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Last active April 7, 2021 15:01
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AWS Authentication using Query Parameters (AWS Signature Version 4):
// Example implementation as follows:
public class AWSS3_GetService extends AWS {
public override void init() {
resource = '/[your bucket]/[your folder 1]/[your folder 2]/[file name].[extension]';
region = 'eu-west-2';
service = 's3';
endpoint = new Url('https://' + service + '.' + region + '');
accessKey = 'SET HERE';
method = HttpMethod.XGET;
createSigningKey('SET HERE');
public String yourMethod() {
String url = getPreSignedUrl();
return url;
public abstract class AWS {
// Post initialization logic (after constructor, before call)
protected abstract void init();
// Things we need to know about the service. Set these values in init()
protected String host;
protected String region;
protected String service;
protected String resource;
protected String accessKey;
protected String payloadSha256;
protected String contentType;
protected Url endpoint;
protected HttpMethod method;
protected Blob payload;
protected Integer expires;
// Not used externally, so we hide these values
Blob signingKey;
String signature;
String canonicalRequest;
DateTime requestTime;
Map<String, String> queryParams;
Map<String, String> headerParams;
// Call this constructor with super() in subclasses
protected AWS() {
requestTime =;
queryParams = new Map<String, String>();
headerParams = new Map<String, String>();
expires = 10;
// Send a default request
protected HttpResponse sendRequest() {
return sendRequest(new Set<Integer> { 200 });
// Get URL to download file
protected String getPreSignedUrl() {
return createQuerySignedRequest().getEndpoint();
// Actually perform the request, and throw exception if response code is not valid
protected HttpResponse sendRequest(Set<Integer> validCodes) {
HttpRequest request = createQuerySignedRequest();
HttpResponse response = new Http().send(request);
if(!validCodes.contains(response.getStatusCode())) {
throw new ServiceException(response.getBodyDocument().getRootElement());
return response;
HttpRequest createQuerySignedRequest() {
String stringToSign;
String finalEndpoint;
String queryString;
String canonicalHeaders;
HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
if(payload == null || payload == Blob.valueOf('UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD')) {
payloadSha256 = 'UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD';
} else {
payloadSha256 = EncodingUtil.convertToHex(Crypto.generateDigest('SHA-256', payload));
if(host == null) {
host = service + '.' + region + '';
if(String.isNotBlank(contentType)) {
request.setHeader('Content-type', contentType);
setHeader('Content-type', contentType);
setHeader('Host', host);
//Set AUTHPARAMS in the query
setQueryParam('X-Amz-Credential', String.join(new List<String> {
setQueryParam('X-Amz-Expires', String.valueOf(expires));
setQueryParam('X-Amz-SignedHeaders', + String.join(new List<String>(headerParams.keySet()),';').toLowerCase());
//Create the signature
queryString = createCanonicalQueryString();
canonicalHeaders = createCanonicalHeaders();
canonicalRequest = createCanonicalRequest(queryString, canonicalHeaders);
stringToSign = createStringToSign(canonicalRequest);
//Add the signature at the end
queryString += '&X-Amz-Signature=' + signature;
finalEndpoint = new Url(endpoint, resource).toExternalForm() + '?'+ queryString;
System.debug('finalEndpoint: ' + finalEndpoint);
return request;
protected void createSigningKey(String secretKey) {
Blob dateKey = signString(Blob.valueOf(requestTime.formatGMT('yyyyMMdd')),Blob.valueOf('AWS4'+secretKey));
Blob dateRegionKey = signString(Blob.valueOf(region),dateKey);
Blob dateRegionServiceKey = signString(Blob.valueOf(service),dateRegionKey);
signingKey = signString(Blob.valueOf('aws4_request'),dateRegionServiceKey);
// Create a canonical query string (used during signing)
String createCanonicalQueryString() {
List<String> results = new List<String>();
List<String> keys = new List<String>(queryParams.keySet());
for(String key: keys) {
results.add(key + '=' + queryParams.get(key));
return String.join(results, '&');
// Create the canonical headers (used for signing)
String createCanonicalHeaders() {
List<String> results = new List<String>();
List<String> keys = new List<String>(headerParams.keySet());
for(String key: keys) {
results.add(key + ':' + headerParams.get(key));
return String.join(results, '\n')+'\n';
// Create the entire canonical request
String createCanonicalRequest(String queryString, String canonicalHeaders) {
String result = String.join(
new List<String> {'X'), // METHOD
new Url(endPoint, resource).getPath(), // RESOURCE
canonicalHeaders, // CANONICAL HEADERS
String.join(new List<String>(headerParams.keySet()), ';'), // SIGNED HEADERS
payloadSha256 // SHA256 PAYLOAD
return result;
// Create the entire string to sign
String createStringToSign(String canonicalRequest) {
String result = String.join(
new List<String> {
String.join(new List<String>{requestTime.formatGMT('yyyyMMdd'), region, service, 'aws4_request' },'/'),
EncodingUtil.convertToHex(Crypto.generateDigest('sha256', Blob.valueof(canonicalRequest)))
return result;
private void createSignature(String stringToSign){
signature = EncodingUtil.convertToHex(signString(blob.valueof(stringToSign),signingKey));
// We have to replace ~ and " " correctly, or we'll break AWS on those two characters
protected string uriEncode(String value) {
return value==null? null: EncodingUtil.urlEncode(value, 'utf-8').replaceAll('%7E','~').replaceAll('\\+','%20');
protected void setHeader(String key, String value) {
headerParams.put(key.toLowerCase(), value);
protected void setQueryParam(String key, String value) {
queryParams.put(key.capitalize(), UriEncode(value));
private Blob signString(Blob msg, Blob key) {
return Crypto.generateMac('HMACSHA256', msg, key);
private static String getChildNodeText(Dom.XmlNode node, String ns, String name) {
try {
return node.getChildElement(name, ns).getText();
} catch(Exception e) {
return null;
// Turns an Amazon exception into something we can present to the user/catch
public class ServiceException extends Exception {
public String Code, Message, Resource, RequestId;
public ServiceException(Dom.XmlNode node) {
String ns = node.getNamespace();
Code = getChildNodeText(node, ns, 'Code');
Message = getChildNodeText(node, ns, 'Message');
Resource = getChildNodeText(node, ns, 'Resource');
RequestId = getChildNodeText(node, ns, 'RequestId');
public String toString() {
return JSON.serialize(this);
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klthaw commented Nov 4, 2020

Hi babunirwan,
Any solution for SignatureDoesNotMatch error?

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olgaslcode commented Mar 15, 2021

Hi babunirwan,
Any solution for SignatureDoesNotMatch error?

I will implement this class and will let you know if fix it.

@patrik-fisher Great work! Thank you, man.

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jheidt commented Apr 7, 2021

@OlgasCode im guessing its the janky handrolled URLEncoding found on line 205.

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