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Last active June 22, 2022 10:13
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import Foundation
Set FourCharCode/OSType using a String.
let test: FourCharCode = "420v"
let test2 = FourCharCode("420f")
print(test.string, test2.string)
extension FourCharCode: StringLiteralConvertible {
public init(stringLiteral value: StringLiteralType) {
var code: FourCharCode = 0
// Value has to consist of 4 printable ASCII characters, e.g. '420v'.
// Note: This implementation does not enforce printable range (32-126)
if value.characters.count == 4 && value.utf8.count == 4 {
for byte in value.utf8 {
code = code << 8 + FourCharCode(byte)
else {
print("FourCharCode: Can't initialize with '\(value)', only printable ASCII allowed. Setting to '????'.")
code = 0x3F3F3F3F // = '????'
self = code
public init(extendedGraphemeClusterLiteral value: String) {
self = FourCharCode(stringLiteral: value)
public init(unicodeScalarLiteral value: String) {
self = FourCharCode(stringLiteral: value)
public init(_ value: String) {
self = FourCharCode(stringLiteral: value)
public var string: String? {
let cString: [CChar] = [
CChar(self >> 24 & 0xFF),
CChar(self >> 16 & 0xFF),
CChar(self >> 8 & 0xFF),
CChar(self & 0xFF),
return String.fromCString(cString)
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