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Last active May 7, 2019 00:06
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  • Save patrickarlt/906a47f0c67e420a09177e32728fc32c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save patrickarlt/906a47f0c67e420a09177e32728fc32c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// the acetate extension
function gitCloneOrUpdate(config) {
return function(context) {
let cmd;
let repoPATH = path.join(config. config.gitCloneRootDirectory, config.gitCloneDirectory);
if (!fs.existsSync(repoPATH)) {
cmd = `git -C ${context.gitCloneRootDirectory} clone ${
} --depth 1 ${context.gitCloneRootDirectory} -q`;
} else {
cmd = `git -C ${repoPATH} fetch origin --depth 1 -q && git -C ${repoPATH} checkout FETCH_HEAD -q`;
try { execSync(cmd); } catch (e) { console.log(e.stack); }
function generateFromExternalGitRepo(options) {
// clone the repo ect...
// return the aceate config to use the cloned content
return function (acetate) {
// run any additional config, this could even be ANOTHER extension
// in our main acetate config
repo: ".net samples git url",
cloneLocation: ".net samples temp folder",
determinePageSrc: function (pageMetadata) {
return (metadata) => {
// metadata.templatePath is the original path to the readme in the repo
return determinePageSrc(metadata.title, metadata.templatePath); // /net/latest/{switcherKey}/sample-code/{title}
config: function (acetate) {
// add additional arbitrary acetate config we could create seperate extensions
// for image processing for the runtime samples, extracting snippets ect...
// in our main acetate config
function determineRuntimeSampleSrc(options) {
return (metadata) => {
const slug = makeSlug(metadata.title);
// metadata.templatePath is the original path to the readme in the repo
return `${options.sdk}/latest/${options.platform}/sample-code/${slug}`
function configureRuntimeSamples (options) {
// add additional arbitrary acetate config we could create seperate extensions
// for image processing for the runtime samples, extracting snippets ect...
return function (acetate) {
// build the nav
acetate.query(, options.glob, (page)=> {
return {
title: page.title,
url: page.url,
category: page.category
}, (nav, page) => {
// add page to nav, sort all categories + page category
return nav;
}, []);
// assign the nav to each page
acetate.metadata(options.glob, {
// read snippets in prerender
acetate.prerender(options.glob, (page, callback) => {
page.snippetContent = => {
// map snippet content, do processing ect...
callback(null, page);
// copy images to build folder
acetate.prerender(options.glob, (page, callback) => {
page.images.forEach(image => {
const imageOutputPath = path.join(acetate.dest, path.resolve(page.dest, image));
// copy image to imageOutputPath
// fsExtra.copy should make all the directories
callback(null, page);
function generateRuntimeSamples (options) {
repo: options.repo,
cloneLocation: options.cloneLocation,
determinePageSrc: determineRuntimeSampleSrc(options),
pageGlob: options.pageGlob,
pageMetadata: {
// custom page metadata from options or directly defined
sdk: options.sdk,
platform: options.platform,
config: configureRuntimeSamples(options),
generate: (createPage, cb) => {
glob(path.join(options.cloneLocation, options.pageGlob)).then(readmePaths => {
const pages = => {
// I need to add functionality to acetate to allow dynamically
// calculating the src from the metadata when the page gets built
// but this would create a new page object with the proper
// this also saves the original path of the readme file as readmePath
// in the metadata
const page = createPage.fromTemplate(options.determinePageSrc, readmePath);
// generate the redirects from each page
const redirects = pages.reduce(((redirects,page) => {
const redirectsForPage = => {
const TEMPLATE = `<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL={{ redirectTo }}">
return createPage(oldUrl, TEMPLATE, {
prettyUrl: false,
redirectTo: page.url,
layout: false,
sitemap: false
return redirects.concat(redirectsForPage);
}), [])
cb(null, pages.concat(redirects));
// run this for each sdk + platform combo...
repo: "qt samples git url",
cloneLocation: "qt samples temp folder",
pageGlob: "ArcGISRuntimeSDKQt_QMLSamples/**/",
sdk: "qt",
platform: "qml"
repo: "python samples git url",
cloneLocation: "python samples temp folder",
pageGlob: "**/*.pynb",
sdk: "python",
platform: "",
generate: () => {},
config: () => {},
determinePageSrc: () => {},
pageMetadata: {
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