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Created April 3, 2015 18:26
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Glass code generation that includes a mapping for Rules field.
<#@ template language="C#" #>
<#@ output encoding="utf-8"#>
<#@ include file="" #>
<#@ include file="" #>
<#@ include file="" #>
<#@ include file="" #>
<#@ assembly name="System.Core.dll" #>
<#@ import namespace="System" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Text" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Linq" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Collections.Generic" #>
<#@ import namespace="HedgehogDevelopment.SitecoreProject.VSIP.CodeGeneration.Models" #>
<#@ parameter name="Model" type="HedgehogDevelopment.SitecoreProject.VSIP.CodeGeneration.Models.SitecoreItem" #>
<#@ parameter name="DefaultNamespace" type="System.String" #>
This TDS Code Generation template is used to generate objects that are compatible with the
Glass Sitecore Mapper that is available @
There are a few things you can put in the 'Custom Data' property of a field in TDS.
To use multiple settings put them in as a querystring (key1=value&key2=value)
Sets a field to be skipped over for code gen
Forces the name of the generated property.
If not specified, then the generated property is the name of the Sitecore field.
If the field stores multiple values, the property name is pluralized.
Sets the return type of the generated property
In the event the type (either specificed or auto mapped) is a generic it will use this generic type. i.e. List<generic>
// we only act on Templates
SitecoreTemplate template = Model as SitecoreTemplate;
if (template == null)
return "";
string Tool = "Team Development for Sitecore -";
string ToolVersion = "1.0";
namespace <#= GetNamespace(DefaultNamespace, template)#>
/// <summary>
/// <#= AsInterfaceName(template.Name) #> Interface
/// <para><#= GetValue(template.SitecoreFields, "__Short description")#></para>
/// <para>Path: <#= template.Path #></para>
/// <para>ID: <#= template.ID.ToString() #></para>
/// </summary>
[SitecoreType(TemplateId=<#= AsInterfaceName(template.Name) #>Constants.TemplateIdString )] //, Cachable = true
public partial interface <#= AsInterfaceName(template.Name) #> : IGlassBase <#=GetObjectInheritanceDefinition(DefaultNamespace, template, true, (string s) => AsInterfaceName(s))#>
<#foreach(SitecoreField field in GetFieldsForTemplate(template, true)){#>
/// <summary>
/// The <#=field.Name#> field.
/// <para><#= GetValue(field.SitecoreFields, "__Short description")#></para>
/// <para>Field Type: <#=field.Type#></para>
/// <para>Field ID: <#=field.ID.ToString()#></para>
/// <para>Custom Data: <#=field.Data#></para>
/// </summary>
<# if (field.Type == "Rich Text") { #>
[SitecoreField(<#= AsInterfaceName(template.Name) #>Constants.<#= GetPropertyName(field) #>FieldName, Setting = SitecoreFieldSettings.RichTextRaw)]
<#=GetGlassFieldType(field)#> <#= GetPropertyName(field) #> {get; set;}
else { #>
[SitecoreField(<#= AsInterfaceName(template.Name) #>Constants.<#= GetPropertyName(field) #>FieldName)]
<#=GetGlassFieldType(field)#> <#= GetPropertyName(field) #> {get; set;}
public static partial class <#= AsInterfaceName(template.Name) #>Constants{
public const string TemplateIdString = "<#= template.ID.ToString() #>";
public static readonly ID TemplateId = new ID(TemplateIdString);
public const string TemplateName = "<#= template.Name #>";
<#foreach(SitecoreField field in GetFieldsForTemplate(template, true)){#>
public static readonly ID <#= GetPropertyName(field) #>FieldId = new ID("<#=field.ID.ToString()#>");
public const string <#= GetPropertyName(field) #>FieldName = "<#=field.Name#>";
// If the name of the template looks like an Interface, then don't generate a class definition
if (!IsInterfaceWord(template.Name)){ #>
/// <summary>
/// <#= AsClassName(template.Name) #>
/// <para><#= GetValue(template.SitecoreFields, "__Short description")#></para>
/// <para>Path: <#= template.Path #></para>
/// <para>ID: <#= template.ID.ToString() #></para>
/// </summary>
[SitecoreType(TemplateId=<#= AsInterfaceName(template.Name) #>Constants.TemplateIdString)] //, Cachable = true
public partial class <#= AsClassName(template.Name) #> : GlassBase, <#=AsInterfaceName(template.Name)#>
<#foreach(SitecoreField field in GetFieldsForTemplate(template, true)){#>
/// <summary>
/// The <#=field.Name#> field.
