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30-Day Action Plan Checklist

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Cut-off date for having a full time position?

I'm not going to have a cut off date until I have a job.

List Monthly, Weekly, and Daily Goals

My goal is to make small steps to getting a job, and not just apply to a multitude of places until something pans out.

patrickjneel /
Last active November 6, 2017 02:00
Agile Practices

What were you already doing?

Trying to get the project done while timeboxing. So you don't get bogged down on one feature for to long and end up wasting time. Having checkins with the instructors so you could get guidance with any issues that were going on.

What did you put into place in Module Two?

Luckily in mod2 we have a few more free weekends and were able to go back on a few projects and add features and so some refactoring and make them look nicer. Also having more work time was very crucial, because being with your partner you could have very specific divide up work, and if one of you got stuck you could had someone to ask a question.

What was effective?

Having the time to go back and clean things up and add features was really nice. We added a lot to GameTime that wasn't there when we turned it in, and that was awesome to make it look nice and add some more functionality.

What do you want to improve on in future projects?

patrickjneel /
Last active November 6, 2017 01:44

Why will you attend this particular event?

I really want to attend a React or Redux meet up over break. It'll be a great opprotunity to learn more on the subject, and potentially meet some people could help me better learn the material and become more proficient. Learning React and Redux are two massive marketable skills that can help finding a career easier if you have a solid foundation.

Who do you hope to connect with at this event?

It would be nice to make some connections in the Denver tech community and potentially find a mentor that isn't in the Turing network. Or meet people from companies that are intersting and learn more about the companies and what they do.

How will you follow-up with the people you connect at this event?

I'll if they would want to grab coffee or see if it would be possible to go to their office and see what goes on at a company that does software development. Or if I conncect with someone if they'd be willing to help me learn React better or help me learn Redux woul

patrickjneel /
Last active November 6, 2017 01:29
professional story

Professional Story

My entire life I've always identified as an athlete. Specifically a ski racer. Ski racing is a sport where you have to push yourself mentally and physically to succeed at the highest level. My background is skiing has helped at Turing where you are constantly uncomfortable and push through the mental and physical barriers to succeed in this very demanding environment. I would consider push past my pain threshold to be a great strength of mine. Another skill in skiing that translates to Turing is being self motivated. When it was skiing it was getting up before the sun, and training in excess of 800 hours a year. That being said you to have to be extremely dedicated and motivated to succeed at Turing. Whether it be staying very late on the weekdays of coming in on the weekends to make sure that what needs to get done gets done. One challenge that I've encountered at Turing is that I've always identified as an athelete in my life. I've never identified as an academic type. I think that a

patrickjneel /
Last active November 5, 2017 16:43
Feedback II Converstaion

Date of Conversation:

Hugh and I's feedback conversation was October 14th the Saturday after our GameTime eval.

How did I prepare:

I prepared by looking over the project and again and looking at gitHub and the commits we each had and relected on the project as a whole.

How did the conversation go:

It went really well. We kept it super casual and went and grabbed a beer and talked about the project as a whole. The easy part was the project as a whole. It went really smooth and our communication was really good as far as dividing up work and getting

patrickjneel /
Last active September 16, 2017 22:04

Project: TODO Pivot Box

Group Member Names: Matthew Arvidson Patrick Neel

Project Expectations: What does each group member hope to get out of this project?

Goals and expectations: Complete as much of the project as possible as eloquently as possible, while learning the fundamentals nessecary to move on to Mod 2.

Team strengths:

Partrick: Flexible, easy to communicate with via in person or on slack/googlehangouts. Matt: Flexible as well in the same regaurds. Solid on HTML and CSS, with room to learn in JavaScript and JQuery.

patrickjneel / Personal
Last active September 7, 2017 02:02
Pat Personal Story

mod 1 1708-FE Patrick Neel

Write 1-2 paragraphs about your StrengthsFinder themes: How have you seen yourself using these strengths at Turing? Has your understanding of these strengths changed since you first reflected on them? If so, how?

I think that I've done a descent job at using these since my time at Turing. It's pretty easy to get caught up in school and everything else that goes on and forget about your strengths. It's nice to be able to go back and

patrickjneel /
Last active August 24, 2017 17:53
Week 2 Challenge

week 2

Challenge 1

For the first one I used the float right and left to get them positioned. I first ried the float left and then right on the other two elements, but that didnt work well. So put all elements in the display of inline block. and put margin-right to push the other two on the right. challenge 1

Challenge 2

For the second Challenge I used the margin-left to push them over. Set all the elements to block. challenge 2

patrickjneel / Pat Neel strength
Last active August 15, 2017 22:11
Pat Neel Strength Finder

What words or phrases stick out to you? How would you define each of your top 5 talents in your own words?

Futuristic- "Wouldn't if be great if" Always looking ahead. Consistency- constant balance. Achiever- constantly pushing myself. Doesn't like to settle always reaching. Discipline- follow a set routine to maintain order or balance. Harmony- agreement. Don't like to rock the boat so to speak.

Do these top 5 talent themes resonate with you? Why or why not?

I would say for the most part yes. The futuristic one I'm not a huge fan of, because my first reaction was that I'm also preoccupied with the future and can't stay in the preseent moment. That was what I immediately thought of. The other themes I think are accurate of me and paint an accurate picture.

patrickjneel /
Last active August 2, 2017 18:17
Pat Neel Gearup Pre-work

What role does empathy play in your life and how has it helped you? Helps with perspective and to try and see things from a different point of view. Shown me a way of going about something that wasn't clear to me.

How does empathy help you build better software? Gain more perspective and insight that you might not have thought of before, and down the road makes a better product.

Why is empathy important for working on a team? Empathy is important on a team because you'll have a team hopefully with diverse backgrounds. And empathy will help you relate better with your team and it more cohesive and efficient.

Describe a situation in which your ability to empathize with a colleague or teammate was helpful.