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Last active April 26, 2019 18:16
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  • Save patrickcoombe/3ffbf6515a90b30b27ce to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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<script type="application/ld+json">
"@context": "",
"@type": "Recipe",
"author": "Jake Smith",
"cookTime": "PT2H",
"datePublished": "2015-05-18",
"description": "Your recipe description goes here",
"image": "",
"recipeIngredient": [
"ingredient 1",
"ingredient 2",
"ingredient 3",
"ingredient 4",
"ingredient 5"
"interactionStatistic": {
"@type": "InteractionCounter",
"interactionType": "",
"userInteractionCount": "5"
"name": "Rand's Cookies",
"nutrition": {
"@type": "NutritionInformation",
"calories": "1200 calories",
"carbohydrateContent": "12 carbs",
"proteinContent": "9 grams of protein",
"fatContent": "9 grams fat"
"prepTime": "PT15M",
"recipeInstructions": "This is the long part, etc.",
"recipeYield": "12 cookies"
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