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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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import Rhino
import scriptcontext
import System.Guid
#import System.Drawing
import math
from matrix import Matrix
def Torus(R, r, toroidal, poloidal):
"""Returns a parametrically constructs a torus mesh."""
mesh = Rhino.Geometry.Mesh()
for i in range(poloidal):
for j in range(toroidal):
theta = i * math.pi * 2 / poloidal
phi = j * math.pi * 2 / toroidal
x = (R + r * math.cos(phi)) * math.cos(theta)
y = (R + r * math.cos(phi)) * math.sin(theta)
z = r * math.sin(phi)
mesh.Vertices.Add(x, y, z)
n = toroidal * poloidal
for i in range(poloidal):
for j in range(toroidal):
((i+1) * toroidal)%n + j,
((i+1) * toroidal)%n + (j+1)%toroidal,
i*toroidal + (j+1)%toroidal,
i*toroidal + j
return mesh
def CurvatureTensors(mesh):
"""Returns the curvature tensors for each vertex of a mesh."""
tensors = [] # list of Vector3f
for i in range(mesh.Vertices.Count):
v = mesh.TopologyVertices.TopologyVertexIndex(i)
position = mesh.Vertices[i]
# get vertex normal as a matrix
normal = mesh.Normals[i]
Nvi = Matrix([[normal.X], [normal.Y], [normal.Z]])
# get sorted 1-ring
ring = mesh.TopologyVertices.ConnectedTopologyVertices(v, True) # CW-sort (not CCW!)
# calculate face weightings, wij
wij = []
n = len(ring)
for j in range(n):
vec0 = mesh.TopologyVertices[ring[(j+(n-1))%n]] - position
vec1 = mesh.TopologyVertices[ring[j]] - position
vec2 = mesh.TopologyVertices[ring[(j+1)%n]] - position
# Assumes closed manifold
# TODO: handle boundaries
wij.append(0.5 * (Rhino.Geometry.Vector3f.CrossProduct(vec0, vec1).Length +
Rhino.Geometry.Vector3f.CrossProduct(vec1, vec2).Length))
wijSum = sum(wij)
# calculate matrix, Mvi
Mvi = Matrix([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]])
I = Matrix.identity(3)
for j in range(n):
vec = mesh.TopologyVertices[ring[j]] - position
edgeAsMatrix = Matrix([[vec.X], [vec.Y], [vec.Z]])
Tij = (I - (Nvi * Nvi.transpose())) * edgeAsMatrix
Tij *= (1 / Tij.getFrobeniusNorm())
kij = (Nvi.transpose() * 2 * edgeAsMatrix).getEntry(0, 0) / math.pow(vec.Length, 2)
Mvi += Tij.multiply(Tij.transpose()).scalarMultiply((wij[j]/wijSum)*kij)
# get eigenvalues and eigenvectors for Mvi
evals, evecs = Mvi.eig()
# replace eigenvector matrix with list of Vector3f
evecs = [Rhino.Geometry.Vector3f(evecs.getEntry(0,i), evecs.getEntry(1,i), evecs.getEntry(2,i)) for i in range(3)]
# scale eigenvectors by corresponding eigenvalues
[e.Unitize() for e in evecs]
evecs = [Rhino.Geometry.Vector3f.Multiply(evecs[i], evals[i]) for i in range(3)]
# sort by absolute value of eigenvalues (norm < min < max)
# sortv: abs curvature, curvature, Vector3f dir
sortv = zip([abs(i) for i in evals], evals, evecs)
# add min/max principal vectors to list
tensors.append([sortv[1][-1], sortv[2][-1]])
return tensors
def drawCurvatureTensors():
"""Draws curvature tensors for each vertex of a selected mesh."""
# select mesh
gp = Rhino.Input.Custom.GetObject()
gp.SetCommandPrompt("GetPoint with options")
gp.GeometryFilter = Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.Mesh
# set up the options
dblOption = Rhino.Input.Custom.OptionDouble(1.0, 0.01, 5)
gp.AddOptionDouble("Scale", dblOption)
scale = 1
objref = None
while True:
# perform the get operation. This will prompt the user to
# input a point, but also allow for command line options
# defined above
get_rc = gp.Get()
if gp.CommandResult() != Rhino.Commands.Result.Success:
return gp.CommandResult()
if get_rc == Rhino.Input.GetResult.Object:
objref = gp.Object(0)
scale = dblOption.CurrentValue
elif get_rc==Rhino.Input.GetResult.Option:
# get mesh
mesh = objref.Mesh()
# get curvature tensors
tensors = CurvatureTensors(mesh)
# set up layers (for coloring min/max lines)
layers = []
layers.append(scriptcontext.doc.Layers.Add("minimum", System.Drawing.Color.Blue))
layers.append(scriptcontext.doc.Layers.Add("maximum", System.Drawing.Color.Red))
# find layer if already created
if layers[0] == -1: layers[0] = scriptcontext.doc.Layers.Find("minimum", True)
if layers[1] == -1: layers[1] = scriptcontext.doc.Layers.Find("maximum", True)
# draw curvature tensors
for i in range(mesh.Vertices.Count):
#t = tensors[i]
# scale lines
t = [Rhino.Geometry.Vector3f.Multiply(tensors[i][j], scale) for j in range(2)]
position = mesh.Vertices[i]
for j in range(2): # 0 - min, 1 - max
# set layer
scriptcontext.doc.Layers.SetCurrentLayerIndex(layers[j], False)
# create lines
line1 = Rhino.Geometry.Line(position, t[j])
line2 = Rhino.Geometry.Line(position, t[j])
# add lines
# redraw and return
return Rhino.Commands.Result.Success
if __name__ == "__main__":
#torus = Torus(3, 2, 30, 30)
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