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Last active January 12, 2024 19:17
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"meta": {
"theme": "kendall"
"basics": {
"name": "Patrick Pierson",
"summary": "Proficient in leading teams in collaborative, high-performing agile environments, focusing on common goals. Extensive expertise in SysOps, DevOps, and cloud platforms, particularly AWS. Skilled in developing, operating, and maintaining full-stack applications and distributed computing frameworks. Deep experience in Continuous Integration/Delivery using GitHub Actions, TeamCity, Docker, Puppet, Salt, CloudFormation, and Python. Military service background in intelligence operations and information technology, offering unique insights into systems, networks, and security to support mission success. Committed to optimizing computer systems and software to achieve greater efficiency and operational capability while reducing the total cost of ownership.",
"email": "",
"location": {
"city": "Frederick, MD",
"countryCode": "US"
"phone": "301-466-7559",
"profiles": [
"network": "GitHub",
"url": "",
"username": "patrickpierson"
"network": "LinkedIn",
"url": "",
"username": "piersonpatrick"
"url": ""
"skills": [
"name": "Languages",
"keywords": [
"name": "Platforms",
"keywords": [
"Amazon Web Services (AWS)",
"AWS Cloud Development Kit",
"name": "CI/CD Tooling",
"keywords": [
"Github Actions",
"AWS Codepipeline",
"work": [
"name": "Defense Prime, Inc",
"position": "Infrastructure Engineering",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2023-10",
"endDate": "2024-01",
"highlights": [
"Created detailed documentation outlining the process of setting up and managing infrastructure using IaC tools like Terraform or CloudFormation. This documentation ensures that team members can easily replicate environments, fostering consistency and scalability",
"Developed comprehensive documentation for CI/CD pipelines, detailing the steps involved in automated testing and deployment. This documentation serves as a reference for team members, enabling them to understand and contribute to the continuous integration and deployment processes",
"Documented the procedures for setting up and maintaining monitoring and logging systems. Clearly outline how to configure tools like Prometheus, Grafana, and ELK stack to monitor system performance, detect errors, and analyze trends",
"Create thorough documentation on security best practices, covering measures such as vulnerability scanning, access controls, and encryption. This documentation acts as a guide for the team to implement and maintain security measures throughout the development and deployment lifecycle"
"name": "IronNet Cybersecurity",
"position": "Director of Infrastructure Engineering",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2018-06",
"endDate": "2023-10",
"highlights": [
"Championed a transformative initiative that yielded substantial multi-million-dollar cost savings for the organization's flagship product, driving financial efficiency and competitiveness",
"Delivered consistent enhancements in the spin-up time of the company's core product, resulting in an improved and more responsive customer experience, ultimately boosting satisfaction and loyalty",
"Empowered cross-functional teams in Production Operations and Cloud Infrastructure to become industry-leading experts in AWS and Kubernetes, fostering innovation and excellence in cloud technology management",
"Assumed ownership and adeptly managed a multi-tenant ElasticSearch/OpenSearch platform, strategically deployed across multiple global regions to cater to our diverse customer base, reinforcing our commitment to worldwide accessibility",
"Led pivotal Health and Monitoring initiatives, covering all customer segments, ensuring the reliability and optimal performance of a product that serves as the backbone of our organization's success",
"Established and guided a dynamic, high-performing Cloud Infrastructure team composed of thirteen dedicated members, driving efficiency and excellence in cloud-related endeavors while fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation",
"Successfully deployed and managed hundreds of Kubernetes clusters, ensuring their stability, scalability, and security to support mission-critical applications and services"
"name": "Selection Pressure / Ion Channel",
"position": "Senior DevOps Engineer",
"startDate": "2016-01",
"endDate": "2018-06",
"highlights": [
"Architected and developed a robust continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline, facilitating seamless deployments to AWS's Elastic Container Service (ECS). This pipeline streamlined the development and release process, ensuring efficient and reliable application delivery",
"Authored PyIonic, a Python library, now listed on PyPi, which empowers Python users of Ion Channel to effortlessly access the API through user-friendly Python functions. This library enhanced accessibility and usability, simplifying interactions with Ion Channel services",
"Engineered a sophisticated notification and reporting engine using Python and leveraged AWS's ECS on Fargate to deploy the service to production. This solution provided real-time notifications and reporting capabilities, contributing to data-driven decision-making",
