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Trying to write code my future self will be proud of

Patrique Ouimet patoui

Trying to write code my future self will be proud of
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patoui /
Created July 21, 2023 13:32
Script to fix issues when running NativePHP on Linux
# when running `php artisan native:install`, when prompted to start the development server select "no"
# copy this file within the root of your project/application and run it `bash`
# after running this script run `php artisan native:serve`
sed -i 's/app.dock.setIcon(state_1.default.icon);/\/\/app.dock.setIcon(state_1.default.icon);/g' vendor/nativephp/electron/resources/js/node_modules/nativephp-electron/dist/index.js
cp -L /usr/bin/php vendor/nativephp/php-bin/bin/mac/x86/php
patoui / prototype_pollution_example.js
Last active July 13, 2023 15:45
Prototype pollution example
// see for additional information and great explanations
// recursively update target with source data
function merge(target, source) {
for (const attr in source) {
if (
typeof target[attr] === "object" &&
typeof source[attr] === "object"
) {
merge(target[attr], source[attr])
##### dataCount: 10000, seletCount: 1, limit: 5000 #####
PhpClickhouse 0.076
SeasClickNonCompression 0.062
SeasClickCompression 0.064
OneCk 0.095
Total 0.297
##### dataCount: 10000, seletCount: 1, limit: 5000 #####
PhpClickhouse 0.051
patoui / temp_secrets.php
Last active July 21, 2022 13:27
Temporary/short lived secrets script
* Tested with PHP 8.1
* Create a sqlite file named `secrets.db` in the same directory
* Required extensions: sqlite3/pdo_sqlite, openssl
* Recommended extension: uuid
* src/
* Domain/
* Entity/
* Factory/
* Repository/ // repository interfaces
patoui / HasManyUpdator.php
Last active February 7, 2020 13:25
Utility class to perform multiple updates on a has many relationship (thanks to Glen UK on Larachat for finding bugs)
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelNotFoundException;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\RelationNotFoundException;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\App;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
class HasManyUpdater

Laravel Eloquent vs Collection Count

This can be a little confusing as the syntax barely changes but it makes a big difference.

Using Collection "count"

This seems harmless, but I'll explain why it can be bad for performance

patoui / namespace-before-action-sample.rb
Created December 8, 2018 17:17
Applying before_action to entire namespace sample
# config/routes.rb
namespace :admin do
get 'dashboard' => 'dashboard#index'
# app/controllers/admin/admin_controller.rb
include SessionsHelper
class Admin::AdminController < ApplicationController
http_basic_authenticate_with name: "johndoe", password: "secret"
patoui /
Last active December 5, 2018 00:25


Part 2! This is an overview of things I've learnt while working on my side project Anon Forum in Ruby on Rails.

Today's topics:

  • Custom Validation
  • Pagination

Custom Validation

patoui /
Created November 25, 2018 19:30


This is an overview of things I've learnt while working on my side project anonforum in Ruby on Rails.

Today's topics:

  • Testing (models and controllers)
  • Routing
  • Controllers
  • Views (helpers)