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Last active March 6, 2023 13:08
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Minimal QML example to fetch video and mavlink data from BlueOS
import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Controls 2.3
import QtMultimedia 5.8
import QtWebSockets 1.15
Item {
id: parentLayout
width: 640
height: 400
// The correct is to have a model that is populated with all rtsp streams in http://blueos.local:6020/streams
Column {
Video {
id: video
width: 300
height: 300
source: "rtsp://blueos.local:8554/video_stream__dev_video0"
autoPlay: true
onStatusChanged: {
print(`Video status: ${status}`)
Video {
id: video2
width: 300
height: 300
source: "rtsp://blueos.local:8554/video_stream_ball"
autoPlay: true
onStatusChanged: {
print(`Video status: ${status}`)
Column {
Label {
id: rollLabel
Label {
id: pitchLabel
Label {
id: yawLabel
Timer {
running: video.status == MediaPlayer.InvalidMedia; repeat: true; interval: 200;
onTriggered: {
Timer {
running: video2.status == MediaPlayer.InvalidMedia; repeat: true; interval: 200;
onTriggered: {
WebSocket {
id: socket
url: "ws://blueos.local:6040/ws/mavlink"
onTextMessageReceived: {
const pack = JSON.parse(message)
const mavMessage = pack.message
switch (mavMessage.type) {
case 'ATTITUDE':
const roll = mavMessage.roll
const pitch = mavMessage.pitch
const yaw = mavMessage.yaw
rollLabel.text = `Roll: ${roll * 180 / Math.PI}`
pitchLabel.text = `Pitch: ${pitch * 180 / Math.PI}`
yawLabel.text = `Yaw: ${yaw * 180 / Math.PI}`
onStatusChanged: {
switch (socket.status) {
case WebSocket.Error:
console.log(`Error: ${socket.errorString}`)
case WebSocket.Open:
console.log('Socket open')
case WebSocket.Closed:
console.log('Socket closed')
active: true
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