"Designed an innovative serverless testing environment process by combining Python, Selenium, ECS, and Lambda. This solution enabled automatic notifications when systems deviated from normal operations, improving system reliability and responsiveness",
"Led the design and implementation of new AWS environments for development, testing, and production. Leveraged Troposphere to generate CloudFormation templates, streamlining the setup and management of AWS infrastructure, and ensuring consistency across environments"
"name": "Berico Technologies",
"position": "Principal Systems Engineer",
"startDate": "2013-02",
"endDate": "2015-12",
"highlights": [
"Directed all AWS utilization, demonstrating expertise in managing AWS services to support SysOps/DevOps operations effectively. This included proficiently managing services like EC2 and others to optimize system performance and scalability",
"Developed and authored Salt configuration scripts, enhancing automation for configuring Nagios reporting clients. These scripts streamlined and standardized configuration processes, promoting efficiency in monitoring and reporting",
"Championed the deployment of OpenAudit, a powerful automation tool, for a Government Customer's Data Center. This implementation automated the discovery of machines and network devices, facilitating the retrieval of endpoint configuration details and enabling prompt detection and notifications of any configuration changes",
"Successfully implemented centralized logging through ElasticSearch, LogStash, and Kibana (ELK), transforming data management and analysis capabilities. This centralized system enhanced the organization's ability to collect, analyze, and visualize log data, resulting in improved system monitoring and troubleshooting"
"name": "Sierra Nevada Corporation",
"position": "Field Service Engineer",
"startDate": "2011-06",
"endDate": "2013-02",
"highlights": [
"Delivered prompt and comprehensive computer systems support to field operations, encompassing both Windows and Linux platforms. Leveraged VMWare virtualization to streamline software installations, ensuring operational efficiency and agility",
"Safeguarded and upheld the integrity of enterprise environments by maintaining and fortifying infrastructure, including Dell servers and VMware virtual machines. Ensured that critical systems consistently met security and performance standards",
"Enhanced network reliability and responsiveness by implementing a robust Nagios monitoring system hosted on a virtual Fedora server. This system not only provided real-time network utilization data but also proactively sent notifications in the event of system failures, minimizing downtime",
"Managed and maintained a highly efficient Postfix mail server hosted on a virtual Fedora server, proficiently handling a substantial volume of emails—thousands per month—while ensuring email services remained seamless and reliable",
"Designed, developed, and implemented an open-source trouble ticket system, Open Technology Real Services (OTRS) 3.2. This platform effectively tracked and resolved issues reported by enterprise users, streamlining incident management and enhancing overall system reliability"
"name": "AT&T",
"position": "System Administrator/Telephone Technician",
"startDate": "2009-06",
"endDate": "2011-06",
"highlights": [
"Led a proficient team in orchestrating comprehensive upgrades for thousands of Dell computers within an ambitious four-month timeframe, ensuring optimal performance and productivity across the organization",
"Enhanced the infrastructure of multiple sites, bolstering bandwidth allocation to significantly improve service quality for both customers and equipment, resulting in enhanced operational efficiency and customer satisfaction",
"Demonstrated expertise in the meticulous maintenance and operation of critical infrastructure components, including System Center Configuration Manager and Active Directory servers, as well as the management of Cisco and Foundry networks, ensuring seamless connectivity and robust network performance",
"Played an instrumental role in the strategic management and deployment of advanced VoIP networks, contributing to the modernization of communication systems and enabling more efficient and cost-effective voice services for the organization"
"name": "U.S. Army / U.S. Army Reserves",
"position": "Counterintelligence Agent",
"startDate": "2006-01",
"endDate": "2012-03",
"highlights": [
"Spearheaded vital counterintelligence operations in Iraq, conducting threat assessments, identifying potential security breaches, and implementing measures to safeguard sensitive information and personnel",
"Expertly collected, assessed, and analyzed intelligence from various sources to provide critical insights into adversary activities, facilitating informed decision-making by military leaders",
"Conducted thorough investigations and interviews to uncover security threats and insider risks, ensuring the safety and security of military assets and operations",
"Delivered comprehensive security briefings to military personnel, fostering awareness of potential threats and the importance of counterintelligence measures, contributing to a heightened security posture",
