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Created March 25, 2022 13:43
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from casadi import MX, SX, DM, Function, nlpsol
from casadi import vertcat, dot, Sparsity, transpose, mac
import numpy as np
#-----------economic parameters
#-----------basic economic parameters
NREG = 3 # number of regions
NSEC = 1 # number of sectors
PHZN = NTIM = LFWD = 10 # look-forward parameter / planning horizon (Delta_s)
NITR = LPTH = 10 # path length: number of random steps along given path
NPTH = 1 # number of paths (in basic example Tstar + 1)
BETA = 97e-2 # discount factor
ZETA0 = 1 # output multiplier in status quo state 0
ZETA1 = 95e-2 # output multiplier in tipped state 1
PHIA = 5e-1 # adjustment cost multiplier
PHIK = 33e-2 # weight of capital in production # alpha in CJ
TPT = 1e-2 # transition probability of tipping (from state 0 to 1)
GAMMA = 5e-1 # power utility exponent
DELTA = 25e-3 # depreciation rate
ETA = 5e-1 # Frisch elasticity of labour supply
RHO = DM.ones(NREG) # regional weights (population)
TCS = 75e-2 # Tail Consumption Share
#-----------suppressed basic parameters
#PHIM = 5e-1 # weight of intermediate inputs in production
#XI = np.ones(NRxS) * 1 / NRxS # importance of kapital input to another
#MU = np.ones(NRxS) * 1 / NRxS # importance of one sector to another
#-----------derived economic parameters
#NCTT = LFWD # may add more eg. electricity markets are specific
GAMMA_HAT = 1 - 1 / GAMMA # utility parameter (consumption denominator)
ETA_HAT = 1 + 1 / ETA # utility parameter
PHIL = 1 - PHIK # labour's importance in production
DPT = (1 - (1 - DELTA) * BETA) / (PHIK * BETA) # deterministic prod trend
RWU = (1 - PHIK) * DPT * (DPT - DELTA) ** (-1 / GAMMA) # Rel Weight in Utility
d_dim = {
"con": 1,
'kap': 1,
"knx": 1,
"lab": 1,
'sav': 1,
NPOL = len(d_dim) # number of policy types: con, lab, knx, #itm
NVAR = NPOL * NTIM * NREG * NSEC # total number of variables
X0 = DM.ones(NVAR) # our initial warm start
#-----------some efficient matrices for constructing constraints, shocks, etc.
#-----------market clearing matrix
b = np.kron(np.arange(NSxT, dtype=np.uint8), np.ones(NREG, dtype=np.uint8))
s = Sparsity(NSxT, NRxSxT, range(NRxSxT + 1), b)
#-----------shock matrix (for the case with uniform shocks across reg)
SHK_MATRIX = DM(transpose(s))
#-----------suppressed derived economic parameters
#--GAMS: k0(j) = exp(log(kmin) + (log(kmax)-log(kmin))*(ord(j)-1)/(card(j)-1));
#IVAR = np.arange(0,NVAR) # index set (as np.array) for all variables
#for j in range(n_agt):
# KAP0[j] = np.exp(
# np.log(kap_L) + (np.log(kap_U) - np.log(kap_L)) * j / (n_agt - 1)
# )
#-----------initial kapital: a casadi parameter
KAP0 = dict()
KAP0[0] = 3 * DM.ones(NRxS) # initial kapital (at t=0)
#-----------extend with zeros to a vector of length NRxSxT:
sk = Sparsity(NRxSxT, NREG, range(NREG + 1), range(NREG))
KAP0[0] = MX(KAP0_MATRIX @ KAP0[0])
#-----------uncertainty: a casadi parameter
#-----------probabity of no tip by time t as a pure function
#-----------requires: "import economic_parameters as par"
def prob_no_tip(
tim, # time step along a path
tpt=TPT, # transition probability of tipping
return (1 - tpt) ** tim
#-----------prob no tip as a vec of parameters
PNT = DM.ones(LPTH)
for t in range(LPTH):
PNT[t] = prob_no_tip(t)
#-----------expected shock
def E_zeta(
zeta=ZETA, pnot=prob_no_tip,
val = zeta[1] + pnot(t) * (zeta[0] - zeta[1])
return val
E_ZETA = DM.ones(LFWD)
for t in range(LFWD):
E_ZETA[t] = E_zeta(t)
#-----------if t were a variable, then, for casadi, we could do:
#t = c.MX.sym('t')
#pnt = c.Function('cpnt', [t], [prob_no_tip(t)], ['t'], ['p0'])
#PNT = # row vector
#-----------For every look-forward, initial kapital is a parameter.
