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Created November 8, 2016 19:38
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Enemy movement
def enemy_update(enemy, containers):
player = containers["player"]
enemies = containers["enemies"]
attacks = containers["attacks"]
if not enemy['awake']:
shuffle = random.randint(1, 10)
move_object(shuffle, enemy["rect"], enemy["speed"])
enemy["sight"].center = enemy["rect"].center
if enemy["sight"].colliderect(player["rect"]):
enemy["awake"] = True
for other in enemies:
if other["awake"] and enemy["rect"].colliderect(other["rect"]):
enemy["awake"] = True
elif enemy['awake']:
up = enemy["rect"].top > player["rect"].centery
down = enemy["rect"].bottom < player["rect"].centery
left = enemy["rect"].left > player["rect"].centerx
right = enemy["rect"].right < player["rect"].centerx
move_object(calculate_direction(up, down, left, right),
if e['awake'] == False:
shuffle = random.randint(1, 10)
if shuffle == 1 and e['rect'].left > 0 and e['rect'].bottom <["height"]:
e['rect'].move_ip(-1, 1)
elif shuffle == 2 and e['rect'].bottom <["height"]:
e['rect'].move_ip(0, 1)
elif shuffle == 3 and e['rect'].right <["width"] and e['rect'].bottom <["height"]:
e['rect'].move_ip(1, 1)
elif shuffle == 4 and e['rect'].left > 0:
e['rect'].move_ip(-1, 0)
elif shuffle == 6 and e['rect'].right <["width"]:
e['rect'].move_ip(1, 0)
elif shuffle == 7 and e['rect'].left > 0 and e['rect'].top > 0:
e['rect'].move_ip(-1, -1)
elif shuffle == 8 and e['rect'].top > 0:
e['rect'].move_ip(0, -1)
elif shuffle == 9 and e['rect'].right <["width"] and e['rect'].top > 0:
e['rect'].move_ip(1, 1)
elif e['awake'] == True:
if player["rect"].centerx > e['rect'].centerx:
if player["rect"].centery > e['rect'].centery:
e['rect'].move_ip(e['speed'], e['speed'])
elif player["rect"].centery < e['rect'].centery:
e['rect'].move_ip(e['speed'], - e['speed'])
e['rect'].move_ip(e['speed'], 0)
elif player["rect"].centerx < e['rect'].centerx:
if player["rect"].centery > e['rect'].centery:
e['rect'].move_ip(- e['speed'], e['speed'])
elif player["rect"].centery < e['rect'].centery:
e['rect'].move_ip(- e['speed'], - e['speed'])
e['rect'].move_ip(- e['speed'], 0)
elif player["rect"].centery > e['rect'].centery:
e['rect'].move_ip(0, e['speed'])
elif player["rect"].centery < e['rect'].centery:
e['rect'].move_ip(0, - e['speed'])
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