"Collaborated seamlessly with other U.S. and coalition intelligence agencies, sharing information and intelligence, and contributing to the overall intelligence picture in the region"
"volunteer": [
"organization": "Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 3285",
"position": "Chairperson, New Building Committee",
"startDate": "2022-04",
"summary": "Led and guided the efforts of the New Building Committee, overseeing the planning and construction of a new facility to enhance VFW Post 3285's capabilities",
"highlights": [
"Strategic Planning: Developed a comprehensive strategic plan for the construction of the new facility, outlining project objectives, timelines, and resource allocation",
"Budget Management: Effectively managed the budget for the new building project, ensuring cost-efficient allocation of funds and adherence to financial targets",
"Collaboration and Stakeholder Engagement: Fostered strong relationships with committee members, contractors, local authorities, and community stakeholders, facilitating smooth project execution",
"Regulatory Compliance: Ensured that all construction activities complied with local building codes, regulations, and safety standards, mitigating potential risks and delays",
"Committee Leadership: Orchestrated a 26-person committee, providing effective leadership, coordination, and administration throughout the planning and construction phases of the new facility, ensuring its successful completion and alignment with Post 3285's objectives and community needs"
"organization": "Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 3285",
"position": "Commander",
"startDate": "2020-06",
"endDate": "2021-06",
"summary": "Led and represented the VFW Post 3285, advancing its mission and serving the needs of veterans and their communities",
"highlights": [
"Organizational Leadership: Provided visionary leadership to the VFW Post, overseeing all aspects of its operations, activities, and programs",
"Membership Growth: Implemented successful membership recruitment and retention strategies, expanding the Post's membership base and ensuring a vibrant community of veterans",
"Community Engagement: Forged strong connections with the local community through outreach programs, partnerships, and charitable endeavors, enhancing the Post's positive impact",
"Veteran Advocacy: Advocated vigorously for veterans' rights and benefits, working closely with local and national authorities to effect positive policy changes",
"Fundraising and Support: Orchestrated fundraising initiatives and events, generating funds to support veterans in need and contribute to the overall well-being of the veteran community"
"organization": "Veterans of Foreign Wars, District 7",
"position": "Sr. Vice Commander",
"startDate": "2023-06",
"summary": "Demonstrated exceptional leadership in overseeing the activities and initiatives of the VFW at the district level, promoting the welfare of veterans and their communities",
"highlights": [
"Strategic Leadership: Provided strategic direction and guidance to district leadership, ensuring effective coordination of VFW programs and objectives",
"Membership Growth and Retention: Spearheaded efforts to increase VFW membership by implementing targeted recruitment strategies and enhancing engagement to retain existing members",
"Community Engagement: Actively engaged with local communities through outreach programs, partnerships, and charitable initiatives, fostering a positive image of the VFW and supporting veterans and their families",
"Advocacy and Legislation: Advocated for veterans' rights and benefits by collaborating with local, state, and national authorities, influencing policy changes to improve veterans' lives",
"Veteran Support: Supported veterans in need, connecting them with essential resources, services, and assistance programs while maintaining strong camaraderie among VFW members"
"organization": "Veterans of Foreign Wars, District 7",
"position": "Jr. Vice Commander",
"startDate": "2022-06",
"endDate": "2023-06",
"summary": "Played a pivotal role in supporting and advancing the mission of the VFW within District 7, serving veterans and their communities",
"highlights": [
"Leadership and Advocacy: Provided strong leadership in representing the interests and concerns of veterans, advocating for their rights and benefits at the district level",
"Membership Growth: Actively engaged in recruiting and retaining VFW members, implementing strategies to increase membership, and ensuring a vibrant and active community of veterans",
"Community Outreach: Organized and participated in various community outreach programs, demonstrating the VFW's commitment to supporting veterans and their families",
"Fundraising and Event Coordination: Collaborated in planning and executing fundraising events, ceremonies, and memorial services to honor veterans and raise funds for charitable initiatives",
"Veteran Assistance: Worked closely with veterans in need, connecting them with resources and assistance programs while fostering camaraderie and support among VFW members"
"organization": "TechFrederick",
"position": "Advisory Board Member",
"startDate": "2017",