#-----------To speed things up, we feed it in in CasADi-symbolic form:
spar_KAP0 = Sparsity(NRxSxT, 1, [0, NRxS], range(NRxS))
par_kap = MX.sym('kap0', spar_KAP0)
par_zet = MX.sym('zet', NRxSxT)
v_par = vertcat(
l_par = [
d_par = {
'kap' : par_kap,
'zet' : par_zet
#-----------variables: these are symbolic expressions of casadi type MX or SX
var_con = MX.sym('con', NRxSxT)
var_kap = MX.sym('kap', NRxSxT)
var_knx = MX.sym('knx', NRxSxT)
var_lab = MX.sym('lab', NRxSxT)
var_sav = MX.sym('sav', NRxSxT)
v_var = vertcat(var_con, var_kap, var_knx, var_lab, var_sav)
l_var = [var_con, var_kap, var_knx, var_lab, var_sav]
d_var = {'con' : var_con,
'kap' : var_kap,
'knx' : var_knx,
'lab' : var_lab,
'sav' : var_sav}
v_var_par = vertcat(v_var, v_par)
l_var_par = [var_con,
d_var_par = d_var | d_par
#-----------structure of x using latex notation:
#---x = [
# x_{p0, t0, r0, s0}, x_{p0, t0, r0, s1}, x_{p0, t0, r0, s2},
# x_{p0, t0, r1, s0}, x_{p0, t0, r1, s1}, x_{p0, t0, r1, s2},
# x_{p0, t1, r0, s0}, x_{p0, t1, r0, s1}, x_{p0, t1, r0, s2},
# x_{p0, t1, r1, s0}, x_{p0, t1, r1, s1}, x_{p0, t1, r1, s2},
# x_{p1, t0, r0, s0}, x_{p1, t0, r0, s1}, x_{p0, t0, r0, s2},
# x_{p1, t0, r1, s0}, x_{p1, t0, r1, s1}, x_{p0, t0, r1, s2},
# x_{p1, t1, r0, s0}, x_{p1, t1, r0, s1}, x_{p0, t1, r0, s2},
# x_{p1, t1, r1, s0}, x_{p1, t1, r1, s1}, x_{p0, t1, r1, s2},
# x_{p2, t0, r0, s00}, x_{p2, t0, r0, s01}, x_{p2, t0, r0, s02},
# x_{p2, t0, r0, s10}, x_{p2, t0, r0, s11}, x_{p2, t0, r0, s12},
# x_{p2, t0, r0, s20}, x_{p2, t0, r0, s21}, x_{p2, t0, r0, s22},
# x_{p2, t0, r1, s00}, x_{p2, t0, r1, s01}, x_{p2, t0, r1, s02},
# x_{p2, t0, r1, s10}, x_{p2, t0, r1, s11}, x_{p2, t0, r1, s12},
# x_{p2, t0, r1, s20}, x_{p2, t0, r1, s21}, x_{p2, t0, r1, s22},
# x_{p2, t1, r0, s00}, x_{p2, t1, r0, s01}, x_{p2, t1, r0, s02},
# x_{p2, t1, r0, s10}, x_{p2, t1, r0, s11}, x_{p2, t1, r0, s12},
# x_{p2, t1, r0, s20}, x_{p2, t1, r0, s21}, x_{p2, t1, r0, s22},
# x_{p2, t1, r1, s00}, x_{p2, t1, r1, s01}, x_{p2, t1, r1, s02},
# x_{p2, t1, r1, s10}, x_{p2, t1, r1, s11}, x_{p2, t1, r1, s12},
# x_{p2, t1, r1, s20}, x_{p2, t1, r1, s21}, x_{p2, t1, r1, s22},
# x_{p3, t0, r0, s00}, x_{p3, t0, r0, s01}, x_{p3, t0, r0, s02},
# x_{p3, t0, r0, s10}, x_{p3, t0, r0, s11}, x_{p3, t0, r0, s12},
# x_{p3, t0, r0, s20}, x_{p3, t0, r0, s21}, x_{p3, t0, r0, s22},
# x_{p3, t0, r1, s00}, x_{p3, t0, r1, s01}, x_{p3, t0, r1, s02},
# x_{p3, t0, r1, s10}, x_{p3, t0, r1, s11}, x_{p3, t0, r1, s12},
# x_{p3, t0, r1, s20}, x_{p3, t0, r1, s21}, x_{p3, t0, r1, s22},
# x_{p3, t1, r0, s00}, x_{p3, t1, r0, s01}, x_{p3, t1, r0, s02},
