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Last active July 10, 2022 17:22
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Implementation of produce function that supports Maps and Sets
class Draft<T extends object> {
private staged = false;
private committed = false;
private readonly immutable: Readonly<T>;
public readonly mutable: T;
private target: unknown;
protected pool: Pool;
public constructor (immutable: Readonly<T>, mutable: T, target: unknown, pool: Pool) {
this.immutable = immutable;
this.mutable = mutable; = target;
this.pool = pool;
public stage (): void {
this.staged = true;
protected commit (): void { }
public copy (): T {
if (!this.staged) {
return this.immutable;
if (!this.committed) {
this.committed = true;
return this.mutable;
class ArrayDraft<T extends any[]> extends Draft<T> {
protected commit (): void {
for (let i = 0; i < this.mutable.length; ++i) {
this.mutable[i] = this.pool.copyOr(this.mutable[i]);
const move = <T extends Map<any, any> | Set<any>> (original: T): T => {
const Constructor = original.constructor as MapConstructor & SetConstructor;
const copy = new Constructor(original) as T;
return copy;
class MapDraft<T extends Map<any, any>> extends Draft<T> {
protected commit (): void {
for (const [key, value] of move(this.mutable)) {
this.mutable.set(this.pool.copyOr(key), this.pool.copyOr(value));
class SetDraft<T extends Set<any>> extends Draft<T> {
protected commit (): void {
for (const value of move(this.mutable)) {
class ObjectDraft<T extends Object> extends Draft<T> {
protected commit (): void {
for (const key of Object.keys(this.mutable)) {
this.mutable[key] = this.pool.copyOr(this.mutable[key]);
class Handler {
private pool: Pool;
public constructor (pool: Pool) {
this.pool = pool;
public apply (target: object, thisArg: object, args: object[]): unknown {
const mutableThisArg = this.pool.mutableOr(thisArg);
const mutableArgs = => this.pool.mutableOr(arg));
const result = Reflect.apply(target as Function, mutableThisArg, mutableArgs);
switch (target) {
case Map.prototype.clear:
case Map.prototype.delete:
case Map.prototype.set:
case Set.prototype.add:
case Set.prototype.clear:
case Set.prototype.delete:
return this.pool.proxyOr(result);
public defineProperty (): boolean {
return false;
public deleteProperty (target: object, key: string): boolean {
if (!Reflect.deleteProperty(target, key)) {
return false;
return true;
public get (target: object, key: string): unknown {
const value = Reflect.get(target, key);
return this.pool.proxyOr(value, target);
public set (target: object, key: string, value: object): boolean {
const mutable = this.pool.mutableOr(value);
if (!Reflect.set(target, key, mutable)) {
return false;
return true;
class Nullopt { }
class Optional<T = void> {
public static readonly nullopt = new Nullopt();
public static of<U = void> (callback: () => U | Nullopt): Optional<U> {
return new this(callback());
public readonly value: T | Nullopt;
public constructor (value: T | Nullopt) {
this.value = value;
public hasValue (): boolean {
return !(this.value instanceof Nullopt);
public and<U = void> (callback: (value: T) => U | Nullopt): Optional<U> {
if (!this.hasValue()) {
return this as unknown as Optional<U>;
return Optional.of(() => callback(this.value as T));
public or (callback: () => T | Nullopt): Optional<T> {
if (this.hasValue()) {
return this;
return Optional.of(callback);
class Pool {
private static tryGet<T> (key: unknown, map: Map<unknown, T>): Optional<T> {
return Optional.of<T>(() => map.has(key) ? map.get(key)! : Optional.nullopt);
private drafts = new Map<unknown, Draft<any>>();
private revocables = new Map<unknown, { proxy: any, revoke: () => void; }>();
private handler = new Handler(this);
private addProxy<T extends object> (immutable: T, draft: Draft<T>): T {
const { mutable } = draft;
const revocable = Proxy.revocable<T>(mutable, this.handler);
const { proxy } = revocable;
.set(immutable, draft)
.set(mutable, draft)
.set(proxy, draft);
.set(immutable, revocable)
.set(mutable, revocable)
.set(proxy, revocable);
return proxy;
private tryAddProxy<T extends object> (immutable: T, target: unknown): Optional<T> {
return Optional
.of((): [typeof Draft, T] | Nullopt => Array.isArray(immutable) ? [ArrayDraft, [...immutable]] : Optional.nullopt)
.or(() => immutable instanceof Map ? [MapDraft, new Map(immutable)] : Optional.nullopt)
.or(() => immutable instanceof Set ? [SetDraft, new Set(immutable)] : Optional.nullopt)
.or(() => typeof immutable === 'function' ? [Draft, immutable] : Optional.nullopt)
.or(() => typeof immutable === 'object' && immutable !== null ? [ObjectDraft, { ...immutable }] : Optional.nullopt)
.and(([Draft, mutable]) => this.addProxy(immutable, new Draft(immutable, mutable, target, this)));
public proxyOr<T extends object> (immutable: T, target: unknown = null): T {
return Pool.tryGet(immutable, this.revocables)
.and<T>(revocable => revocable.proxy)
.or(() => this.tryAddProxy(immutable, target).value)
.or(() => immutable)
.value as T;
public mutableOr<T extends object> (key: T): T {
return Pool.tryGet(key, this.drafts)
.and(draft => draft.mutable)
.or(() => key)
.value as T;
public tryStage (key: unknown): void {
Pool.tryGet(key as object, this.drafts)
.and(draft => { draft.stage(); });
public copyOr<T extends object> (key: T): T {
return Pool.tryGet(key, this.drafts)
.and(draft => draft.copy())
.or(() => key)
.value as T;
public revoke (): void {
for (const revocable of this.revocables.values()) {
const produce = <T extends object, TArgs extends any[]> (
producer: (previous: T, ...args: TArgs) => void,
) => (previous: T, ...args: TArgs): T => {
const pool = new Pool();
try {
const mutable = pool.proxyOr(previous);
producer(mutable, ...args);
return pool.copyOr(mutable);
} finally {
export default produce;
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