"summary": "Provide strategic guidance and advisory support to TechFrederick's Executive Board, contributing to the organization's mission and growth",
"highlights": [
"Strategic Guidance: Offer insights and strategic advice, enabling informed decision-making for TechFrederick's mission and objectives",
"Industry Expertise: Leverage deep knowledge of the technology and innovation sector to identify trends, opportunities, and challenges",
"Networking and Partnerships: Foster connections and partnerships within the tech community, facilitating collaborations for mutual benefit",
"Governance and Compliance: Advise on governance best practices, ensuring ethical and compliant operations",
"Advocacy and Promotion: Act as an enthusiastic advocate for TechFrederick, promoting its mission and initiatives to diverse stakeholders"
"organization": "Amazon Web Services Frederick Meetup Group",
"position": "Founder and Organizer",
"startDate": "2016",
"summary": "Founded and led the AWS Frederick Meetup Group, fostering knowledge sharing and community engagement in cloud technology",
"highlights": [
"Community Building: Established and cultivated a thriving community of cloud enthusiasts and AWS professionals in the Frederick area, facilitating networking and knowledge exchange",
"Event Coordination: Organized and hosted regular meetups, workshops, and webinars, featuring industry experts and AWS practitioners, covering a wide range of cloud-related topics",
"Knowledge Dissemination: Facilitated discussions and presentations on AWS best practices, case studies, and emerging cloud technologies, contributing to attendees' professional growth",
"Networking Opportunities: Provided a platform for members to connect with peers, share experiences, and explore collaboration opportunities, enhancing their involvement in the cloud community",
"Continuous Growth: Sustained and expanded the group's membership, ensuring its relevance and impact in the local tech ecosystem while fostering a collaborative atmosphere"
"organization": "Python Frederick Meetup Group",
"position": "Co-Organizer",
"startDate": "2015",
"summary": "Collaborated in the management and growth of the Python Frederick Meetup Group, promoting Python programming skills and fostering a vibrant local Python community",
"highlights": [
"Event Coordination: Assisted in planning, coordinating, and hosting regular Python meetups, workshops, and events, providing valuable learning opportunities for members",
"Community Engagement: Actively engaged with members, addressing inquiries, and encouraging participation in discussions, coding challenges, and knowledge-sharing activities",
"Educational Content: Collaborated with fellow organizers to curate and deliver diverse Python-related content, including tutorials, presentations, and hands-on coding sessions",
"Speaker Recruitment: Involved in identifying and inviting guest speakers, experts, and Python enthusiasts to share insights and expertise, enriching the group's educational offerings",
"Growth and Outreach: Contributed to the expansion of the Python Frederick community by promoting the group through social media, local tech networks, and tech-related events, attracting new members and increasing visibility"
"education": [
"area": "Counterintelligence",
"studyType": "Advanced Individual Training",
"startDate": "2005-06",
"endDate": "2005-12",
"institution": "U.S. Army"
"area": "Intelligence Operations",
"studyType": "Associates",
"startDate": "2005-06",
"endDate": "2006-04",
"institution": "Cochise College"
"projects": [
"name": "ADS-B Data Collection",
"description": "Initiated a visionary project harnessing the capabilities of PyAware and custom Python scripts to capture and aggregate open-source data transmitted by aircraft. This data is subsequently stored and meticulously analyzed in the cloud, culminating in the presentation of compelling and insightful information",
"url": "",
"startDate": "2018-04"
"name": "Get Tested COVID-19",
"description": "Provided a vital resource for users seeking COVID-19 testing centers, positively impacting public health efforts during the pandemic. Designed and implemented a robust and scalable architecture on Amazon ECS, ensuring high availability and load balancing for a seamless user experience",
"url": "",
"startDate": "2020-03",
"endDate": "2022-01"
"name": "VFW Website Template",
"description": "Engineered an efficient template and static site generator pipeline, catering to numerous Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Posts in the vicinity. This cost-effective solution served as a compelling alternative to the National website program, empowering multiple Posts to establish a streamlined and user-friendly online presence",
"url": "",
"startDate": "2018-06",
"endDate": "2023-04"
"name": "",
"description": "This initiative empowered the City of Frederick to direct its residents to a dynamic AWS-hosted webpage, generating real-time map data seamlessly. Leveraging the City's hosted ArcGIS server, this innovative solution not only streamlined access to crucial information but also earned recognition as a distinguished finalist in the prestigious AWS City on the Cloud challenge in 2017",
"url": "",
"startDate": "2017-04",
"endDate": "2018-10"
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