# x_{p3, t1, r0, s10}, x_{p3, t1, r0, s11}, x_{p3, t1, r0, s12},
# x_{p3, t1, r0, s20}, x_{p3, t1, r0, s21}, x_{p3, t1, r0, s22},
# x_{p3, t1, r1, s00}, x_{p3, t1, r1, s01}, x_{p3, t1, r1, s02},
# x_{p3, t1, r1, s10}, x_{p3, t1, r1, s11}, x_{p3, t1, r1, s12},
# x_{p3, t1, r1, s20}, x_{p3, t1, r1, s21}, x_{p3, t1, r1, s22},
# ]
#-----------dimensions for each pol var: 0 : scalar; 1 : vector; 2 : matrix
i_pol = {
"con": 0,
'kap': 1,
"knx": 2,
"lab": 3,
'sav': 4,
i_reg = {
"aus": 0,
"qld": 1,
"wld": 2,
i_sec = {
"agri": 0, # agriculture
"fori": 1, # forestry
#"ming": 2, # mining
#"manu": 3, # manufacturing
#"util": 4, # utilities
#"cnst": 5, # construction
#"coms": 6, # commercial services
#"tpts": 7, # transport
#"hhld": 8, # residential/household
# Warm start
pol_S = {
"con": 4,
"lab": 1,
"knx": KAP0,
"sav": 2,
#"out": 6,
# "itm": 10,
# "ITM": 10,
# "SAV": 10,
#"utl": 1,
# "val": -300,
#-----------dicts of index lists for locating variables in x:
#-------Dict for locating every variable for a given policy
d_pol_ind_x = dict()
for pk in i_pol.keys():
p = i_pol[pk]
dim = d_dim[pk]
stride = NTIM * NREG * NSEC ** dim
start = p * stride
end = start + stride
d_pol_ind_x[pk] = range(NVAR)[start : end : 1]
#-------Dict for locating every variable at a given time
d_tim_ind_x = dict()
for t in range(NTIM):
indlist = []
for pk in i_pol.keys():
p = i_pol[pk]
dim = d_dim[pk]
stride = NREG * NSEC ** dim
start = (p * NTIM + t) * stride
end = start + stride
indlist.extend(range(NVAR)[start : end : 1])
d_tim_ind_x[t] = indlist
def s_tim(
dim = 1 #= 2 for 2-d variables
lpol_t = nreg * nsec ** dim #length of pol at time t
val = slice(int(tim_key) * lpol_t, (int(tim_key) + 1) * lpol_t, 1)
return val
def f_eval(
dim = 1 #= 2 for 2-d variables
lpol_t = nreg * nsec ** dim #length of pol at time t
val = vec[slice(int(tim_key) * lpol_t, (int(tim_key) + 1) * lpol_t, 1)]
return val
#d_eval = dict()
#for t in range(NTIM):
# indlist = []
# d = d_dim[pol_key]
# stride = NREG * NSEC ** d
# start = t * stride
# end = start + stride
# indlist += range(NVAR)[start : end : 1]
# d_eval[t] = sorted(indlist))
#val = d_eval[tim_key]
#-----------the final one can be done with a slicer with stride NSEC ** d_dim
#-------Dict for locating every variable in a given region
d_reg_ind_x = dict()
for rk in i_reg.keys():
r = i_reg[rk]
indlist = []
for t in range(NTIM):
for pk in i_pol.keys():
p = i_pol[pk]
d = d_dim[pk]
stride = NSEC ** d
start = (p * NTIM * NREG + t * NREG + r) * stride
end = start + stride
indlist += range(NVAR)[start : end : 1]
d_reg_ind_x[rk] = indlist
