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Created September 18, 2018 12:38
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{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, LambdaCase #-}
-- I haven't compiled this and wrote it before any coffee
-- so please don't laugh at me if it doesn't compile lol
module Turtle ( Turtle, left, right, forward, backward) where
import Graphics.Gloss
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Lens
import Data.Fixed (mod')
type Degree = Double
type Length = Double
data Turtle a where
-- These primitives give us a Monad instance, so we can
-- use do-notation and the like.
Pure :: a -> Turtle a
Bind :: Turtle a -> (a -> Turtle b) -> Turtle b
-- These ones are more related to our actual business logic.
-- Part of the challenge and joy of building GADT DSLs is
-- picking only the set of primitives you need, and using
-- those primitives to build up more complex features.
Rotate :: Degree -> Turtle ()
Draw :: Length -> Turtle ()
-- * Boilerplate for Functor and Monad.
instance Functor Turtle where
fmap = liftA -- piggyback off the Applicative instance
instance Applicative Turtle where
pure = Pure
(<*>) = ap -- piggyback off of the Monad instance
instance Monad Turtle where
(>>=) = Bind
-- * Actions bound as primitives.
rotate :: Degree -> Turtle ()
rotate = Rotate
draw :: Degree -> Turtle ()
draw = Draw
-- * Combinator actions derived from primitives.
left, right :: Turtle ()
left = rotate (negate 90)
right = rotate 90
box :: Length -> Turtle ()
box len = replicateM_ 4 $ do
draw len
-- Here's a sample interpreter, compiling to Gloss's Picture type
-- with a state variable to keep track of the turtle's position and
-- facing. Note that we don't track that statefulness in the Turtle
-- DSL itself: that's a feature, not a bug, since it gives us more
-- flexibility in terms of what we interpret to.
data Heading = H { _position :: Point
, _facing :: Degree
, _picture :: Picture
makeLenses ''Heading
initial :: Heading
initial = H (0, 0) 0 mempty
-- Note that this interpreter "shells out" its pure and bind operations
-- to the State monad itself.
compile :: Turtle a -> State Heading a
compile = \case
Pure x -> pure x
Bind x f -> compile x >>= compile . f
Draw len -> do
oldPos@(oldX, oldY) <- use position
(offX, offY) <- (,) <$> uses facing sin <*> uses facing cos
let newPos = (oldX + offX, oldY + offY)
position .= newPos
picture <>= Line [oldPos, newPos]
Rotate ang -> do
old <- use facing
facing .= mod' 360.0 (old + ang)
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