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Created June 30, 2014 21:51
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FlightJS and RiotJS notes

Flightjs and riotjs comparison/exploration

Flightjs templating

  <tr id="{{id}}" class="mail-item">
    <td class="span1"><span class="label label-important">Important</span></td>
    <td class="span1"><span>&nbsp;</span></td>
    <td class="span2 mailContact">{{name}}</td>
    <td class="span8">
      <span class="mailSubject">
      <span class="mailMessage">
        - <a href="#">{{formattedMessage}}</a>

riotjs templating

<!-- invoice entry -->
<script type="text/tmpl" id="invoice-tmpl">
  <li>{time} <strong>${total}</strong></li>

<!-- customer page -->
<script type="text/tmpl" id="customer-tmpl">
  <img src="{img}">

  <div class="details">

    <p class="meta">
      {email} <span>&bull;</span>

    <p class="desc">{desc}</p>


  <div id="user-list">

  <div id="invoice-list">


riot eventing

on, one, off, trigger app.on('nextPageRequested', function(pageIx) { ... }) this.trigger('nextPageRequested');

flight eventing

Provides before and after for interception/AOP, which is nice. on, off, trigger

flight objects

Everything is a mixin of component, which provides eventing methods and more. When defining a new component, you can mix in other traits, e.g. define(timeline, withTweetCapability, withScrollCapability);.


  function(defineComponent, Mustache, dataStore, templates) {
    return defineComponent(moveTo);

    function moveTo() {

        dataStore: dataStore

      this.serveAvailableFolders = function(ev, data) {
        this.trigger("dataMoveToItemsServed", {
          markup: this.renderFolderSelector(this.getOtherFolders(data.folder))

      this.renderFolderSelector = function(items) {
        return Mustache.render(templates.moveToSelector, {moveToItems: items});

      this.moveItems = function(ev, data) {
        var itemsToMoveIds = data.itemIds
        this.attr.dataStore.mail.forEach(function(item) {
          if (itemsToMoveIds.indexOf( > -1) {
            item.folders = [data.toFolder];
        this.trigger('dataMailItemsRefreshRequested', {folder: data.fromFolder});

      this.after("initialize", function() {
        this.on("uiAvailableFoldersRequested", this.serveAvailableFolders);
        this.on("uiMoveItemsRequested", this.moveItems);

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