def reg_ind_pol(
d_reg_ind_pol = dict()
dim = d_dim[pol_key]
for rk in i_reg.keys():
r = i_reg[rk]
indlist = []
for t in range(ntim):
stride = nsec ** dim
start = (t * nreg + r) * stride
end = start + stride
indlist += range(nvar)[start : end : 1]
d_reg_ind_pol[rk] = indlist
val = np.array(d_reg_ind_pol[reg_key])
return val
#-------Dict for locating every variable in a given sector
d_sec_ind_x = dict()
for sk in i_sec.keys(): #comment
s = i_sec[sk]
indlist = []
for rk in i_reg.keys():
r = i_reg[rk]
for t in range(NTIM):
for pk in i_pol.keys():
p = i_pol[pk]
dim = d_dim[pk]
stride = 1
start = (p * NTIM * NREG + t * NREG + r) * NSEC ** dim + s
end = start + stride
indlist += range(NVAR)[start : end : 1]
d_sec_ind_x[sk] = indlist
#-----------union of all the "in_x" dicts: those relating to indices of x
d_ind_x = d_pol_ind_x | d_tim_ind_x | d_reg_ind_x | d_sec_ind_x
d_ind_p = {
'kap' : range(NRxS),
'start' : range(NRxS),
'shock' : range(NRxS, NRxS + NTIM),
for t in range(LFWD):
d_ind_p[t] = [NRxS + t]
#-----------function for returning index subsets of x for a pair of dict keys
def sub_ind_x(
key1, # any key of d_ind_x
key2, # any key of d_ind_x
d=d_ind_x, # dict of index categories: pol, time, sec, reg
val = np.array(list(sorted(set(d[key1]) & set(d[key2]))))
return val
#j_sub_ind_x = jit(sub_ind_x)
# possible alternative: ind(ind(ind(range(len(X0)), key1),key2), key3)
#-----------function for intersecting two lists: returns indices as np.array
#def f_I2L(list1,list2):
# return np.array(list(set(list1) & set(list2)))
#-----------function for returning index subsets of p for a pair of dict keys
def sub_ind_p(
key1, # any key of d_ind_p
key2, # any key of d_ind_p
d=d_ind_p, # dict of index categories: kap and zet
val = np.array(list(sorted(set(d[key1]) & set(d[key2]))))
return val
#-----------alt subindex function
# allows you to take a subset from a set you already have using one key
def subset(
set1, # A set we already have
key, # A key we want to use to subset the data further
d=d_ind_x # combined dict
val = np.array(list(set(set1) & set(d[key])))
return val
#----------- another alt subindex function
# could make the
# allows you to feed a vector of an arbitrary number of keys to get a subset of X
def subset_adapt(
keys, # A vector of all the keys we want to use to subset X, can be any length greater than or equal to 1
d=d_ind_x # combined dict
inds = d[keys[0]] # get our first indices
for i in range(1,len(keys)):
inds = np.array(list(set(inds) & set(d[keys[i]]))) # subset what we already have with the next key we want to subset by
