `fit` instead of `resize` to prevent skewing
if ( false === $width && is_numeric( $content_width ) ) {
$width = (int) $content_width;
if ( false !== $height )
$transform = 'fit';
// Build URL, first removing WP's resized string so we pass the original image to Photon
if ( false != preg_match( '#(-\d+x\d+)\.(' . implode('|', $this->extensions ) . '){1}$#i', $src, $src_parts ) )
$src = str_replace( $src_parts[1], '', $src );
// Build array of Photon args and expose to filter before passing to Photon URL function
$args = array();
if ( false !== $width && false !== $height )
$args[ $transform ] = $width . ',' . $height;
elseif ( false !== $width )
$args['w'] = $width;
elseif ( false !== $height )
$args['h'] = $height;
$args = apply_filters( 'jetpack_photon_post_image_args', $args, compact( 'tag', 'src', 'src_orig', 'width', 'height' ) );
$photon_url = jetpack_photon_url( $src, $args );
// Modify image tag if Photon function provides a URL
// Ensure changes are only applied to the current image by copying and modifying the matched tag, then replacing the entire tag with our modified version.
if ( $src != $photon_url ) {
$new_tag = $tag;
// Supplant the original source value with our Photon URL
$photon_url = esc_url( $photon_url );
$new_tag = str_replace( $src_orig, $photon_url, $new_tag );
// If Lazy Load is in use, pass placeholder image through Photon
if ( isset( $placeholder_src ) && $this->validate_image_url( $placeholder_src ) ) {
$placeholder_src = jetpack_photon_url( $placeholder_src );
if ( $placeholder_src != $placeholder_src_orig )
$new_tag = str_replace( $placeholder_src_orig, esc_url( $placeholder_src ), $new_tag );
unset( $placeholder_src );
// Remove the width and height arguments from the tag to prevent distortion
$new_tag = preg_replace( '#(width|height)=["|\']?(\d+)["|\']?\s{1}#i', '', $new_tag );
// If image is linked to an image (presumably itself, but who knows), pass link href to Photon sans arguments
if ( ! empty( $images[2][ $index ] ) && false !== strpos( $new_tag, $images[2][ $index ] ) && $this->validate_image_url( $images[2][ $index ] ) )
$new_tag = str_replace( $images[2][ $index ], jetpack_photon_url( $images[2][ $index ] ), $new_tag );
$content = str_replace( $tag, $new_tag, $content );
return $content;
* Apply Photon to WP image retrieval functions for post thumbnails
* @uses add_filter
* @action begin_fetch_post_thumbnail_html
* @return null
public function action_begin_fetch_post_thumbnail_html() {
add_filter( 'image_downsize', array( $this, 'filter_image_downsize' ), 10, 3 );
* Remove Photon from WP image functions when post thumbnail processing is finished
* @uses remove_filter
* @action end_fetch_post_thumbnail_html
* @return null
public function action_end_fetch_post_thumbnail_html() {
remove_filter( 'image_downsize', array( $this, 'filter_image_downsize' ), 10, 3 );
* Filter post thumbnail image retrieval, passing images through Photon
* @param string|bool $image
* @param int $attachment_id
* @param string|array $size
* @uses is_admin, apply_filters, wp_get_attachment_url, this::validate_image_url, this::image_sizes, jetpack_photon_url
* @filter image_downsize
* @return string|bool
public function filter_image_downsize( $image, $attachment_id, $size ) {
// Don't foul up the admin side of things, and provide plugins a way of preventing Photon from being applied to images.
if ( is_admin() && apply_filters( 'jetpack_photon_override_image_downsize', true, compact( 'image', 'attachment_id', 'size' ) ) )
return $image;
// Get the image URL and proceed with Photon-ification if successful
$image_url = wp_get_attachment_url( $attachment_id );
if ( $image_url ) {
// Check if image URL should be used with Photon
if ( ! $this->validate_image_url( $image_url ) )
return $image;
// If an image is requested with a size known to WordPress, use that size's settings with Photon
if ( ( is_string( $size ) || is_int( $size ) ) && array_key_exists( $size, $this->image_sizes() ) ) {
$image_args = $this->image_sizes();
$image_args = $image_args[ $size ];
// Expose arguments to a filter before passing to Photon
$photon_args = array();
if ( $image_args['crop'] )
$photon_args['resize'] = $image_args['width'] . ',' . $image_args['height'];
else {
$image_atts = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id );
$image_atts = wp_constrain_dimensions( $image_atts['width'], $image_atts['height'], $image_args['width'], $image_args['height'] );
$image_args['width'] = $image_atts[0];
$image_args['height'] = $image_atts[1];
$photon_args['fit'] = $image_atts[0] . ',' . $image_atts[1];
$photon_args = apply_filters( 'jetpack_photon_image_downsize_string', $photon_args, compact( 'image_args', 'image_url', 'attachment_id', 'size' ) );
// Generate Photon URL
if ( true !== isset( $photon_args['ulb'] ) && true !== isset( $photon_args['crop'] ) )
$image = array(
jetpack_photon_url( $image_url, $photon_args ),
$image = array(
jetpack_photon_url( $image_url, $photon_args ),
elseif ( is_array( $size ) ) {
// Pull width and height values from the provided array, if possible
$width = isset( $size[0] ) ? (int) $size[0] : false;
$height = isset( $size[1] ) ? (int) $size[1] : false;
// Don't bother if necessary parameters aren't passed.
