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Last active May 13, 2016 15:11
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Make a GeoJson line from point A to point B using mapzen's Valhalla routing engine
#!/usr/bin/env python
import requests, json, sys
import geojson
#six degrees of precision in valhalla
inv = 1.0 / 1e6;
#decode an encoded string
def decode(encoded):
decoded = []
previous = [0,0]
i = 0
#for each byte
while i < len(encoded):
#for each coord (lat, lon)
ll = [0,0]
for j in [0, 1]:
shift = 0
byte = 0x20
#keep decoding bytes until you have this coord
while byte >= 0x20:
byte = ord(encoded[i]) - 63
i += 1
ll[j] |= (byte & 0x1f) << shift
shift += 5
#get the final value adding the previous offset and remember it for the next
ll[j] = previous[j] + (~(ll[j] >> 1) if ll[j] & 1 else (ll[j] >> 1))
previous[j] = ll[j]
#scale by the precision and chop off long coords also flip the positions so
#its the far more standard lon,lat instead of lat,lon
decoded.append([float('%.6f' % (ll[1] * inv)), float('%.6f' % (ll[0] * inv))])
#hand back the list of coordinates
return decoded
A = [ -122.4425, 37.77823 ] # SF
B = [ -73.96625, 40.78343 ] # NY
KEY = 'API_KEY' # Get your's for free at
URL = ''
FROM_TO = '{"locations":[{"lat":'+str(A[1])+',"lon":'+str(A[0])+'},{"lat":'+str(B[1])+',"lon":'+str(B[0])+'}],"costing":"auto"}'
RST = requests.get(URL+'json='+FROM_TO+'&api_key='+KEY)
JSON = json.loads(RST.text)
line = geojson.LineString(decode(JSON['trip']['legs'][0]['shape']))
feature = geojson.Feature(geometry=line)
feature_collection = geojson.FeatureCollection([feature])
file = open('trip.json', 'w')
file.write(geojson.dumps(feature_collection, sort_keys=True))
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