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Created April 1, 2014 00:28
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// A Promise is an object that represents a task with two possible outcomes (success or failure) and holds callbacks that fire
// when one outcome or the other has occurred.
// But the biggest advantage of using Promises is that you can easily derive new Promises from existing ones.
// You might ask two Promises representing parallel tasks to give you a Promise that will inform you of their mutual completion.
// Or you might ask a Promise representing the first task in a series to give you a Promise representing the final task in
// the series.
// Without Promises
$.get('/mydata', {
success: onSuccess,
failure: onFailure,
always: onAlways
// With Promises
var gettingData = $.get('/mydata');
//One task, one callback.
var gettingData = $.get('/mydata');
// A Promise is either fulfilled or rejected; jQuery uses resolved and rejected
// Deferreds
// A Deferred is a Promise! More precisely, it’s a superset of Promise with one critical addition:
// You can trigger a Deferred directly. A pure Promise only lets you add more callbacks;
// someone else has to trigger them.
// In other words, you can not resolve a promise, you can only add callbacks to it!
// If you need to control when a promise is resolved or rejected, use a Deferred.
// You can get a promise from a deferred.
// Example
var doSomething = function() {
var deferred = new $.Deferred();
reallyDoSomething(function(err, result) {
if (err) deferred.reject();
return deferred.promise();
// usage
var doingSomething = doSomething();
// jQuery ajax requests all return promises since jQuery 1.5
// To reiterate: Every Deferred has a single Promise, and every Promise represents a Deferred.
// Ultimately, every Promise is either resolved(fulfilled) or rejected.
// Mainly, because programmers thrive on binary
// We know exactly how to put 1s and 0s together to perform astounding feats of logic.
// That’s a big reason why Promises are so powerful: Promises let us see concurrent tasks as booleans.
// When multiple Promises complete
var gettingDataSetOne = $.get('/dataset1');
var gettingDataSetTwo = $.get('/dataset2');
$.when(gettingDataSetOne, gettingDataSetTwo).done(onBothDone);
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