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Created January 18, 2009 18:22
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module Main where
import Data.Array
import Data.Char
import Debug.Trace
import System.IO
type Memory = Array Int Int
changeMemory :: Memory -> Int -> Int -> Memory
changeMemory mem ptr amt = mem // [(ptr, (mem ! ptr) + amt)]
outputByteAt :: Memory -> Int -> IO ()
outputByteAt mem ptr = print (mem ! ptr)
prompt :: IO Char
prompt = do
putStr ">>> "
hFlush stdout
findRightBracket :: Int -> String -> Int
-- TODO: put some error checking all up in this bitch
findRightBracket start str =
case (str !! start) of
']' -> start
otherwise -> findRightBracket (start + 1) str
findLeftBracket :: Int -> String -> Int
findLeftBracket start str =
case (str !! start) of
'[' -> start
otherwise -> findRightBracket (start - 1) str
getInput :: Memory -> Int -> IO Memory
getInput mem ptr = do
input <- prompt
return $ mem // [(ptr, (ord input))]
loop :: String -> Int -> Int -> Memory -> IO ()
loop str instPtr dataPtr mem =
if (length str <= instPtr)
then return () -- Run out of input, exit
else do
let char = str !! instPtr
let next = instPtr + 1
let byte = (mem ! dataPtr)
let recurse = loop str next dataPtr mem
print mem
case char of
-- + increment value at data pointer
'+' -> loop str next dataPtr (changeMemory mem dataPtr 1)
-- - decrement value at data pointer
'-' -> loop str next dataPtr (changeMemory mem dataPtr (-1))
-- > increment data pointer
'>' -> loop str next (dataPtr + 1) mem
-- < decrement data pointer
'<' -> loop str next (dataPtr - 1) mem
-- . output value at data pointer
'.' -> print byte >> loop str next dataPtr mem
-- , get input from console and store it to data pointer
',' -> (getInput mem dataPtr) >>= loop str next dataPtr
-- [ jump to the matching right bracket if the data pointer is nonzero
'[' -> if (byte /= 0) then loop str (findLeftBracket next str) dataPtr mem else recurse
-- ] jump to the matching left bracket if the data pointer is nonzero
']' -> if (byte /= 0) then loop str (findRightBracket (instPtr - 1) str) dataPtr mem else recurse
-- ignore all other input
otherwise -> recurse
main :: IO ()
main = loop ">+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-" 0 0 (array (0, 9) [(i, 0) | i <- [0..9]])
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