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Last active May 5, 2019 08:43
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  • Save patperu/8f54d7d38d7baa5e78534430c1bcd48d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save patperu/8f54d7d38d7baa5e78534430c1bcd48d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Read WFS data from the geodata portal (FIS-Broker) of Berlin (Population density) via 'sf'
# Source:
# -
# -
sf_fisbroker <- function(x) {
u1 <- glue("{x}")
u2 <- glue("?service=wfs&version=2.0.0&request=GetFeature&TYPENAMES={x}")
url <- paste0(u1, u2)
s <- sf::read_sf(url)
sf::st_crs(s) <- 25833
s <- sf::st_transform(s, 4326)
z <- sf_fisbroker("s06_06ewdichte2017")
#> z
# Simple feature collection with 14730 features and 5 fields
#geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
#dimension: XY
#bbox: xmin: 13.09301 ymin: 52.33963 xmax: 13.74157 ymax: 52.66074
#epsg (SRID): 4326
#proj4string: +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs
## A tibble: 14,730 x 6
# gml_id EW2017 FLALLE EW_HA2017 TYPKLAR geometry
# <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <MULTIPOLYGON [°]>
# 1 s06_06ewdichte201~ 500 10256. 488. Entkernte Blockrandbebauung, Lücke~ (((13.34376 52.48248, 13.34383 52.48199, 13.3439~
# 2 s06_06ewdichte201~ 489 10305. 475. Geschlossene Blockbebauung, Hinter~ (((13.34525 52.481, 13.34621 52.48101, 13.34621 ~
# 3 s06_06ewdichte201~ 727 11640. 625. Geschlossene Blockbebauung, Hinter~ (((13.3465 52.48059, 13.34804 52.48177, 13.34668~
# 4 s06_06ewdichte201~ 296 14027. 211. Entkernte Blockrandbebauung, Lücke~ (((13.34122 52.47999, 13.34243 52.479, 13.34295 ~
# 5 s06_06ewdichte201~ 282 7264. 388. Geschlossene Blockbebauung, Hinter~ (((13.34313 52.48067, 13.34341 52.48005, 13.3437~
# 6 s06_06ewdichte201~ 432 6630. 652. Blockrandbebauung mit Großhöfen (1~ (((13.34382 52.4792, 13.34392 52.47898, 13.34426~
# 7 s06_06ewdichte201~ 268 5894 455. Geschlossene Blockbebauung, Hinter~ (((13.34519 52.47962, 13.3462 52.48038, 13.34621~
# 8 s06_06ewdichte201~ 936 21202. 441. Geschlossene Blockbebauung, Hinter~ (((13.34459 52.47861, 13.34502 52.47847, 13.3456~
# 9 s06_06ewdichte201~ 500 9842. 508. Dichte Blockbebauung, geschlossene~ (((13.3473 52.48076, 13.34739 52.48043, 13.34955~
#10 s06_06ewdichte201~ 499 9300. 537. Dichte Blockbebauung, geschlossene~ (((13.34744 52.48025, 13.3476 52.4797, 13.34962 ~
## ... with 14,720 more rows
## Save the sf object in different formats
sf::st_write(z, "s06_06ewdichte2017.geojson")
sf::st_write(z, "s06_06ewdichte2017.sqlite")
sf::st_write(z, "s06_06ewdichte2017.shp")
sf::st_write(z, "s06_06ewdichte2017.kml")
sf::st_write(z, "s06_06ewdichte2017.gml")
sf::st_write(z, "s06_06ewdichte2017.xlsx") # no geometry
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