return inds
#-----------economic functions here
#-----------raw functions:
#-----------current kapital
#raw_kap[:NRxS] = 3
#-----------tail consumption and tail labour for the value function
raw_tl_con = TCS * DPT * var_knx[(LFWD - 1) * NREG : LFWD * NREG] ** PHIK
raw_tl_lab = np.ones(NRxS)#var_lab[(LFWD - 1) * NREG : LFWD * NREG]
#raw_obj = (dot(WVEC, utility_vec(var_con, var_lab)) \
# + BETA ** LFWD * instant_utility(raw_tl_con, raw_tl_lab)) / (1 - BETA)
#raw_obj *= 0
#print('raw_obj', raw_obj)
f_raw_adj = Function(
[var_knx, var_kap],
[(PHIA / 2) * var_kap * pow(var_knx / var_kap - 1, 2)],
['knx', 'kap'],
f_raw_out = Function(
[var_lab, var_kap],
[E_ZETA * DPT * pow(var_kap, PHIK) * pow(var_lab, PHIL)],
['lab', 'kap'],
raw_mcl = mac(
f_raw_out(var_lab, var_kap) - var_con - var_sav - f_raw_adj(var_knx, var_kap),
for t in range(LFWD):
net_demand = (f_raw_out(var_lab, var_kap) - var_con - var_sav \
- f_raw_adj(var_knx, var_kap))[t * NRxS : (t + 1) * NRxS]
G.append(dot(net_demand, np.ones(NRxS)))
#raw_mcl = MCL_MATRIX @ (f_raw_out(var_lab) - var_con - var_sav - f_raw_adj(var_knx))
print('raw_mcl:\n', raw_mcl)
#-----------for checking:
#raw_mcl = market_clearing()
raw_dyn = var_knx - (var_sav + (1 - DELTA) * var_kap)
raw_kt0 = var_kap[:NRxS] - par_kap[:NRxS]
raw_ktk = var_kap[NRxS:] - var_knx[:-NRxS]
#-----------dict of arguments for the casadi function nlpsol
nlp = {
'x' : v_var,
'p' : v_par,
#'f' : objective(),
#'g' : constraints(),
#'f' : cas_obj(var_con, var_knx, var_lab),
#-------the following two are seemingly identical:
#'f' : raw_obj,
'g' : vertcat(*G),
#'g' : vertcat(raw_mcl, raw_dyn)
#'g' : vertcat(G, raw_dyn)
#'g' : vertcat(raw_mcl, dynamics(knx=var_knx, sav=var_sav, kap=var_kap)),
#-------the following are seemingly identical:
#'g' : cas_ctt(var_con,
# var_knx,
# var_lab,
# var_sav,
# var_kap,
# par_zet
# ),
#-----------options for the ipopt (the solver) and casadi (the frontend)
ipopt_opts = {
'ipopt.print_level' : 5, #default 5
'ipopt.linear_solver' : 'mumps', #default=Mumps
'ipopt.obj_scaling_factor' : -1.0, #default=1.0
#'ipopt.warm_start_init_point' : 'yes', #default=no
#'ipopt.warm_start_bound_push' : 1e-9,
#'ipopt.warm_start_bound_frac' : 1e-9,
#'ipopt.warm_start_slack_bound_push' : 1e-9,
#'ipopt.warm_start_slack_bound_frac' : 1e-9,
#'ipopt.warm_start_mult_bound_push' : 1e-9,
#'ipopt.fixed_variable_treatment' : 'relax_bounds', #default=
#'ipopt.print_info_string' : 'yes', #default=no
#'ipopt.accept_every_trial_step' : 'no', #default=no
#'ipopt.alpha_for_y' : 'primal', #default=primal, try 'full'?