/// <para><#= GetValue(field.SitecoreFields, "__Short description")#></para>
/// <para>Field Type: <#=field.Type#></para>
/// <para>Field ID: <#=field.ID.ToString()#></para>
/// <para>Custom Data: <#=field.Data#></para>
/// </summary>
<# if (field.Type == "Rich Text") {#>
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("<#=Tool#>", "<#=ToolVersion#>")]
[SitecoreField(<#= AsInterfaceName(template.Name) #>Constants.<#= GetPropertyName(field) #>FieldName, Setting = SitecoreFieldSettings.RichTextRaw)]
public virtual <#=GetGlassFieldType(field)#> <#= GetPropertyName(field) #> {get; set;}
<#} else {#>
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("<#=Tool#>", "<#=ToolVersion#>")]
[SitecoreField(<#= AsInterfaceName(template.Name) #>Constants.<#= GetPropertyName(field) #>FieldName)]
<# if (GetPropertyName(field) != "Name") {#>
public virtual <#=GetGlassFieldType(field)#> <#= GetPropertyName(field) #> {get; set;}
public virtual <#=GetGlassFieldType(field)#> <#= GetPropertyName(field) #>Field {get; set;}
/// <summary>
/// Gets the inheritance string for the generated template
/// </summary>
/// <param name="defaultNamespace">The default namespace.</param>
/// <param name="template">The template to get the bases for.</param>
/// <param name="nameFunc">The function to run the base templates names through.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string GetObjectInheritanceDefinition(string defaultNamespace, SitecoreTemplate item, bool includeLeadingComma, Func<string, string> nameFunc)
if (item.BaseTemplates.Count > 0)
return string.Concat(includeLeadingComma ? ", " : "",
.Select( bt => GetFullyQualifiedName(defaultNamespace, bt, nameFunc)) // select the name of the template with an 'I' prefix
.Aggregate( (total,next) => total + ", " + next) // basically a string.join(string[], '')
return "";
public static string GetGlassFieldType(SitecoreField field)
if (field != null && field.Type != null)
// Pull out any 'type' param from the custom data field on the field in TDS
string customType = GetCustomProperty(field.Data, "type");
string generic = GetCustomProperty(field.Data, "generic");
if (customType != "")
if (generic != "")
return string.Format("{0}<{1}>", customType, generic);
return customType;
case "tristate":
return "TriState";
case "checkbox":
return "bool";
case "date":
case "datetime":
return "DateTime";
case "number":
return "float";
case "integer":
return "int";
case "treelist with search":
case "treelist":
case "treelistex":
case "treelist descriptive":
case "checklist":
case "multilist with search":
case "multilist":
return string.Format("IEnumerable<{0}>", string.IsNullOrEmpty(generic) ? "Guid" : generic);
case "grouped droplink":
case "lookup":
case "reference":
case "tree":
return "Guid";
case "droptree":
case "droplink":
return "Guid?";
case "file":
return "File";
case "image":
return "Image";
case "general link":
case "general link with search":
return "Link";
case "password":
case "icon":
case "rich text":
case "html":
case "single-line text":
case "multi-line text":
case "frame":
case "text":
case "memo":
case "droplist":
case "grouped droplist":
case "valuelookup":
case "rules":
return "string";
case "attachment":
case "word document":
return "System.IO.Stream";
case "name lookup value list":
case "name value list":
return "System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection";
return "object /* UNKNOWN */";
throw new Exception("There is no 'Type' field on the " + field.Name + " field.");
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