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Created January 29, 2011 01:52
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  • Save patrick99e99/801410 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save patrick99e99/801410 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
var Core = (function($) {
var self;
// private methods:
var mathTest = function(method, arr) {
return Math[method].apply(Math, arr);
return {
modules: {},
plugins: {},
init: function() {
self = this;
initializePlugins: function() {
for (var name in this.plugins) {
initializeModules: function() {
for (var name in this.modules) {
var module = this.modules[name];
// create new sandbox for module
var sandbox = new Sandbox(name);
module.sandbox = sandbox;
module.instance = module.constructor(sandbox).init();
loadPlugin: function(plugin_name, fn) {
this.plugins[plugin_name] = fn();
registerModule: function(module_name, fn) {
this.modules[module_name] = { constructor: fn,
instance: null,
listening_list: {} };
// if the last module has been registered, initialize core and start all modules
if (module_name == 'creator') {
registerPlugin: function(name, obj) {
this.plugins[name] = obj;
addToListeningList: function(name, fn, module_name, persist) {
var module = this.modules[module_name];
if (module) {
module.listening_list[name] = {method: fn, persist: persist};
fireEvent: function(name, data) {
for (var mod_name in this.modules) {
var list = this.modules[mod_name].listening_list;
if (list[name] && list[name].method && this.isFunction(list[name].method)) {
// remove event if it's not supposed to persist forever
if (!list[name].persist) {
delete list[name];
addCurryToFunction: function() {
// add .curry method to functions to allow assignment of arguments outside of function calls
if (typeof Function.prototype.curry === 'undefined') {
Function.prototype.curry = function() {
var func = this;
var a =, 0);
return function () {
var a_len = a.length;
var length = arguments.length;
while (length--) {
a[a_len + length] = arguments[length];
return func.apply(this, a);
// library specific methods:
bind: function(element, evt, fn) {
return $(element).bind(evt, fn);
isFunction: function(obj) {
return $.isFunction(obj);
isString: function(obj) {
return (typeof obj === 'string');
isArray: function(obj) {
return $.isArray(obj);
find: function(el_id) {
return (el_id instanceof jQuery) ? el_id :
this.isString(el_id) ? $('#' + el_id) : $(el_id);
find_by_selector: function(selector) {
// if this were Prototype, we'd use $$() here...
return (selector instanceof jQuery) ? selector : $(selector);
resetSelect: function(select) {
var values = this.getSelectOptionValues(select);
return this.setValue(select, values[0]);
getSelectOptionValues: function(select) {
return this.find(select).find('option').map(function() {
return this.value;
getValue: function(input) {
return this.find(input).val();
setValue: function(input, value) {
return this.find(input).val(value);
ajaxUpdate: function(container, location, callback) {
return this.find(container).load(location, callback);
makeDraggable: function(collection, options) {
return collection.draggable(options);
makeDroppable: function(collection, options) {
return collection.droppable(options);
hide: function(obj) {
// use find to wrap the element as a jQuery object if it's not already one
return this.find(obj).hide();
show: function(obj) {
// use find to wrap the element as a jQuery object if it's not already one
return this.find(obj).show();
hideAll: function(collection) {
return this.each(collection, function() {
showAll: function(collection) {
return this.each(collection, function() {;
each: function(collection, block) {
return this.find(collection).each(block);
map: function(collection, block) {
return this.find(collection).map(block).get();
down: function(element, selector) {
return this.find(element).find(selector).eq(0);
clone: function(element) {
return this.find(element).clone();
attr: function(element, attributes) {
return this.find(element).attr(attributes);
insertHTML: function(element, html) {
element = this.find(element);
this.each(html, function() {
return element;
randomNumber: function(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;
getText: function(element) {
// handle text from text areas as well as from standard elements
return (this.isTextArea(element)) ? this.find(element).val() : this.find(element).text();
setText: function(element, text) {
return (this.isTextArea(element)) ? this.find(element).val(text) : this.find(element).text(text);
getHTML: function(element, html) {
return (this.find(element)).html();
setHTML: function(element, html) {
return (this.find(element)).html(html);
isTextArea: function(element) {
return this.find(element).get(0).tagName.toLowerCase() == 'textarea';
hasClass: function(element, class_name) {
return this.find(element).hasClass(class_name);
highestNumber: function(arr) {
return mathTest('max', arr);
lowestNumber: function(arr) {
return mathTest('min', arr);
extend: function(obj1, obj2) {
return $.extend(true, obj1, obj2);
createElement: function(element, attributes) {
var el = $('<' + element + '>');
return attributes ? el.attr(attributes) : el;
join: function(array, separator) {
separator = separator ? separator : ", ";
var str = '';
this.each(array, function(index, value) {
str += value;
if (index != array.length - 1) {
str += separator;
return str;
addClass: function(element, class_name) {
return this.find(element).addClass(class_name);
removeClass: function(element, class_name) {
return this.find(element).removeClass(class_name);
width: function(element) {
return this.find(element).width();
height: function(element) {
return this.find(element).height();
css: function(element, obj) {
return this.find(element).css(obj);
Core.registerModule('photos', function(sandbox) {
var self;
var photos;
var utilities = sandbox.getPlugin('utilities');
return {
init: function() {
self = this;
storePhotos: function() {
photos = Core.find_by_selector('');
addActionsToPhotos: function() {
var actions = [{ text: 'Add to favorites',
url: '#' },
{ text: 'Move to album',
url: '#' },
{ text: 'Edit',
url: '#' },
{ text: 'Rename',
url: '#' },
{ text: 'Delete',
url: '#' }];
utilities.addActions({collection: photos, data: actions, position: 'above'});
makePhotosDraggable: function() {
utilities.makeDraggables({collection: photos});
Core.loadPlugin('utilities', function() {
var self;
return {
init: function() {
self = this;
addActions: function(obj) {
// create a tab in the top-right corner of objects, submenu-options appear when hovering over this tab
// quick and dirty recreation of this html:
// <ul class="submenu">
// <li><img src="images/info_box.png" />
// <ul>
// <li><a href="#">Add to favorites</a></li>
// <li><a href="#">Move</a></li>
// <li><a href="#">Edit</a></li>
// <li><a href="#">Rename</a></li>
// <li><a href="#">Delete</a></li>
// </li>
// </li>
// </ul>
var links = '';
Core.each(, function() {
links += '<li><a href="' + this.url + '">' + this.text + '</a></li>';
// determine whether the submenu hover above or below the object...
var css_class = obj.position ? (' class="' + obj.position + '"') : "";
var html = '<ul class="submenu"><li><img src="images/info_box.png" /><ul' + css_class + '>' + links + '</ul></li></ul>';
Core.each(obj.collection, function() {
Core.insertHTML(this, html);
makeDraggables: function(obj) {
// make all assets (photos, movies, music, etc) draggable
Core.makeDraggable(obj.collection, {
revert: true,
zIndex: 999
var Sandbox = function(module_name) {
// connect the sandbox instance to it's module
this.module_name = module_name;
this.listen = function(name, fn, persist) {
Core.addToListeningList(name, fn, module_name, persist);
this.notify = function(name, data) {
Core.fireEvent(name, data);
this.getPlugin = function(name) {
return Core.plugins[name];
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