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Created November 29, 2011 23:59
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Save patrickmmartin/1407251 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
a little script I wrote to demo who simple branching in SVN can be, and how scriptable it is
@echo off
:: some macros to improve legibility
set CHECK_DELETE= || ( echo deletion failed - exiting & exit /b )
set CHECK_CREATE= || ( echo creation failed - exiting & exit /b )
set CHECK_COMMIT= || ( echo commit failed - exiting & exit /b )
set CHECK_READ= || ( echo read failed - exiting & exit /b )
set CHECK_RENAME= || ( echo rename failed - exiting & exit /b )
:: clean up
if exist ScratchRepo ( ( echo prior repo - deleting & rmdir /s /q ScratchRepo)
if exist trunk ( echo prior checkout exists - deleting & rmdir /s /q trunk)
if exist testbranch ( echo prior checkout exists - deleting & rmdir /s /q testbranch)
:: init from scratch
( echo creating scratch repo & svnadmin create ScratchRepo
:: generate the URL style REPO url
set REPO_URL=file:///%CD:\=/%/ScratchRepo
echo setting up example project in repository
echo this is the very first commit to this location > scratch.txt
( svn mkdir %REPO_URL%/trunk -m"creating trunk" --username Admin 1>nul
( svn mkdir %REPO_URL%/branches -m"creating branches" --username Admin 1>nul
( svn import scratch.txt %REPO_URL%/trunk/scratch.txt -m"initial revision" --username Admin 1>nul
echo checking out trunk
( svn co %REPO_URL%/trunk trunk 1> nul
echo modifying trunk
echo some changes to this file > trunk\scratch.txt
echo copying trunk to branches/testbranch
( svn copy %REPO_URL%/trunk %REPO_URL%/branches/testbranch -m"copying trunk" --username Admin 1>nul
echo switching WC to branches/testbranch
( svn switch %REPO_URL%/branches/testbranch trunk 1>nul
ren trunk testbranch %CHECK_RENAME%
echo committing change to branches/testbranch
( svn commit testbranch -m"committing modifications" --username Admin 1>nul
echo checking out a clean trunk
( svn co %REPO_URL%/trunk trunk 1> nul
echo merging testbranch back into clean trunk
svn merge %REPO_URL%/branches/testbranch trunk > nul
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The how

Run it on Windows in a command shell

the output on the first run will be

creating scratch repo
setting up example project in repository
checking out trunk
modifying trunk
copying trunk to branches/testbranch
switching WC to branches/testbranch
committing change to branches/testbranch
checking out a clean trunk
merging testbranch back into clean trunk

The result

this script creates a scratch and some branches and demonstrated a merge
the end result is a modified checkout, ready for review and commit to trunk

The point

Demonstrate branching and scripting some techniques that are useful with SVN

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