casadi_opts = {
#'calc_lam_p' : False,
opts = casadi_opts # | ipopt_opts
#-----------when HSL is available, we should also be able to run:
#opts = {"ipopt.linear_solver" : "MA27"}
#opts = {"ipopt.linear_solver" : "MA57"}
#opts = {"ipopt.linear_solver" : "HSL_MA86"}
#opts = {"ipopt.linear_solver" : "HSL_MA97"}
#-----------the following advice comes from
#-----------"when using HSL_MA86 or HSL_MA97 ensure MeTiS ordering is
#-----------compiled into Ipopt to maximize parallelism"
#-----------A casadi function for us to feed in initial conditions and call:
solver = nlpsol('solver', 'bonmin', nlp, opts)
#solver = nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', nlp, opts)
LBX = DM.ones(NVAR) * 1e-6
UBX = DM.ones(NVAR) * 1e+1
LBG = np.zeros(NSxT + NRxSxT + NRxSxT)
UBG = np.zeros(NSxT + NRxSxT + NRxSxT)
#vertcat(DM.zeros(NSxT), DM.ones(NRxSxT) * 1e+1)
#P0 = DM.ones(NRxS + NTIM)
#-----------a function for removing elements from a dict
#def exclude_keys(d, keys):
# return {x: d[x] for x in d if x not in keys}
#-*-*-*-*-*-loop/iteration along path starts here
res = dict()
arg = dict()
for s in range(LPTH):
arg[s] = dict()
arg[s] = {
'lbx' : LBX,
'ubx' : UBX,
'lbg' : LBG,
'ubg' : UBG,
#-------set initial capital and vector of shocks for each plan
if s == 0:
arg[s]['x0'] = X0
P0 = vertcat(
arg[s]['p'] = P0
arg[s]['x0'] = res[s - 1]['x']
KAP0[s] = KAP0_MATRIX @ res[s - 1]['x'][sub_ind_x('knx', 0)]
P = vertcat(KAP0[s], E_ZETA)
arg[s]['p'] = P
arg[s]['lam_g0'] = res[s - 1]['lam_g']
print('Initial kapital at the next step', s, 'is', KAP0[s][range(NRxS)])
#-----------execute solver
res[s] = solver(**arg[s])
#-*-*-*-*-*-loop ends here
#-----------print results
x_sol = dict()
g_sol = dict()
polt_sol = dict()
pol_sol = dict()
for s in range(len(res)):
x_sol[s] = res[s]['x']
g_sol[s] = res[s]['g']
print('constraint values at t=0:\n', g_sol[s][0])
polt_sol[s] = dict()
for pk in d_pol_ind_x.keys():
pol_sol[pk] = dict()
print("the solution for", pk, "at steps", range(len(res)), "along path 0 is\n")
for s in range(len(res)):
polt_sol[s][pk] = x_sol[s][sub_ind_x(pk, s)]
pol_sol[pk][s] = polt_sol[s][pk]
#print('the full dict of results for step', s, 'is\n', res[s])
# print('the vector of variable values for step', s, 'is\n', res[s]['x'])
sol_con = ([pol_sol['con'][i] for i in pol_sol['con'].keys()])
sol_knx = ([pol_sol['knx'][i] for i in pol_sol['knx'].keys()])
sol_lab = ([pol_sol['lab'][i] for i in pol_sol['lab'].keys()])
sol_sav = ([pol_sol['sav'][i] for i in pol_sol['sav'].keys()])
sol_kap = ([KAP0[0][:NREG], sol_knx[:-NREG]])
#sol_out = f_raw_out(lab=sol_lab, kap=sol_kap)
#sol_adj = f_raw_adj(knx=sol_knx, kap=sol_kap)
#sol_out_sec = MCL_MATRIX @ sol_out
#sol_mcl = MCL_MATRIX @ (sol_out - sol_con - sol_sav - sol_adj)
#sol_dyn = np.reshape(, (10, 3))
#print('sol_out_sec:\n', np.transpose(sol_out_sec))
#print('sol_mcl:\n', sol_mcl)
#print('sol_dyn:\n', sol_dyn)
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