if ( ! $width || ! $height )
return $image;
$image_atts = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id );
$image_atts = wp_constrain_dimensions( $image_atts['width'], $image_atts['height'], $image_args['width'], $image_args['height'] );
$width = $image_atts[0];
$height = $image_atts[1];
// Expose arguments to a filter before passing to Photon
$photon_args = array(
'fit' => $width . ',' . $height
$photon_args = apply_filters( 'jetpack_photon_image_downsize_array', $photon_args, compact( 'width', 'height', 'image_url', 'attachment_id' ) );
// Generate Photon URL
if ( true !== isset( $photon_args['ulb'] ) && true !== isset( $photon_args['crop'] ) )
$image = array(
jetpack_photon_url( $image_url, $photon_args ),
$image = array(
jetpack_photon_url( $image_url, $photon_args ),
return $image;
* Ensure image URL is valid for Photon.
* Though Photon functions address some of the URL issues, we should avoid unnecessary processing if we know early on that the image isn't supported.
* @param string $url
* @uses wp_parse_args
* @return bool
protected function validate_image_url( $url ) {
// Parse URL and ensure needed keys exist, since the array returned by `parse_url` only includes the URL components it finds.
$url_info = wp_parse_args( parse_url( $url ), array(
'scheme' => null,
'host' => null,
'port' => null,
'path' => null
) );
// Bail if scheme isn't http or port is set that isn't port 80
if ( 'http' != $url_info['scheme'] || ! in_array( $url_info['port'], array( 80, null ) ) )
return false;
// Bail if no host is found
if ( is_null( $url_info['host'] ) )
return false;
// Bail if the image alredy went through Photon
if ( preg_match( '#^i[\d]{1}$#i', $url_info['host'] ) )
return false;
// Bail if no path is found
if ( is_null( $url_info['path'] ) )
return false;
// Ensure image extension is acceptable
if ( ! in_array( strtolower( pathinfo( $url_info['path'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION ) ), $this->extensions ) )
return false;
// If we got this far, we should have an acceptable image URL
return true;
* Provide an array of available image sizes and corresponding dimensions.
* Similar to get_intermediate_image_sizes() except that it includes image sizes' dimensions, not just their names.
* @global $wp_additional_image_sizes
* @uses get_option
* @return array
protected function image_sizes() {
if ( null == self::$image_sizes ) {
global $_wp_additional_image_sizes;
// Populate an array matching the data structure of $_wp_additional_image_sizes so we have a consistent structure for image sizes
$images = array(
'thumb' => array(
'width' => intval( get_option( 'thumbnail_size_w' ) ),
'height' => intval( get_option( 'thumbnail_size_h' ) ),
'crop' => (bool) get_option( 'thumbnail_crop' )
'medium' => array(
'width' => intval( get_option( 'medium_size_w' ) ),
'height' => intval( get_option( 'medium_size_h' ) ),
'crop' => false
'large' => array(
'width' => intval( get_option( 'large_size_w' ) ),
'height' => intval( get_option( 'large_size_h' ) ),
'crop' => false
// Compatibility mapping as found in wp-includes/media.php
$images['thumbnail'] = $images['thumb'];
// Update class variable, merging in $_wp_additional_image_sizes if any are set
if ( is_array( $_wp_additional_image_sizes ) && ! empty( $_wp_additional_image_sizes ) )
self::$image_sizes = array_merge( $images, $_wp_additional_image_sizes );
self::$image_sizes = $images;
return is_array( self::$image_sizes ) ? self::$image_sizes : array();
* Pass og:image URLs through Photon
* @param array $tags
* @param array $parameters
* @uses jetpack_photon_url
* @return array
function filter_open_graph_tags( $tags, $parameters ) {
if ( empty( $tags['og:image'] ) ) {
return $tags;
$photon_args = array(
'fit' => sprintf( '%d,%d', 2 * $parameters['image_width'], 2 * $parameters['image_height'] ),
if ( is_array( $tags['og:image'] ) ) {
$images = array();
foreach ( $tags['og:image'] as $image ) {
$images[] = jetpack_photon_url( $image, $photon_args );
$tags['og:image'] = $images;
} else {
$tags['og:image'] = jetpack_photon_url( $tags['og:image'], $photon_args );
return $tags;
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