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Last active October 16, 2015 17:48
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  • Save pathawks/6186aa02d1ba44658f9c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pathawks/6186aa02d1ba44658f9c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Getting Started with GitHub

How cool is GitHub?

  • Sharing code, no email
  • Work with better programmers
  • Get noticed


  • Use GitHub without using GitHub

What is source control?

Alice and Bob are working together on a project.
They each have a copy of the project on their computers.

  • Alice makes a couple changes to her copy
  • Bob makes a change to his copy

How will these changes come together?

Git allows different people to work on a project separately and then, some time later, bring all of the changes together.

Why use source control?

  • Made a bad change and need to revert back to a known good state
  • Want to see diff between versions
  • Want to see how long a bug has existed
  • Experiment without breaking working code

Tracking changes is what Git does

Git Structure

.git folder

  • Stores changes
    • hashes, diffs, text
  • Delete it, no more git
  • Universal Git API


Start on local machine, push to GitHub when you need to collaborate


  • Think of it like a project
  • Limited in scope

Git Commits


Can look at differences

  • Contain:
    • Commit ref
      • 40 characters
      • UUID
    • Author name / email
    • Commiter name / email
    • Date & time
    • Message
  • Each commit should tell a coherent story
  • Commit messages are important
  • Each commit should have a message explaining
  • One file at a time, or multiple related files at once

![Merge branch 'asdfasjkfdlas/alkdjf' into sdkjfls-final] (


  • Can roll back to a specific point in time later
  • Can see when a change was introduced


  • Start work on new branch
  • MASTER should be production

Installing Git

Many options

  • Eclipse plugin
  • GitHub for Desktop
    • Compromise between ease of web interface and power of command line

Features of GitHub

  • Hosted Repositories
    • Can be public or private
    • Students can have up to five free private repos
    • Can have one contributor, or many contributors
    • Built in Issue Tracker
      • Issues =/= Bad
      • @mentions
      • Anyone can comment on an issue
      • Subscribe button
      • Notifications
      • Closed issues are saved in history forever
      • Pull Request is a special kind of issue
  • Can edit files (and commit changes) directly in the web interface

GitHub Collaboration

  • Fork
    • Create your own copy
    • Do whatever you like
    • Changeset container
    • Forks are good!
  • Pull Request
    • Special kind of issue with changes attached
    • After you have made useful changes
    • Offer your changes back to the origin

![There are probably children out there holding down spacebar to stay warm in the winter! YOUR UPDATE MURDERS CHILDREN.] (

GitHub Pages

  • Every Repo has it's own website
  • gh-pages branch
  • Users can have their own static website hosted by GitHub
    • <username>

Getting Started with GitHub

  • Create an account
  • Fill out profile
  • Test Repo
    • Initialize with Readme
    • Edit Readme
    • Look ma, no downloads!

Bringing it all together

  • Find a repository you'd like to contribute to
  • Read project's Contributing.txt to learn how to be a good citizen
  • Fork project repo to create your own copy
  • Create a new branch in your fork that will hold the changes for this feature
  • Commit your changes to this branch to add a feature or fix a bug
  • Submit a Pull Request to announce your changes, offering them back to the origin
    • In the message of the Pull Request, be sure to explain exactly what your changes do
    • This will usually spark a conversation around the Pull Request
    • You may be asked to add something to your pull request
    • Just push more commits to your branch
    • Once pull request has been accepted/rejected, you may delete your branch
    • Probably a good idea not to delete your Fork, however
  • ...profit?

Gist Revisited

  • Each Gist is actually a Git repo
  • Keeps a full revision history
  • Can be cloned & forked
  • Can be "upgraded" to a GitHub repository later

Git Bits


  • Ignore generated files
    • .exe
    • .class
    • .o
    • Config files
  • Ignore large files that can be found elsewhere
    • ENABL

HEAD, master, detached head

Configure command line client

git diff

Image attribution

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