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Created June 19, 2012 05:51
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csv = require 'csv'
_ = require 'underscore'
Table = require 'cli-table'
class Class
constructor: (@code, @sect, @title, @teacher, @room, @capacity, @grade) ->
classes = {}
schedule = {
M: [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] # DAY: period[classess[]]
T: [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
W: [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
R: [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
F: [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
load_data = (callback)->
grades = [9, 10]
remaining = grades.length
_.each(grades, (grade)->
raw_classes = []
raw_schedule = []
.on('data', (data, index)->
if index < 9 and index >= 1 # store the schedule section of the csv
if index > 10 # store the classes section of the csv
.on('end', (count)->
_.each(raw_classes, (class_, index)-> # add to classess object new instance of every read in class with our code (M1) + grade (10) as key --> M110
classes[class_[0]+'-'+grade] = new Class class_[1], class_[2], class_[3].toUpperCase(), class_[4].toUpperCase(), class_[5], class_[6], grade
_.each(raw_schedule, (row, period)->
# console.log row
schedule.M[row[0]].push([1].split(' '), (code)->code+'-'+grade))
schedule.T[row[0]].push([2].split(' '), (code)->code+'-'+grade))
schedule.W[row[0]].push([3].split(' '), (code)->code+'-'+grade))
schedule.R[row[0]].push([4].split(' '), (code)->code+'-'+grade))
schedule.F[row[0]].push([5].split(' '), (code)->code+'-'+grade))
# some cleaning
for period in [0..8]
_.each(schedule, (day, key)->
day[period] = _.flatten(day[period])
day[period] =[period], (code)-> if code and code.charAt(0) is '-' then return '' else return code)
day[period] = _.without(day[period], '')
if (--remaining is 0)
.on('error', (error)->
console.log error
problems = new Table({
head: ['Error', 'Message']
check_schedule = ->
for day of schedule
for period in schedule[day]
for class_code in period
problems.push(['unknown class code used', 'what class is ' + class_code + ' referring to?']) if not classes[class_code]
check_teachers = ->
for day of schedule
for period, index in schedule[day]
# console.log schedule[day][index] is period
teachers_prev_period = []
teachers_this_period = []
teachers_next_period = []
if schedule[day][index-1]
for class_code in schedule[day][index-1]
if classes[class_code]
for class_code in schedule[day][index]
if classes[class_code]
if schedule[day][index+1]
for class_code in schedule[day][index+1]
if classes[class_code]
# check if a teacher is teaching multiple classes in a given period
_.each(teachers_this_period, (teacher, i, list)->
current = list.shift()
if _.include(list, current)
message = 'Check day ' + day + ' and period '+ index + ', ' + current + ' is overbooked'
console.log message
problems.push(['teacher conflict', message])
# check if a teacher is teaching more than three periods in a row
_.each(teachers_this_period, (teacher) ->
if _.include(teachers_prev_period, teacher) and _.include(teachers_next_period, teacher)
prev = index-1 + ''
next = index+1 + ''
message = 'Check day ' + day + ' and periods ' + prev + ', ' + index + ', ' + next + ', ' + teacher + ' is scheduled 3 or more periods in a row'
problems.push(['3+ periods for teacher', message])
if problems.length > 1
console.log problems.toString()
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